Executive Producers: Vincent O’Sullivan, Michael Baker
Associate Executive Producers: El Joho, Edward Breedhuizen, Thomas Wyler, Lynn Fogwell, Anonymous, Jeremy Ross, MacTank, Richard Bangs, White Hat Jean, Jeffrey Fitch, Gil Freund, Ryan Burgett, Sir Ryno the Bearded, Sir Sean Connelly, Sir Matthew Carey, Murk from Urk, Joseph Braniff, Wesley C Young, Joan d’Audiffret, Dean Chartier
Art By: MartinJJ
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Now Curry has fallen completely in with muslim hating “islamofascist” crowed. Nice job at not being distracted.
You want to look at “infiltration” of the US govt by foreign entities you ought to be looking at AIPAC. What you have is a witch hunt of the dominate ideological force going after their ethnic/ideological enemy. Don’t look at the elephant in the room, or as you’d say “squirrel”.
Shownotes not there but here http://427.nashownotes.com/
I predict next week Adam will be discussing how the Colorado shooter was MKUtraed. Given what the guy was studying, an easy case will be made.
ABC News had the dodgy logic and shill rationale to suggest that parents should attend these movies more often, with their teenage children. To somehow assure and bond with them. WHAT?! Oh yeah, that wasn’t designed to increase box-office receipts. Without thinking it might just increase the loss of life, per family, should it ever happen again. While you’re at it, ABC News, why don’t you recommend that more family members stand under highway bridges, during earthquakes? Or more stand together under trees, during lightning storms? And the next time there’s a tragic loss of life aboard a boat or ship. Why not encourage more families to risk the trip, together? Pile on.
Right now, the mainstream media seems much more worried that this event in Colorado, will severely hurt the box-office ticket sales. So they’re doing their best to “get us over it FAST!” Even going as far as to help promote the movie, in the process of dismissing the shooter as a loner and rogue. Without really knowing that for certain. Apparently, that’s not what they’re thinking in France. Because they closed the theaters there, as a precaution. Though they claimed it was “out of respect for the victims”. Odd that theaters in the US haven’t closed for the same reason. Only beefed up their security. Business as usual.
And it’s interesting how one incident of mass violence, can’t happen again in concert or imitation. But things like an isolated incidence of drug abuse, turn cannibalism. Gets the “epidemic hype” treatment by the media. So they maintain that, the constant pumping of young minds full of violent imagery, can’t possible lead to more real violence. But tolerating any bit of recreational drug use, will subject the nation to a breakdown of civilization. Leading to cannibalism and rape. And whatever bogeyman they can think up. But anything else addictive, like gambling, alcohol, tobacco, that has a strong lobbyist influence in govt. Can’t be equally demonized as ruinous to society.
Not that I encourage illegal drug use. I just feel there’s a double standard, based on how much commercial profits are at stake. Especially, how much body armor and armament this guy was able to purchase and amass, in so little time. And it triggered NO suspicion. Nothing stopped him buying any of it. It seems a bit much for personal protection. Meanwhile farmers have to account for thier chemical fertilizer purchases, because it could be turned into bombs. But outside of the US, customers of major US chemical makers, don’t have to account for the things they order, that often are used to make cocaine. And everyone knows it. Definitely a corporate profit motivated double standard, at work.
Very disappointed by the show. Michele Bachmann is a tool. “Deep penetration” give me a break. Both Adam and John should be ashamed of themselves.
Not only have they (NOAA) changed their tune by calling weather climate. But you hear in the CBS news report that the bogeyman’s title has morphed once again. First it was “Global Warming”, then “Climate Change”, and now they’re saying “Global Climate Change”. I’m waiting for the grand finale of “Global Climate Change Warming”! Or maybe it will be “Man-made GCCW”. Apparently the longer the lie terminology sounds, the more you’re supposed to believe its the truth. Because all tongue twisting terms are “Scientific” and can’t be refuted. Right?
Well I know a non-science word that far longer that anything these A-holes have yet to devise. And it’s “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”. So fear that, as the cause of the end of the world. And it’s no lie because its so long and complicated.
Why MKUltra? Gun control and further additions to the police state.
Would have pointed that out in the chat room but can’t connect.
We’re actually on the same page guys. This is “staged”.