Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. We discuss the never-ending tribulations in the Eurozone and back to Greece Again

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  1. orchidcup says:

    I am somewhat concerned about municipalities and counties right here in the USA that are cutting pensions and worker pay and selling advertising on firetrucks in a struggle to remain solvent.

  2. deowll says:

    Many EU countries are in a debt spiral not to be confused with a… okay it pretty much is the same as a death spiral. The ones that aren’t need to save themselves if they can. What is going to happen the ones that are I don’t want to even think about because I think the only reason we aren’t being forced to pay staggering interest rates to sell our bonds is that we are the healthiest nag in the glue factory. At the rate Obama is blowing through our credit and with the actual economy contracting I don’t see any long term happy outcome.

    We have over a 1000 fewer millionaires today than when he took office. We have way fewer fortune five hundred companies than we did 10 years ago. If the percentage of working age adults seeking jobs was the same as when he took office the unemployment rate would be over 10%. Last month more people went on disability than the number of employed increased. Many times more people are on snap/food-stamps. The size of the fed gov has grown dramatically. Regulations may be growing at an exponential rate. The cost of doing business is going up significantly. Families have lost 40% of their net worth under this man’s stewardship. Every state with a GOP governor is growing faster than the norm which makes clear that many of the Dem states are doing worse yet the lame media is wild to elect Obama again even though they are going down with the rest of us. I could go on but what is the point?

  3. The0ne says:

    Love the photo btw.


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