Any person that has taken apart a machine can relate to this video… ;)

  1. LibertyLover says:

    I ALWAYS have parts left over.

    Thanks for the video.

  2. I'm ugly and my mother dresses me funny says:

    Awesome. My first car was a 1965 Spitfire. I never had to rebuild the engine but I did have to replace a stub axle. Easy car to work on.

  3. Mextli: ABO says:

    That was great! How do you keep track of all the parts?

  4. bobbo, the ONLY true Libertarian on this blog, all others being dogmatic posers says:

    I had a 59 BugEye Sprite that I overhauled. Disconnected from the gearbox, I lifted the engine out by simply picking it up. Years later, I needed a lift to overhaul my Chevy 350. Took less than a month as I recall. Left over parts on both jobs. Good Times.

    I feel sorry for the kiddies today. working on cars is a very worthwhile skill set. Nothing really like it today. Lego’s just don’t hack it.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    Brilliant idea — if there’s any question at all about how it came apart/goes back together, there’s probably a picture! Digital storage is so cheap there’s no reason not to take thousands of shots.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    Back in the 70s, I swapped engines on two cars. But leave it to Ford to make some of the parts non-interchangeable between two model years and/or engine sizes. Even the AAMCO mechanics didn’t know that the flywheels weren’t exact the same. And the ignition and oil pressure leads were flipped, in a two wire bundle, between 1969 and 1970. Why?! On God’s green earth, why would you do that Ford? Life got boring? Anyway, with a new oil sensor, and rebuilt trany, with the right size flywheel, it still didn’t last more than a year. So I junked it, and went back to Chevy.

  7. John S says:

    As a mechanic for years I can certainly relate to this video. But the key that saves many a mechanic from having parts left over is a method to assembly and dis assembly. In fact not many mechanics in shops rebuild engines anymore. Its done at refurb plants that do it all day long. I think in 12 years of working in shops I rebuilt one engine. Only because that engine was very rare and it was a necessity to rebuild it. Otherwise we would swap out the old engine for a crate engine and send the owner on his way.

  8. deowll says:

    Avoiding rust you can keep most cars going a seriously long time. Most people just don’t won’t to bother. My car is about 14 years old now though with less than 100,000 miles it may be around for another 14 years. It gets good mileage so unless I need something that can drive itself the advantages of trading for something younger are kind of questionable.

  9. Ward W says:

    Looks like an Austin/Morris/MG 1800 engine from here. This was the first engine I ever rebuilt, 35 years ago, knowing nothing and armed with only a workshop manual. Took 3 months. Great experience which I hope to pass on to my 4 year old when he gets older. I want a spanner in his hands asap.


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