1. bobbo, the ONLY true Libertarian on this blog, all others being dogmatic posers says:

    Well known Bjork cover artist.

  2. derp says:

    I don’t speak russian. x_X

  3. Daragon says:

    Bath Salts?

  4. sargasso_c says:

    Khil was a bit of a hero. The censors pulled permission for him to sing the cowboy song seconds before he went on the air. It was a simple decision, either making himself look like an idiot on TV by making up lyrics or being sent to Siberia. He chose the first option.

    • mharry says:

      It’s nice that someone else knows the truth.

      • What? says:

        Actually, if you’d read what the Khil supposedly reported, he pulled the lyrics because he though they were terrible, and argued the song didn’t need lyrics anyway.

  5. Phydeau says:

    Very funny! Laughed my @ss off.

  6. Serpico says:

    Eduard Khil without the autotune?

  7. Shubee says:

    I’m not surprised that Russia has its own No Agenda Show.

  8. What? says:

    In Russia, song sings you.

  9. jim g says:

    WTF wazthat?

  10. NICKtheRAT says:

    trolling the trololo guy!!?!? he died recently 🙁

    • mharry says:

      Yeah it’s sad. He wasn’t a free man, he was a slave in the U.S.S.R. He didn’t do this, it was done to him. We should all marvel at his ability to adapt so quickly.

      • I'm ugly and my mother dresses me funny says:

        “slave in the USSR”. hahahahahahahahahaha.

        You are slave in USA now. Just don’t know it yet.

        have nice day

  11. spsffan says:

    Sounds like Mr. Bean

  12. orchidcup says:

    That was fascinating.

  13. McCullough says:

    Young Frankenstein meets Bjork.

  14. soundwash says:

    woops, i think the video is mislabeled,

    should read: “Russian comedian imitates American presidential candidate -and (the American voter’s response)”


    • mharry says:

      I don’t think so. If it was, it would be the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue saying “You will obey!” You asshats don’t have to interject politics into everything, this was a slave, improvising. If any of this is over your head feel free, not to come back.

  15. HUGSaLOT says:

    it’s like a shitty version of jaboody dubs.

  16. Peppeddu says:

    Anything taken out of context looks weird.

    For example the famous Seinfeld Soup Nazi scene would look very strange in some other countries. “do they have to put up with that just to eat a good tasting soup?”

  17. What? says:


  18. Comanche says:

    Andy Kaufman.

  19. Jump to Conclusions says:

    OK. Listen to it ONE MORE TIME and try not to hum it tomorrow.


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