Now that’s the entrepreneurial spirit that made America the country it is today! Read about her here.

Found by Mr. Kevin

  1. I’ll have to laugh if she only receives donations of counterfeit currency. Contributing fake money for fake boobs seems fitting.

  2. Likes2LOL says:

    Anybody (besides me) ever notice that women almost always refer to their breasts as “boobs” whereas the word “tits” is mostly used only by guys? Just wondering…

    • What? says:

      That is because “tits” is considered a vulgar term.

      You sir need a dictionary of vulgar terms in order that you know how not to embarrass yourself in polite company.

      However, that you’ve never experienced polite company until now, you probably need not bother.

    • mharry says:

      I don’t know about that, my wife definitely has boobs, that’s one of the reasons I married her. Yes, I was that shallow 23 years ago, tits has always meant something smaller to me.

  3. hallelujah says:

    if she sells the bike she would have most of the money, and get a f’ing job

  4. McCullough says:

    What a moron. But it’s equally disturbing that you have to pay a tax to be a bum.

    Fuckers will tax anything that ain’t nailed down.

  5. orchidcup says:

    I put a stuffed sock in my pants and my self esteem skyrocketed.

  6. McCullough says:

    This should be paid for by the gov’t. After all it’s a self-esteem issue. She just needs to wait a year or two.

    I have no problem kicking in a few bucks for her new tits.

  7. Phydeau says:

    Aw man… silicon parts are for toys!

    And more than a handful’s a waste… she has a nice little set there.

    • mharry says:

      Silicone, sorry I had too. Yeah, she does have a nice little set, emphasis on little.

    • mharry says:

      Ooops, forgot to mention the obvious, that if they are capable of being pushed together they have another, fun and useful feature.

  8. Mr Diesel says:

    I thought the article was about raising money for Obama/Biden.

  9. deowll says:

    This may be very odd but I realized some years ago that as far as I’m concerned if I don’t think they are the real thing they might as well be water balloons or kick balls. In other words to me she is hotter as she is than with implants.

    • blatherer says:

      THAT’S what I was trying to say, but I’m not very articulate today!

  10. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Hey, I’m a boob. Where’s my money?

  11. blatherer says:

    I don’t much care how small a set of boobs is, I’m not interested in fake boobed babes.

    Natural or look some more.

  12. jpfitz says:

    Nothing wrong with the set mother nature gave her. I like all sizes, as long as they are real. What do you bet that if she does get implants and when father time has his way she’ll regret those silicone knee knockers.


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