From radicals like this to pedophile priests and on and on, remind me why religion (a political system that uses belief in a god or gods its primary tool of control) is a good thing?

Radical Muslims want to tear down Egypt’s pyramids and take over the world. The least the rest of us can do is take them seriously.

Islamist political victories in Egypt have invigorated the debate in certain circles over what to do with the country’s historical sites, or as the extremists call them, the symbols of pagan idolatry. The most pious Muslim theologians do not see the ancient statues, carvings and pyramids as important tourist destinations so much as affronts to their beliefs. Bahraini Sunni leader Abdal-Latif al-Mahmoud called on the Egyptians to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what [Egypt’s Muslim conqueror] Amr bin al-As could not.” Abdel Moneim Al-Shahat, a leading member of Egypt’s radical Nour party, suggested that should the pyramids be too difficult to dismantle, structures that have stood for five millennia ought at least be covered in wax to hide them from view.
This week a group called the United Muslim Nations International released a 23-page pamphlet entitled “The Global Islamic Civilization: The Power of a Nation Revived” which outlines a plan for Islamic world domination.

No reason to worry about self-righteous thugs that will never get their way, right?

The best and the brightest likewise scoffed at misfits like Hitler, Lenin and Mao — until the secret police arrived.

And there was this and also this

  1. j c qwerty says:

    Who’s the author?

    By the Washington times – the Washington times….

    ….blah blah blah…..

    At the end the Washington times

  2. mharry says:

    Yeah, the problem isn’t religion any more. It’s a certain religion, all of the other one’s haven’t been co-opted by insane lunatics for centuries.

    • Anon says:

      Get real.

      All religion is BULLSHIT! Pure and simple BULLSHIT!

      Any time any group of people get together to discuss what they believe, they almost always convince themselves that they are right. And that usually means most everyone else is wrong — which is usually where the trouble begins.

      But make no mistake. A fool is still a damned fool even if he/she has like-minded friends or supporters.

      And this radical Muslim crap isn’t any different than any other crap you might see right here at home – or on this blog!

      • dusanmal says:

        Have Christians or Buddhists or any other religious group destroyed say Parthenon, Pyramids, Taj Mahal, Rajasthan fort cities, Mayan Pyramides,… Have Muslims actually destroyed national and World treasures on the same scale – yes, remember mountain sized statues in Afghanistan?,… Case closed on who actually acted with intolerance in recent centuries, decades and years.

  3. AdmFubar says:

    Covered in wax??? WTF??

  4. The Watcher says:


    Expecting to find sanity in this is a stretch….

    The scum who blew up those Buddhas ought to prove that….

    (Why the Buddhists didn’t turn around and invade Afghanistan at that point, I don’t know…. If an Indian blew up a mosque….)

    If, OTOH, these fools do try to take down the pyramids, though, it would keep a lot of them very busy and out of our hair for a very long time, and make for some great targets….

    Meantime, being offended by a monument built nearly 3000 years before the Prophet, which hasn’t had any particular religious significance for most of the last 2000 years is right up there with the flat earth people….

    It also explains why dealing with them is a waste of time. A simple, clear, and likely unchangeable set of goals, and the willingness to lie, cheat, steal, kill, and _wait_ to get there.

    It also shows that aiding them in any way is, at best, treasonable…. Zero’s aid to whoever is only going to help his supporters in various terror groups.

  5. sargasso_c says:

    A whole lot of holy rednecks in Virginia want a new war in Africa?

  6. The0ne says:

    Ops, sorry I thought this was about Stargate. This is about religion? I better high tail it out of here before some unmerciful, whatever God name you believe in, strike me down. I have Darwin and Einstein to protect me though so I’m cool.

  7. Bob Andweave says:

    One more example of a writer failing because of moral relativism.

    In a story talking about the newly elected Muslims destroying archaeological treasures, why does the author choose to talk about “pedophile priests”? I don’t remember any reporters mentioning Muslims in the stories about the priests in Boston.

    The sad truth is reporters in this country are afraid to report the truth about anything that does not fit the narrative.

    The “Arab Spring” was such a great moment for liberals in this country they refused to listen to any ignorant conservatives that wanted to talk about what was going to happen in Egypt after the “Arab Spring” was over.

    Before Obama was President I was thinking of visiting Egypt and the pyramids. After Obama it will be years before anyone will think about going to Egypt to see what little is left.

    Way To Go Obama.

  8. Benjamin says:

    Islam, the religion of peace. Yeah, right.

    • Anon says:

      Catholicism, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and especially Muslim all claim to love peace. But they all seem to be quite violent when you consider all the wars they have caused.

      You might say that religion has been responsible for more people literally meeting god than anything god could have come up with. (Assuming you think there even is a god.)

  9. Tomo says:

    A humble Prayer:

    This one goes out to all gods, each an every one of them.

    Please, please, if you’re up there, hear this humble plea.

    Please protect us all from your crackhead followers.


    P.S. Allah, yours are the crackheadiest most regressive degenerates.

  10. Grey Bird says:

    So, no other religions have been like this? Hmmm, let’s see. I seem to remember something about the crusades and inquisitions. Also taking children away from their parents and putting them in Christian schools, forbidding them to speak their native tongues and making them learn Christianity. Where was that last one? Oh yeah, here in the USA, and the children were Native Americans. Not that long ago, either.

  11. Dallas says:

    Religo lunatics need to remove artifacts to ensure their sheeple don’t ask too many questions.

    When I was in Cathoilic school in Lowell, Ma. the priest would sit beside us and discuss love, acceptance, history and nature. We would raise our hand and ask for clarifications based on our experience and surroundings. Finally, we would gather about volunteer opportunities.

    Ok, I lied. The motherfucker would make a grand entrance dressed in a gold studded dress, surrounded by pre-teen boys while some blind lady was forced to play the piano. He would be on some platfirm four feet higher and far away on a pedestal while everyone stood in amazement of the spectacle.
    Nobody was ever allowed to ask a question. It was one way pontificating on some bullshit that was based on some political topic of the week. He was careful to direct the sheeple below to choose specific policy makers or he will personally order up a lake of fire when they get raptured. Then, a bunch of straw baskets would come about for cash only payments and suggested 10% of gross income was what the lord needed to keep them under consideration.

    • msbpodcast says:

      We got rid of the catholic church in Québec in the 1960s.

      Best thing we ever did, except for everything that followed.

      It ain’t paradise, but its nice.

    • orchidcup says:

      My experience was a little different.

      I was forced to go to the Southern Baptist Church.

      The preacher was always standing about four feet higher than the seated congregation in a position of authority. He always screamed at the top of his lungs and paced back and forth and waved his arms around like Hitler would do in his speeches. He spoke with the authority of God.

      I always wondered how a fellow human being could pretend to know the mind of God.

      The congregation would always bring their Bibles to church but they would never open them unless the preacher told them to read a specific verse or chapter. Then the preacher would expound in detail his own interpretation of a particular meaning contained in the verse or chapter for an hour or more. By the time he was finished screaming at everybody, we were all ready to leave and go watch a football game. By the time the football game was over, we could not recall what the preacher was screaming about. Nobody would actually read the Bible unless it was at church.

      Not until I became an adult did I realize that there is more than one God. There is the Catholic God, the Prebsbyterian God, the Methodist God, the Jehovah’s Witness God, the Episcopalian God, the Seventh-Day Adventist God, the Mormon God, the Unitarian God, the Jewish God of Several Flavors, and so on and so forth. All of those Gods exist in the same Bible.

      Then I decided to actually read the Bible from cover to cover. I was shocked. God is schizophrenic and jealous and psychopathic and violent, and his modern followers exhibit the same traits.

      • Dallas says:

        Your experience appeared to be far more entertaining. I was merely amused and as a young child just played the part.
        At confession (required) I merely made shit up because I just couldn’t think of anything I did wrong the past week. Lol. I often thought about telling the priest that I lied last week to him that I sinned.
        Being a clever kid, I merely said twice the number of “hail Mary’s” in order to accrue a positive balance of HM’s
        Good times , good times

        • orchidcup says:

          If there is a Hell, it will be populated with preachers, priests, and politicians.

          I know I am being blasphemous, but surely God will forgive me for thinking for myself.

          I am prepared to meet my Maker, but I am not so sure my Maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me.

  12. msbpodcast says:

    Hey, they’re radical muslims, not rational muslims. (As if there were any congruence between religion and common sense…[There’s a big magic guy, in the sky… {Yeah, right…}])

    The radicals of this world don’t care about anything but getting their insane systems coerced onto everyone else.

  13. jim g says:

    With Liberal Democrats in charge in the USA, I’m pretty sure the muslims can do whatever they want and get away with it.
    Maybe the UN will step up to stop them. Don’t hold your breath.

  14. orchidcup says:

    Pedro, the Japanese worshiped the Emperor.

  15. Milo says:

    As usual Muslims that say this sort of thing are cast as “radicals” by the media. Are they? Given that they got about 30% of the Egyptian vote, and a party only slightly less ‘radical’ got another ~30%, they are mainstream!

  16. NewformatSux says:

    This is comparable to the ACLU and other liberal organizations that are big on tearing down religious structures.

    • msbpodcast says:

      I don’t think the ACLU has bulldozer, back-hoes and people sitting around with pick-axes waiting in the wings. (For one thing that costs too much.)

      Maybe the nut-job is you.

  17. JimD, Boston, MA says:

    ALL of the “Religious” are MANIACS – REGARDLESS OF “BRAND” – AND SHOULD NEVER BE IN CHARGE OF ***ANYTHING*** – Especially children !!!

  18. deowll says:

    What I find amusing is that the anti-theists/progressives keep supporting Islam and any orthodox Muslim is supposed to kill them. It would be like an orthodox Jew voting for Hitler.

    Stuff the great pyramid full of HE and see if you don’t get a hole in the ground. Won’t do much for the tourist trade though. It’s just a matter of time till they kill off what is left of the Coptics in Egypt along with the anti-theists. Hillery and Obama’s foreign policy really worked like charm when it came to overturning our dictatorial long turn Allie and replacing him with a progressive Republic. Not.

    • orchidcup says:

      The USA helped Iraq with the development of their constitution, and the result is the establishment of Islam as a national religion, and Sharia law provides the governing principles.

      This should satisfy the theists.

      I ponder the possibility of Civil War before too long. The Sunnis and Shiites are as different as Lutherans and Mormons in the USA.

    • orchidcup says:

      For the four centuries that followed the Arab’s conquest of Egypt, the Coptic Church generally flourished and Egypt remained basically Christian. This is due to a large extent to the fortunate position that the Copts enjoyed, for the Prophet of Islam, who had an Egyptian wife (the only one of his wives to bear a child), preached especial kindness towards Copts: “When you conquer Egypt, be kind to the Copts for they are your protégés and kith and kin.”

      Copts, thus, were allowed to freely practice their religion and were to a large degree autonomous, provided they continued to pay a special tax, called “Gezya”, that qualifies them as “Ahl Zemma” protégés (protected).

      Individuals who cannot afford to pay this tax were faced with the choice of either converting to Islam or losing their civil right to be “protected”, which in some instances meant being killed.

  19. bobbo, man enough to go first says:

    Our Daily Provider, Uncle Dave asks: “From radicals like this to pedophile priests and on and on, remind me why religion (a political system that uses belief in a god or gods its primary tool of control) is a good thing? /// Hmmm, like our politics, I’d say: No.

    Substantively, I’ve often posted the same idea, that being that religion is a form of politics but not as directly as this. Too much cross fertilization for it to have much impact?

    Belief in God: that private one on one experience.
    Politics: anything exchanged by two or more people.

    Ha, ha…..Define People? Who did the comedy routine of Moses bargaining (politically) with God? or was it that guy who had to find one righteous person? …. so…. ok, ok, ok==Belief in God is not political, but engaging him in discussion is? — and so would saying nothing and just doing or not doing as commanded.

    Gee …. everyday …. I grow to the position that everything really is Definitional. Then contextual. and now political.

    What a sleazy universe.

    Yea, verily.

  20. Lowkey says:

    I’m more worried about the Christians in the USA than the Muslims in Egypt.

  21. Glenn E. says:

    They must not have seen the “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” movie. Where Willy Wonka built some sultan a palace of pure chocolate, and it melted one hot day. So let’s put Egypt in touch with Hershey’s, for an very large order of extra waxy chocolate. And as it melts and runs down the sides. They can pump it back up to the top again. Sort of a pyramid shaped chocolate fountain. That might attract more tourists (with sweet tooths) than just a pile of sandy granite blocks ever did.

    But whether they use chocolate or wax. How are they going to deal with the wind blown sand, mixing in with the stuff? And I really doubt there’s enough carnuba wax in the whole world to cover just one pyramid. Let alone three. And I don’t see how covering them up in wax, hides the fact that they’re still there. So maybe they should think about a camo paint job, instead. Because we all know camo hides everything in a desert, real well.

    But seriously. For a moment. This knocking down of edifies, that represent something they decided offended their religious beliefs. Kind of points to the NYC twin trade towers being taken down, for the same reason. So one wonders how it’s considered isolated Islamic fanaticism? When all of Egypt may be like that. “Tilting at their very own wind mills”, as it were.

    • bobbo, only soundrels run from the truth says:

      Ha, ha. How many isolated incidents does it take to make it the mode/average of the group?

      Excellent question. Pick any number you like, and I’ll say half that is too much.

      I wonder what tough words Hilliary has on the subject?

      • billy joe thorton says:

        Hillary … she would say …. touch those pyramids and the middle east get’s blown off the map ..

        that’s what she would say … i think 🙂

  22. Vincent says:

    This story was debunked the same day the right-wing American newspaper published it. It was a hoax. Any one could have found this out with a tiny bit of fact checking….not that anyone bothers with that any more.

    • lividd says:

      Thanks, I logged in to say this. I try’d to imagine how those fuckers would accomplish it and it became quite obvious that this is yet another story on DU that’s just not true.

    • fred says:

      No it wasn’t – yes these “pious individuals”are getting air space in Egypt I live there and want the place to do well. It is by no means a hoax and if you can get sheikh Abdel Moneim Al-Shahat to retract or show me where he did that would be great. Maybe you can show me Buddhas of Bamiyan weren’t blown up in march 2001 – that would be informative and reassuring. Thanks for your information please source your reply.

  23. Arab guy says:

    While I do admit that Islam’s control of the people in arab countries is great, I don’t believe it will be successful in removing such a valuable artifact of history. The awakened Egyptian people won’t stand for it.

  24. Arab guy says:

    Regarding the sex slave article, That absolutely is true and does happen even in Saudi Arabia. The Quranic Sura he sighted :”Marry such women as seem good to you, two and three and four… or what your right hands possess.”, was still used publicly in Saudi Arabia up until the 1960s. People nowadays still use it but they usually dismiss the part about slaves because “they are all freed”.

    • Arab guy, Short memory? Do you recall the Buddhist statues at Bamian (google it if you don’t know about them). The faces were blown off decades ago and more recently the Taliban finished the job. I’m not trying to lend credibility to this story but it would be foolish to underestimate Islamic fundamentalists or fundamentalists of any sort. Go to the museum and check out how many Greek, Roman, renaissance, etc. works of art have been damaged and destroyed by Christian fundamentalists.

      • Arab guy says:

        I agree that:”it would be foolish to underestimate Islamic fundamentalists or fundamentalists of any sort.”
        I’m just saying that in the case, I believe that rational thought will triumph.

  25. billy joe thorton says:

    I noticed that not one comment I read has mentioned “who” built the pyramids. Well if you don’t know let me explain a little something. The pyramids weren’t built by ancient peoples of Egypt at all you see. The masons / Templars / Jews etc back through the ages .. built the pyramids. It’s not hard to figure out is it? Washington is based on a pyramid layout. Stratford Ontario is a Shakespearean Pyramid. San Fransisco has a pyramid and on and on … all layed out in the streets. I find the Stratford Ontario one most impressive though. Go have a look on google maps yourselves. Anyway my point is. These Masons which of course are decendants of older slave drivers kept the secrets with them through the ages as to how the pyramids were constructed and obelisks erected yadda yadda. North America is littered with modern day obelisks and pyramids. Look for yourselves. Anyway the point I am getting at is for me there is no secret who built them or why they built them. They built them to show themselves that this is how SOCIETY in the west will be controlled for 1000’s of years . Yet with all our technology people still can’t figure this out. It’s so simple. Look at any western country and they are all controlled in a pyramid formation. Nice and smooth from the slave at the bottom to the top mason / Illuminati at the top. You see .. these people also wrote these famous other books (which i won’t mention) to help control the masses so that they could control the world. And they do. They will deny it of course but who cares. We know they lie right? I mean what is the masonic symbol? … geeze a compass and square. Everything you need to construct a building like the pyramids. Which I might add are all around the world and not just in Egypt. Anyone else notice that? .. Oh and I’ll finish up with this. There is no capstone on the great pyramid because ……. the builders …. wait for it …. take a breath … the builders were VENUS worshipers ……. YES .. the great pyramid is capped by Venus .. therefore there was never a physical cap put on it but a celestial one which happens to be our SISTER planet .. Now do you know why the West treats women like Godesses? .. Have a great night 🙂 ……………….. Oh and IF anyone needs more information on the above writing .. please let me know here and I will get in touch through email. I won’t get into the pyramid on the american dollar today .. but you get where I’m going with that… good day! 🙂 …. watch out for the owls! 🙂


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