Executive Producers: Sir Todd Cochran, Anthony Seven
Associate Executive Producers: Scott, Timo Zuidema, Danny Baker
Art By: Nick the Rat permalink

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  1. MWD78 says:

    this new podcast player redirect sucks. it won’t even run in the background like the old player did.


  2. Glenn E. says:

    Speaking of the number “33”….


    Ignore the pictures, as I did. The news alone is enough. One has to wonder if the aging actor can find and woo another pre-30 year old as a 4th? It doesn’t look as if any older, will do the trick. How unrealistic is that? I’ll bet the real problem was about not having a male heir. How very Henry 8th of him. And a religion was involved in that dynasty too. History repeats.

  3. BigBoyBC says:

    With Curry’s “Google” rant he has jumped the shark. The crackpot has become a nutcase. The true propaganda mill is Curry. Take a couple of weeks off, in fact cancel the show. You’re “No Agenda” show is nothing more than a platform for your “Agenda”. I’ve had enough of it…

  4. B. Dog says:

    33 is most likely a reference to the year 1933. It is a scumbag salute to the Nazis, who came to power in 1933. The importance of the Reichstag fire theme on 9/11 is just too important to discount, in my uninformed opinion.

    • Glenn E. says:

      I was thinking it was a Henry 8th curse, because the number shows up in some of his marriages. Ages, birth dates, etc. However, not all of them. So it’s not a lock.

      Not very long ago (2007) there was a pretty awful Jim Carrey movie called “The Number 23”. Which I wonder if it wasn’t a way of obscuring the importance of 33? All they did was subtract 10, so most people will get it confused. Or dismiss “33” as just another “23” coincidence.

  5. Glenn E. says:

    Mentioning Newsroom in the podcast. I was looking for a twitter update of the next Security Now podcast. And I read that Steve thought Newsroom was good (maybe even great). Sometimes I don’t know where his head is at. When it comes to anything other than computer science. And I’ll just bet you that Leo will soon follow Steve’s lead, in “liking” Newsroom too. I doubt neither of them rarely thinks in terms of having the wool pulled over their eyes, by the popular media. John’s skepticism is apparently a rare find in California. Or perhaps just of the old Tech-Tv cast.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    Andy Griffith died tuesday morning. He was 86. One of my favorite actors, ever. And not just because of his Andy Griffith show series. I actually watch very little of that, when I was young. My parents mostly watched it, thinking it was morally educational. I remember thinking it was a bit too hokey, for the times. A 50s Tv show, running in a 60s Tv era. But sometime after Andy left his own show. He went on to do some Tv movies. Usually a murder mysteries, where he was a local marshal. I bit of type casting, I suppose.

    Then in 1979, he starred in one of my favorite Tv series, “Salvage 1”. Where he played a salvage yard owner, who planned to go to the moon and bring back some of the Apollo mission equipment left behind. That was the pilot Tv movie, of the series. The rest of the season was about some nearly as fantastic salvage adventures. Hard to believe, but it was pretty entertaining. Fixing up and flying an old WW2 bomber out of Burma. Rescuing astronauts in a damaged space station. Helping a stranded alien entity, return to his own planet. Recovering gasoline from abandon oil wells. Trying to steer an iceberg to a town low on fresh water. And more. I wonder why today’s media refuses to acknowledge that it ever existed. Maybe it was that thing about the oil wells, that keeps it buried in some Sony Pictures vault. Extremely stupid. I’d buy the DVDs of the series, right now, if Sony would unclench their butts and sell them. But I’m sure they’ll wait some more, until I and anyone else who remembers this series, is near our own death beds. Then finally try squeezing some profit out of their aging film archive. Lame, Sony. Very lame. As always. Isn’t 33 years, long enough?

    Meanwhile, the celebrity gossip shows can’t give the Cruise – Holmes divorce, enough coverage. You’d think one of the royal family’s marriages was breaking up. Showing just how much all these syndicated shows are owned by the cult. To the credit of Access Hollywood, they did show just how cagey both Tom and Katy were about stating how they first met, eight years ago. Incapable of inventing a believable story. And neither denying or confirming that it was an arranged marriage. I read once that Katy was one of five or six brunette actresses, interviewed for the position. Katy was the only one that didn’t flee the “audition”, totally creeped out. Makes you wonder what finally did?

    And apparently now, Rupert Murdock is trying to get on this sorted tale. I guess he figures that if he rags on the cult, all of his other newspapers’ transgressions will be forgiven. Because he never cared to go after them, before now. Yes Rupert. Rid us of the cult, and we won’t toss your ass in jail for conspiracy of privacy invasions. Think he’s stupid enough to believe that deal?


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