1. bobbo, the ONLY true Libertarian on this blog, all others being dogmatic posers says:

    I don’t do either, but from the video, looks like crack is better than donuts for keeping in shape.

    • I'm ugly and my mother dresses me funny says:

      Crack doesn’t come with a dental plan, though.

  2. The DON says:

    I might be wrong, but wasn’t the purpose of tazers to be an alternative to a gun?

    At what point did this guy deserve to be shot?

    Ok, being naked in public is socially not acceptable to most people, but he certainly seemed to take offence at being tazed.

    • The Ox says:

      At what point did this guy deserve to be shot?

      At no point. Are you nuts?

  3. Jump to Conclusions says:

    Coming soon. The Super tazer. Smell the burning flesh.

  4. birddog says:

    Smack Tazer fists.

  5. Glenn E. says:

    I have to wonder if this wasn’t staged? Police don’t usually have a guy in a suit, standing by to do crowd control. And the perp wasn’t totally naked. He had a shirt on. But the area below that was blurred, so you can’t really tell if he was naked from the waist down, or wearing a thong. And who censored the video? And why? A couple of people, in the back were blurred out. One in a gray suit. Who was seen early on, trying to stop the guy. And somebody in the back, who was thin. Maybe a girl. If the cops did it, then it’s suspicious that it got “leaked” to Youtube. It’s also a very low resolution. Like it was re-sampled down, from its original. Definitely a doctored video.

    Maybe the guy’s shirt was hiding some protection from the Taser darts. Like some insulated vest. Was it reported he was on crack, because he wasn’t knocked out cold? That’s not proof. And how many people know those moves, who go around half naked, and are on crack? I think winning the lottery has better odds.

    This smells of a staged performance. Especially as a digital camera was at the ready, and didn’t miss a second. Plus the one cop looks kind of dorky in black knee pants, and odd looking shoes, and no hats. I know it’s hot. But even I wear a hat against the sun’s rays. And at night, it wouldn’t kill them to wear one, that said “Police” on it. I couldn’t see any shirt patches. Nothing official. And since when to plain clothes cops, or detective, get involved in taking down streakers?

    I think that guy would have to be streaking for a while, to get cops and suits all banned together, on the street, to blow a simple arrest. And then rework the video, that supposedly a civilian took, to blur out the perp’s butt and the other two people.

    • Glenn E. says:

      Oh BTW, the link’s text doesn’t say what Myths about climate, their app busts. Which was kind of the point of giving the award to app’s authors. So you are just to believe that any “mythbusters” don’t have an agenda.

      • Glenn E. says:

        opps. wrong response thread. sorry about that. I wish Dvorak would bring back some of the older blog’s editing and delete features.

    • Sam says:

      Dang security – I had a good response for you. Short story. They would have used a better camera and processing software if it were staged. The “suits” are just amped up civilians trying to help by looking important. The blurring is by request of the “known” guy and to keep from getting blocked. The escape is by a cracked up idiot with nothing to lose on a big cop who got nailed in the jaw and a bike cop (knee pads, odd shoes, and helmet removed). Too much conspiracy not enough critical thinking.

  6. Zybch says:

    Sex mad and retard strong.

  7. Anonymous says:

    That is HILARIOUS!!!

    I think I now know why cops usually resort to busting heads any time a “perp” gets an attitude. A busted head slows a criminal down just long enough so the fat ass cops can catch up!

    Seriously! The dude is naked and obviously insane. So what’s the point of tasering him? For FUN?! Just sit your lazy blue ass on his head and that naked guy isn’t likely going to go anywhere. Watch it again. It’s as if a bunch of overweight hippos are trying to not touch the crazy man for fear the naked crazy man has cooties or something – very funny!

    (Obviously an example of terrible training from whatever entity that allowed any of those guys to wear a uniform too.)

  8. Mextli: ABO says:

    Obviously this situation called for Tazer Drones.

  9. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Chuck “Tazer” Norris will not be denied!

  10. The Pirate says:

    The incident is real. The perp was doing shrooms. The “suit” people were bystanders.

    Dave isn’t here.

  11. deowll says:

    When people are completely wasted there is no good way to handle it.

    The suits were just people who didn’t have the wit to move away from what was very likely a very dangerous person.

    I suspect they ended up dealing with him the old fashioned way. Blunt object to head or a bullet. Sad but if you do drugs….

  12. You know those nice police officers miss the wood shampoo.

  13. SchwettyBalls says:

    Crack >>Lazy doughnut eating cops that hide behind tasers

  14. jpfitz says:

    I find this very disturbing and not funny at all. Three cops can’t put a hold on a deranged young man. I swear I heard Adam Curry saying “don’t taze me bro” in the background.

    Cops don’t use hand cuffs or know how to subdue without pepper spray or tazers, pathetic.


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