Users of Windows XP, Windows 7, or Windows Vista will be able to purchase and download Windows 8 Pro for just $39.99, a Microsoft spokesman said. “We set out to make it as easy as possible for everyone to upgrade to Windows 8,” said the spokesman.
Will You Be Upgrading To Windows 8?
By Uncle Dave Tuesday July 3, 2012
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Ordinary user here, 8 looks way to confusing to me. More work than I want to put into running a computer for average everyday use. Guessing most ordinary average users are apt to feel this way. Maybe it’s an age thing?
odd i left a comment here previously and it is now gone… what gives???
I get the impression that the majority of those commenting have not really used windows 8.
The only person that said anything that was indicative of him using Windows 8 was otte-o in saying that metro screen is just a giant full screen menu. I think of it as similar to how in office they replaced the file menu of 2003 and before with the ribbon with a file menu in 2007 and then the full “back stage” view in 2010.
As to who said that it can’t be used with gestures on a track pad is wrong. You can if you have a multi-touch trackpad. Also there are only 2 consumer available versions this time. Windows 8 and Windows 8 pro. I am not counting Windows RT as it is basically Windows 8 but for ARM which makes sense since ARM based OS’s have to be customized to the specific chip. Which to digress a bit is why Android takes so long to update.
I have used win8 since the developer preview and have been impressed with it. It is very stable and even more innovative. With the winrt run time it has an amazing base for apps that can actually interact with other apps using contracts. Not to mention the ability to still run all the old win32 apps from the last decade+.
Lastly, let us wait and see where win8 is this time next year. I have a feeling it will be a different story come then.
MicroSoft software is horrible, and I can’t wait to get my hands on an illegal hacked copy.
What Microsoft calls an upgrade, I call a fiasco. I hate the Metro UI and full screen approach. If they paid me $40-$80 I still wouldn’t use it
Windows XP was the last Microsoft OS that worked correctly. Everything has been a downgrade since then.
I plan on upgrading some day because I like to tinker with the pc and find what’s wrong with it.
While botnets are not unusual, news of the Mac botnet is due to the relatively small number of viruses and malware created specifically for Apple products. Word of the Flashback program, however, comes just a week after researchers discovered a different Trojan called MacControl, which gives cyber criminals complete control over a users computer.
For whatever reason, Microsoft seems to think that the only people that will use Win8 are people that have never used a computer in their life or have an IQ of 5. Just the Office ribbon made like 1000x more difficult for people experienced with the Office apps, the Metro UI makes it 10000x more difficult with people versed with computers and especially MS operating systems. There are many obtuse gestures to find simple things like the control panel (which IMO has been made even more useless than the default Win7 control panel view). Finding something as simple as a list of installed applications is a chore. I can’t imagine trying develop off it. I saw one demo from a guy that had written reviews for every MS OS since Win3.1 and it took a Google search (on another machine) just to figure out how to get to the login prompt. The cost to train users much less training users that provide support to other users will be needlessly high. It seems to be that MS has built an OS on which they know the vast majority of businesses won’t upgrade because of support costs.
I’ve found Win7 is very stable and, even though I’m not a fan of the new taskbar, easy navigate and can be made useable for a power user. Win8 on tablets might be great but Win8 on the desktop will be a disaster IMO.
I think MS knows it is a failure so they are trying to tempt anyone they can with the lower-than-usual price.
XP and 7 are two of the best OS’s they have made (except for all of the features the idiots stripped from 7’s Windows Explorer).
8 is going to be a failure since no desktop user in their right mind will ever buy it.
After Vista I gave up on Microsoft’s competence. But I went ahead and tried 8 on my old x200 Lenovo Tablet PC anyway. This is what my Tablet PC as supposed to be from the get go. Microsoft feeling the heat of their own incompetence may be finally innovating and creating something useful.
That said… At the office running AutoCAD and Office Apps, Executive management gives a shit about being pretty, not the production people who actually have to work for living. I don’t want a flashy car for work I want a utility truck.
Windows 8 only allows users to upgrade if they have PCs that already run Windows 7.For the user’s of Windows 7 cheaper upgrade versions were available and if you have Windows Vista or Windows XP, then you will have no other choice but to purchase the expensive full version.
Full version contained the entire operating system, and the upgrade versions contained only the files necessary to move from one version of Windows to the next.
Bob 1.0 was a fail…
Bob 2.0 will be too.
I can’t wait until my car runs on Windows.
“Are you SURE you want to unlock this door?”