More like this please….intelligent, respectful, a public servant.
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>>It‘s quiet in here! Why not leave a response?
Probably because this gang of cop-bashers is in shock….
Truth is that most LEO’s are afraid of the rest of the citizenry. Not in the physical sense, but in the sense of getting misinterpreted, and the result posted. Time was, it was a phone call to the Mayor, but today it’s the viral video….
LEO’s tend to stick together, and not talk to anybody else…. A genuine “how does that work?”, though, may be properly interpreted, and a good Officer will explain it, if you’re lucky…. A non-confrontational conversation seems to be rare, but you never know….
Most LEO’s are normal people…. Just keeping up a mask for their own protection. As long as the conversation isn’t heading into the “fix my ticket” arena, or the Officer isn’t assuming that you’re trying to get into him to avoid a ticket, it might go well. Might surprise you, too….
More officer’s like this and their job would be easier when involving the average citizen and their public image would be a lot better.
More like this please….intelligent, respectful CITIZEN.
Respect goes both ways 🙂
Wow! I am from this area and this guy has to be the nicest police officer I have ever seen.
Try explaining the infected puncture wounds, bite marks, razor cuts, bruises, fractures, piercing stab wounds and gun shot concussions to a young wife and kids each weekend. It gets tired.
Isn’t it sad that we have regressed to the point that a police officer is now considered to deserve kudos merely for acting like a decent human being a treating a member of the public that they are sworn to protect and serve in exactly the way they should be treated?
NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!! Someone is caught on video doing their job.
story @ 11
Yup it’s come to this. I often find myself telling a friend or loved one about how awesome some person was at said job and then realize they were just doing their goddam job.
…and then realize they were just doing their goddam job…
And you should get the same recognition when you do your job properly, instead of fucking it up like some inept newbie.
Its okay to be a small hero, putting in your time and doing the right things, day in and day out.
It does not mean that you should trudge on unacknowledged and faceless.
We have all become too callous and demanding in our expectations, while at the same time becoming too expecting of the inevitable disappointment when our heroes turn out to be ordinary people doing ordinary things.
We should be living in a world of heroes, and is it so bad if we acknowledge that we are…
How refreshing to have a law enforcement officer without a chip on his shoulder.
Hope he does not get suspended when his superiors see the video.
The MAJORITY of cops are good cops.
And they are all out there protecting and serving the community.
Unfortunately the old saying is still true and that’s why you don’t hear about them.
“if it bleeds it leads”
Yeah–a cop pulls over a brand new King Cab PickemUp Truck at the local Marina for who knows what routine traffic stopA and he knows he’s on tape…. and he’s polite?
Stop the Presses!!!!!!
As to Post #1–Watcher==has it totally wrong. Cops are a self selecting sub group of the general population who are then Service Selected, Trained, Reviewed and then put into a unique working environment of great stress.
NO–they aren’t the same as everyone else. Naive sloppy lazy thinking.
Just like with the citizenry at large, there is an entire of spectrum of personality types in the law enforcement field. They range from the bullies that wield their power like a club (sometimes literally) to the idealistic philosophers that take upholding justice seriously. The stresses of the job can unfortunately sometimes change their personalities for the worse. Some of the laws they are required to uphold are unjust, unfair or nonsensical. And people place unreasonable expectations on them which when disappointed make them seem incompetent.
My Goodness Johnny – I can see disagreeing on first implications but when the REASON for the disagreement is given and you simply assuming the opposite, thats a special kind of ignorance: a lock step refusal to learn.
What do you think a “self selecting sub group” means? In this case, you take ALL Americans and the self selecting sub group are those who apply to become cops. They are NOT a randomly selected representational group of everyone else. Yes, there is randomness is every group but self selecting groups are NEVER as heterogenious as the entire population. Its MATH!!
After that basic mathematical/sociological FUBAR, then you agree they are subjected to a special environment–again, not the same as the general population.
You may think you are fine tuning an important point. …. You are simply missing it.
What is this?
Bad cop, good cop?
Cops get a bad rap, but they become angry and disillusioned long before get violent about it and don’t do anything about it.
I think that all cops should get to take a month off a year. Go to the Islands mon, relax…
I think that all cops should get to question what they’re actually doing and why and to whom and they shouldn’t have to, or even be allowed to, do it anymore until they get proper answers.
Congrats to the officer for being a decent human being! That means that he will be doing something else pretty soon.
I ve been stop many times over my life and 80% of the officers have been respectful and professional but there is usually no incentive to talk about those incident. Happy to see a little balance here. I admitt to drawing up inside each time I am stopped but I do act respective myself to the officer. One other advantage I might have is I am a white middle class male. And I have some bad experiences but those have been rare. That is what makes something news worthy.
Cops are not robots. All individuals have different personalities in whatever profession.
We get to pick and choose which doctor or dentist we use.
We don’t get to pick and choose which cop writes us a ticket or which judge hears our case.
I have not had a bad experience with a cop. But then I do what they request and I don’t smart off to them like a juvenile.
They are doing a job that somebody needs to do, and they deal with rude and stupid people. The job is equivalent to being a waiter at a restaurant, but a good waiter makes more money.
P.O. is polite and forthcoming while he talks with one side of his mouth. Maybe nerve damage or just nothing, but body language says a lot. This is a blog worthy, really… a person in authority not grabbing a camera from those he serves and protects. Ha.
Most police officers are reasonable. Its the ones that aren’t that make a bad name. Like any field, a small percentage gives them a bad name.
LOL, good cop? If this guy were ever in trouble, we know you wouldn’t be on his side.
Dan Carlin had a recent podcast wherein he discussed the trend of police to militarize, with black swat uniforms, helmets, face coverings, gloves, AR 15’s with thirty round mags, ( I can only have 10 in Kalifornia), military tank like vehicles, etc.
He pointed out how efficient they seemed….. just like the Gestapo.
Most people don’t know the difference between Hitler’s SS, the Gestapo, and the Brownshirts. The Gestapo was aimed at keeping Germans controlled.
I work around cops all the time, and I can say for certain they are not like Toody and Muldoon any more. More like Heinrich and Herman.
The way this guy talk (lips) reminded me of Sylvester Stallone…
Community patrol cop, just trying to get to know the people on his beat. It was way things used to be done, and apparently still are in Green Cove Springs. Just obviously not where everybody lives.
Awesome that the officer was informative and friendly. In some parts of Texas, I’ve encountered some that are not. More often than not however, I believe they have a good sense of duty. Especially in the small town of Manor near our home. Very helpful and friendly police officers there.