Even Molly Wood makes an appearance.

  1. Ted says:

    Apple has more user friendly boxes… 🙂

  2. ArchtMig says:

    Molly Wood is Lookin’ Good!

  3. deowll says:

    Yep they told her to shape up or ship out. I don’t think her gig will last. It’s the company not her.

    These people don’t carry or keep handy pocket knives or multi-tools. Blah.

  4. duh365 says:

    No one has to worry that their Nexus 7 will fall out of their box. Google should have shipped it with a crowbar.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    How many people have destroyed their phones just trying to unpack them? I’d like to see statistics.

  6. david says:

    was one of the openers used a priests collar… at 1:00 I swear its father nelsons collar

  7. Dan says:

    The world waits for the Nexus 7…..yawn.

  8. John S says:

    OK it took me way less time to open mine? Maybe if they would focus on opening a box then making a stupid video about opening a box it would go better. Do people really watch this stuff?

  9. GregAllen says:

    “Unboxing videos” strike me as consumerist and vacuous.

  10. Anon says:

    I wonder how much cheaper these things would be if there wasn’t so much packaging and other junk like manuals – on a device that’s supposed to be able to view “manuals”!

    I say, slap a cheap-ass plastic/paper/cloth screen saver over the screen and shove it in a padded envelope. I bet that’s how at least half of all the returns will be shipped back.

  11. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    These videos are concentrating to much on the presenter for his/her show.

    It could be done more informatively. Have the camera shoot in a normal perspective and in a more “first-person” style – but not like a first-person shooter video game. The images recorded by the camera are roughly where the viewer would be standing or sitting while watching someone else open the box. Also be prepared with appropriate tools such as an inexpensive hobby knife.

    Observation: I’m surprised that the “shake n’ bake” trick seemed to work.

    Question: Is the final boxing of this product done by robots or people?

  12. MartinJJ says:

    I really don’t understand why all those unboxing videos are so popular these days? Does it make them feel like it’s Xmas or so? I rather see a video with a product in action, so you can decide to buy it or not. Can’t they just sent those crappy gadgets in a bubble wrap envelope again? At least it fits in your mailbox also then.


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