Executive Producers: Sir Bill Hertha
Associate Executive Producers: Sir Anonymous
Art By: MartinJJ
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I think that look works for her.
Makes her look 10 years younger.
She kind of looks like Richie Cunningham’s mother on Happy Days, without all her hair. That would be actress Marion Ross.
Someone in the NA chat room suggested this link, during the show.
The first thing that stuck me was the bogus data, “150,000 killed by climate change each year”, established by the WHO. Actually 150k out of 6 Billion, doesn’t sound all that bad. It’s like .0025% of the total population. I suspect the normal annual death rate is much higher. Plus what are they calling a “climate change death”? Forest fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes? They can’t all be dropping dead from the heat. Some could even be from freezing to death, unexpectedly. Do they count freezing, as an exposure death. Is that really the climate’s fault?
Anyway, it’s a very unscientific statistic. And interesting that the World Bank had a hand in inventing this “first annual” award. And the statement that they should explore the opportunities in climate change, was interesting. Does that mean making money off of it? A profitable career? Yeah, that might make a good reason to promote a shaky bit of non-science.
Oh BTW, the link’s text doesn’t say what Myths about climate, their app busts. Which was kind of the point of giving the award to app’s authors. So you are just to believe that any “mythbusters” don’t have an agenda.
I like how the suits so carefully defined what “bullying” is, in such a way to avoid including or mentioning gangs. Like it’s alright if they’re organized. Just lone bullies are not acceptable. I was never bullied by one kid, in my youth. Five morons banned together to make my life a misery, in grade school. And the teachers just stood by and ignored it. Like it all a part of some Darwinist principle, not to be interfered with. But I’ll bet if I brought mace, to fight back. I would have got in trouble. Or even if I learned to use martial arts against them. What stopped them, was I finally punched out their weakest member. And they all seemed to leave me alone the rest of the year. I lost a year, because my grades suffered. But it worked out, because their asses went to Vietnam, and I didn’t. So the army got its quota of bullies, for war. And that’s why I believe they protect the institution of school bullies. They want one or two, to keep the other students from being all pacifists. And why they really hate the idea of Home Schooling.
I got paid twice, a long time ago. Somebody running the computer, in the air base’s pay processing center. Ran the same program twice, or something. So everyone got double paychecks. But they caught it somehow, and stopped the paper checks being sent twice. The thing is, I had direct deposit. And they paid out twice to my bank account. But then reached into it, and removed the second payment, hours later. Which I didn’t know they had the right to do. Remove money, anytime they wanted to. But surprise, they did! So much for your bank protecting your funds, from unconstitutional government seizure. And that was 1978! Before the banks reported your account interest as income. Thank you Ronald Reagan, for robbing our meager savings.
BTW, that same bank (base credit union) where I had my money, made about a $100 mistake, in my favor. Being honest, I tried to prove it to them, with my statements. But they wouldn’t admit to making errors. So sometime later, when I was leaving the service, and withdrawing my account’s balance. They literally asked me, “How much do you really think you should be getting?” I swear, that’s what they said. I wondered if they ask everyone that, or just me?
So being totally fed up by these clerks, I said “All of it!” I wasn’t going to let them weasel out of paying me, what they made me feel like an idiot for reporting, as their accounting error. And I left the service, a tiny bit richer than I should have. I only wish it was some General, that left a bit poorer, for the mistake. Because they decide how much everyone else should sacrifice.
This isn’t the Glenn E. blog, so go away now son….
Yes John, you are correct and Adam as usual is wrong. Anderson Pooper came out YEARS ago when he was going through his cancer thing on Oprah. Thank my wife, not me for this dose of time wasting bullcrap.
Condi were clitorially manipulable
slitulatiously fuckable
nippularly nibblable
& intromissiously insertiable
John, Andrew, and Joe talk about the news of a portable spray that gives users an instant intoxicated feel.