Late Thursday evening, Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign launched a new fundraising drive, ‘Meet The VP’ — just as Romney himself has narrowed the field of candidates to a handful, sources reveal. And a surprise name is now near the top of the list: Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice!

The timing of the announcement is now set for ‘coming weeks’.

It was Condi who received two standing ovations at Romney’s Utah retreat a few weeks ago, and everyone left with her name on their lips. Rice made an extended argument for American leadership in the world. In recent days, she emailed supporters:

“2012 is perhaps a turning point for the United States.”

“The upcoming elections loom as one of the most important in my lifetime,” she warned. “I’m very often asked to speak about our current foreign policy and the challenges that lie before us. However, we, as a country, are not going to be able to address any of those international challenges unless we first get our domestic house in order.”

This type of pandering seems so obvious to my suspicious nature. But, how about choosing the best person to take over in the event the POTUS cannot perform his duties? Not that I believe either one of our current choices is qualified to lead as much as a Boy Scout Troop.

  1. Mac Guy says:

    Condi has flat out said she will not run for VP.

    ” I didn’t run for student council president. I don’t see myself in any way in elected office. I love policy. I’m not particularly fond of politics.”

    “There is no way that I will do this.”


    • mharry says:

      Exactly, I hope anyway. Amazing woman, but this would be pandering beyond belief. Never mind politicians do it all the time. I just believe she’s actually above the position in life.

    • What? says:

      She is very smart, attractive, and strong.

      She is also a bully. We need a Bill Clinton type to lead through overwhelming charm, rather than a bully.

      However, people who have been indoctrinated into the idea that the world is out get them, want a bully to protect them.

      • spsffan says:

        Attractive? You mean in the same sense that a woodchuck is attractive????

    • VallejoBob says:

      That’s what Dick said.

  2. McCullough says:

    Does anyone really “run” for VP?

  3. Gildersleeve says:

    Reaching so high for the list, so soon, doesn’t bode well. People once talked of Hilary running with Obama, and look who he ended up with; the biggest idiot of the pack Joe Biden. John McCain had plenty of people to choose from, but he chose Palin.

    Romney cannot afford to go the Palin / Biden / Quayle route. If he doesn’t pick someone who is sharp, he’s toast.

  4. kmfix says:

    Willard needs to find someone a bit more popular with the people. Condi is not that person.

  5. NewformatSux says:

    Drudge is a part of Team Romney, but he’s been wrong from the beginning. Bush-Keating, Kerry-Gephardt, Obama-Hillary.

    Perhaps Obama will dump Biden for Hillary and then Dick Morris can sell his book again.

    • dave 1001 1001 1001 says:

      People still listen to Drudge?

      • NewformatSux says:

        Most people at newspapers and TV networks keep watch over him to make sure they don’t miss a big story.

  6. Dallas says:

    With Michael Steele already used and Colin Powell disgusted with his own party, I suppose Condi is one of the few remaining token blacks that Teapublicans might consider to attract voters.

    Frankly, I agree she is smart, very articulate and I love to hear her speak. However, she’s still ‘dirty’ from the Cheney Administration.

    • What? says:

      So is Powell, dirty from that Cheney business.

      • Dallas says:

        Probably. However, he redeemed himself by exposing the corrupt, lying, deceptive acts of the Cheney regime and figurehead Bush.

    • George says:


      This is exactly why she does not need to be the VP pick. The Republicans need to distance themselves as far as possible from everyone in the old Bush administration, including all the Bush relatives.

      I hope someone has sense enough to keep the Bushes, Cheneys, and the rest of the Attack Iraq crew away from the convention.

    • Glenn E. says:

      Coincidentally, Cheney was recently quoted as endorsing Romney as his Presidential choice. With all these icons of what went wrong, or who’s hated most, coming out to support him. Romney shouldn’t worry about losing the race. It’s a almost a fact that he will. All he needs to do now, to lock it in, is say he’ll bring back the draft. And the press will have a field day on how he avoided it, thrice.

      After that, he can sleep easy knowing he did everything he could to get Obama reelected. And fool the most voters into thinking he wanted the job.

    • dusanmal says:

      So was the Biden choice there to pander and attract white vote for Obama? Nonsense. In both cases. Yes, one picks VP to reach audiences he is not easily able to and fill gaps and abilities main candidate lacks (though, in case of Biden we got something else but older, wiser,… as intended). No one is Superman so this is neither pandering nor bad, just proper both for the function and electability. Rice addresses black vote, woman vote and has international policy experience beyond anything Romney has. So, good fit. (But she won’t accept it).

      • Dallas says:

        So was the Biden choice there to pander and attract white vote for Obama?

        Rolls eyes.

  7. Glenn E. says:

    “Will Romney”? I thought it was Mitt Romney? 😉

  8. observer says:

    Condi is black, highly-credentialed, well versed in cold-war rhetoric, and an eager and dupe-able pawn. Romney, despite his GOP cred, seems to lack the machismo to make her panties wet, so I think she will pass.

  9. VallejoBob says:

    She is a perfect, high functioning, technocratic sociopath. An expert in Russian Literature, she can at once, waterboard, discuss the original text of Crime and Punishment, and play classical pianos with her toes. We are in big trouble when she and Willard take the helm.

  10. Mr Diesel says:

    It’s blog SPAM. Much like posts from Dallas.

  11. jpfitz says:

    Condi Rice, right. Wrong. Let us guess some more. Jeb Bush, huh, maybe.

  12. jpfitz says:

    Ha ha Bobby Jindal.

  13. NewformatSux says:

    With Condi Rice on the ticket she can counter Democratic claims of Republican voter suppression with tales of how only the Republican Party would let her father register to vote when she was growing up in Alabama. Then she can followup with how guns are a good equalizer for minorities to protect against a majority.

  14. deowll says:

    C. Rice is vastly better qualified to run the nation than Joe B. or Obama is. I mean that exactly the way I said it. I will happily vote for her as VP given the opportunity. Heck, I would happily vote for her to be President.

    What’s your problem? You aren’t a sexist or a raciest are you? I mean my reading of your views didn’t exactly sound either gender or sex neutral especially if you have a clue as to just how highly qualified she is.

  15. jollycynic says:

    I really don’t get why people would claim that she is a pandering pick. She may be black and a woman, but she appeals far more to the educated, elitist white evil 1% class of person like myself. The demographic that she personally intersects with doesn’t really correlate IMO to the kind of voters that she will please most.

    • Dallas says:

      You don’t get why Teapublicans would hand pick black, women or some soccer mom, beauty queen bimbo from Alaska to a white dominated party? Really?

      However, you do get how Condi would appeal to the 1% ?

      You are in the top 1% of dumbasses within the 1%

  16. The0ne says:

    No dice on this one. Bush “had” her already.


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