Daylife/Reuters Pictures used by permission

Democratic Representative Barney Frank has wed his longtime partner, James Ready, becoming the first sitting US congressman to enter into a same-sex marriage.

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick officiated the ceremony on Sunday and added some levity by saying Frank, 72, and Ready, 42, had vowed to love each other through Democratic and Republican administrations alike…

Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat and a former chairman of the powerful House Financial Services Committee, has been an openly gay congressman since the late 1980s.

In 2004, Massachusetts became the first state in the country where same-sex couples could be legally married…More than 18,000 same-sex couples have wed in Massachusetts since then.

Yes, some states in the Land of the Free allow more Freedom and Liberty than others.

  1. George says:

    That’s just awesome. He’s a man of firsts.

    He also was the first congressman to have a same-sex prostitute work out of his home while in office.

    • Benjamin says:


    • GregAllen says:

      >>He also was the first congressman to have a same-sex prostitute work out of his home while in office.

      You sure about that?

      It seems like every other “Family Values” conservative has something like that going on.

  2. Ted says:

    I don’t approve of gay marriage


    He’s old enough to be his father….

  3. Zybch says:

    Good for him!!

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    Homophobic rhetoric coming from old geeks in 3.. 2.. 1..

    • Barney Google says:


      As long as they don’t kiss and fornicate in public, I guess I can tolerate it.

      How’s that for being progressive?

  5. birddog says:

    When I listen to Barney Frank talk all I can think about is Scooby Doo.

  6. NewformatSux says:

    What is a same-sex union of a man and a woman?

    Massachusetts has never legalized gay marriage. Mitt Romney changed the marriage forms to read Partner A and Partner B.

  7. Mextli: ABO says:

    “Yes, some states in the Land of the Free allow more Freedom and Liberty than others.”

    Don’t worry after four more years of Barry everything will be controlled from Washington.

  8. orchidcup says:

    It is actually a same-gender marriage.

    Words matter.

  9. Yankinwaoz says:

    I guess his partner was Ready for marriage….

    I crack myself up 🙂

  10. jpfitz says:

    Barney Ready or Jim Frank. Both sound funny to me. Not in a bad way just funny given the circumstances.

  11. Chris Mac says:

    ugly fags

  12. pcsmith says:

    If not Barney Frank, who?

    It was written in the book.

  13. Howard Beale says:

    I look forward to the day when this wouldn’t even be news on Fox

    who wants to bet this has Rush Limbaugh’s sphincter all a quiver

  14. jollycynic says:

    Anyone who desperately needed the governments consent for their relationship to gain meaning and permanence is so utterly pathetic that I can’t imagine such a relationship even merits a term like marriage.

  15. NewformatSux says:

    So what is a same-sex union of a man ad a woman?

  16. Likes2LOL says:

    In 2004, Massachusetts became the first state in the country where same-sex couples could be legally married…More than 18,000 same-sex couples have wed in Massachusetts since then.

    For what an average wedding costs plus the out-of-town guest expenditures, allowing gay marriages has added hundreds of millions of dollars to Massachusetts’ economy.

    Gay couples are job creators! All hail the job creators!

  17. steve says:

    wheres all the 30 comments?
    don’t they fit your political agenda?

    • Uncle Dave says:

      Um… could they be hiding behind the “Old Comments” link at after the last comment on this page? No, that would be too simple.

  18. TThor says:

    And who gives a rats ass (pun intended)…. Couples caring for each other is OK no matter. I don’t care about this jerk (another pun intended) Frank or his boy – but as a principle…. let everybody chose their own destiny. Peace!

  19. Glenn E. says:

    Notice that Frank’s partner is much younger than he is. As I suspect, a lot of this relationship is about physical sex, and money. The younger “partner” gets financial percs, maybe even a cushy job. Not all gay couples are so far apart in age. But I’ll bet a large percentage of them are. Perhaps more so than straight couples. And many of the like aged gay couples, probably still “play the field”, after being married. Their union gives them some financial benefit. But they’re only fooling themselves and others, pretending it’s going to be strictly monogamous. Why should they be any more chase than most of the straights who marry for the wrong reasons?

    • spsffan says:

      Percentage of straight couples where one partner cheats at one time or another? I’d guess about 80%.

      • mharry says:

        You guessed wrong! Do your homework.

        • Grey Bird says:

          Yeah, 80% is a number that’s bandied about alot. The highest I’ve found looking at studies varies from mid twenty percent to about 50%. Of course, that’s all surveys requiring self-reporting so the numbers might be a little off.

  20. Sheila says:

    is that the same boyfriend that ran a male prostitution ring out of his apartment?

  21. Breetai says:

    The only thing that pisses me off more than a bunch of a holes trying to deny gay marriage is no one even questions the governments involvement in marriage in the first place. Got one group of morons who won’t question micromanaging morality (while demanding smaller government) and another group of morons who can’t get out of their own way because they insist that government must be involved in absolutely everything. Fucking dumb and dumber.

    • spsffan says:

      Well, I question, nae, object to government’s involvement in marriage. But like many, many things that government does, that isn’t going to change, at least in my lifetime.

      Meanwhile, although I will raise the point that marriage is none of the state’s business from time to time, doing so tends to make many people “stop paying attention to the kook”.

      So, as a practical matter, government will continue to issue marriage licenses and if that’s the case, then there shouldn’t be any sex bias.

      For the time being, let us be happy that the state hasn’t decided to enforce the “until death do us part” oath!

  22. farbauti says:

    James Ready likes Barney’s Frank.

  23. John S says:

    I found it odd that many gay couples live a very monogamous relationship. Sex is not a priority. Is it more about finding a friend to marry? This relationship with Barney Frank and James seems to be that kind of relationship. I could careless and really do not think this is news worthy. We all know their are plenty of messed up heterosexual relationships. Now we know gays have the same issues.

    • orchidcup says:

      There are messed up heterosexual relationships?

      Maybe people should not get married at all.

      Maybe they should shack up and pay taxes at the single rate.

      I know there is a tax discount for people with marriage licenses, but it can’t be worth all the hassle and expense of getting unmarried if things get messed up.

  24. J. Alfred Prufrock says:

    This is an extremely ugly picture, is it not?

  25. t0llyb0ng says:

    One guy said, “It is actually a same-gender marriage.  Words matter.”

    Then another came along & said the term is “same-sex marriage.”

    Problem here is, same-sex & marriage don’t go together.  Words matter, you say?

    There was an epic failure of imagination somewhere within the last 20 years when another term couldn’t be devised for “same-sex marriage.”  What a clunky concept that is.

    The Dutch figured it out though, didn’t they.  You go to a lawyer & get all the things you need.

    And Barney Frank?  No better argument for term limits.

  26. Dallas says:

    Another victory towards the ultimate goal of mandatory gay marriage or a federal penalty (tax).

  27. Chet says:

    Looks like Barney will be getting now what he gave the mortgage industry for years

  28. Eh? says:

    Icky. New story please…

  29. President Amabo (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    I thought same sex marriage was two women or two men not a man and a goat…


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