SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) – A man famous for having one of the largest penises on record said he was frisked by TSA agents at San Francisco International Airport after they suspected he was hiding something in his pants, according to his Twitter account.

New York native Jonah Falcon, 41, reported on July 9th that he was returning from a weekend in San Francisco when he was delayed by TSA agents who became curious about the bulge in his pants.

“TSA didn’t know what to make of the massive bulge on my thigh. Even after I went through that body scanner that shows you naked,” Falcon said on his Twitter page.

Which begs the question, why didn’t the naked body scanner detect this when apparently it could be seen from Google Earth?

According to online reports, Falcon’s penis is nearly 10 inches long when flaccid, and more than 13 inches long when erect. Online articles suggest it is the largest ever recorded.

  1. msbpodcast says:

    I might wish that he suggested that if they had any cute female TSA agents, he’d be glad to show her but I suspect that instead he was bent over holding his ankles instead while the TSA agents held him at gun point.

  2. sargasso_c says:

    What I find odd about it is, how do you know he has “the biggest”? Is there a club, a Guinness World Records certificate or some kind of national dong measurement registry?

  3. What? says:

    So this was only an issue in his San Fran leg of the trip?

  4. bobbo, its good to think about things and even to form some recognitions says:

    “Which begs the question, why didn’t the naked body scanner detect this when apparently it could be seen from Google Earth?”/// Ha, ha. Good one. In the alternative, they could have used USPO records to find it had its own zip code?

  5. Da Brad Man says:

    His dick’s so big it has better credit than he does.

  6. Animal Mother says:

    “Water’s cold.”

    “Deep, too.”

  7. orchidcup says: is for sale

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  8. mainecat says:

    Should have wrapped his cucumber in tin foil. Apparently the scanners don’t go to 11.

  9. orchidcup says:

    The TSA released a memo to all security officers today that terrorists are known to conceal plastic explosives inside the urethra of the penis and also inside the scrotum.

    It is imperative that all airport screeners be aware that it is necessary to squeeze the penis of male passengers and look for material that is ejaculated.

    A thorough investigation of the scrotum and testicles is also required. Squeezing the testicles and observing the reaction of the subject will indicate the possible presence of explosives.

    All TSA employees are required to be courteous and professional in performing their duties.

  10. Swatmag says:

    That’s quite enormous.

  11. sheila says:

    sounds like a good publicity to me…..

    the article did not say what he did for a living/???

    wanna guess

    • orchidcup says:

      I would guess the subject in question is a lawyer.

      No doubt he is well equipped to perform his function in society.

    • spsffan says:

      Actually, Sheila,

      If you had bothered to read the article rather than just posting, it says he works as a “gaming journalist” (whatever that is) and actor, with several television and film credits.

      Now, it doesn’t say what kind of acting, but it does mention him being in an HBO program about men with large penises. Hummm. Maybe it IS time to get cable.

  12. Drew says:

    Point of order.

    I am hardly a TSA fan, but the TSA does not man the lanes at SFO. It is one of the few major airports that have awarded a private contract to Covenant Aviation Security, LLC, of Bolingbrook, Ill.

    Next time you are there take a good look at the uniforms. They look like TSA, but you will notice they aren’t.

    Just saying….

    • spsffan says:

      Not that it matters. If they don’t know a 10-13″ wang when they see one, they don’t belong in San Francisco!

  13. Phydeau says:

    I feel sorry for that guy, he’s far too huge for any woman.

  14. He had his Burger King pants on, Home of the Whopper.

  15. Anon says:

    Looks like a good old fashioned cock fight coming…

    You just have to wonder why one group of “dicks” was so interested in the real McCoy, particularly after they saw it in the body scanner.

  16. MartinJJ says:

    Oh my, it must be a penis-bomb implant!

    Checking out all the pics of this guy, he obviously doesn’t mind some free publicity either.

  17. Angel H. Wong says:

    Ladies and gentleman, his penis: (Very, and I mean very NSFW!)

  18. AnonCow says:

    The show to grow ratio is a bit weird though, no?

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