In an effort to cut down on drunken driving, the state is distributing the totally awesome named Interactive Urinal Communicators to some bars, restaurants and other drinkaterias in Wayne, Bay, Ottawa and Delta counties.

Yup, talking urinal cakes.

Four hundred of the cakes will be distributed to 200 eateries prior to July Fourth, said Anne Readette, spokeswoman for the Office of Highway Safety Planning, a division of the Michigan State Police…”We’re doing this to draw attention to Fourth of July drunk driving enforcement,” Readette said…

Actually the cakes offer a message that is short, sweet and entirely nonjudgmental: “Listen up. That’s right, I’m talking to you. Had a few drinks? Maybe a few too many?

“Then do yourself and everyone else a favor: Call a sober friend or a cab. Oh, and don’t forget to wash your hands.”

The cakes are about $21 each, last for about three months — and your federal tax dollars pay for them.

  1. Sheila says:

    I’ll bet that they have a urinal talking cake installer, inspector and they there was the consulting contract the political hack got to think up how to spend the tax payers money on.

    Just stupid

  2. orchidcup says:

    If I walk up to a urinal and it starts talking to me, I would probably think I had a few too many.

    A sign that is affixed at eye level behind the urinal would accomplish the same goal and it would not cost $21 or require tech support.

    The Office of Highway Safety Planning has had a few too many.

    I wonder how many of them will be stolen for use at home as a gag.

    The only way to stop drunk driving is to prohibit alchohol.

    Prohibition Now.

  3. dadeo says:

    Let them meet cakes.

  4. dave m brewer says:

    Hey Ann, I find this to be very sexually discriminating. Only for the men and not for the ladies. Oh by the way she not a spokeswoman she a spokesperson…

  5. jollycynic says:

    This is a violation of the NO TALKING IN THE RESTROOM! law. Makes me wonder if women thought it up.

  6. AdmFubar says:

    one can only imagine what gimmick would be used to stop overeating…

  7. Dallas says:

    Very cool and useful.

    I can see urinal cakes initially used as non intrusive alcohol level detectors but quickly move to home toilets that would enable lab like analysis for all sorts of useful readings.

    The idea of a toilet talking may also expand to a cottage industry of Siri like applications.

    • Eddie G says:

      A toilet like you describe was invented in Japan some years ago. Personally I think the real money is in urinal cakes.

  8. deowll says:

    I suspect that _some_ of our readers wouldn’t notice a thing even if they hadn’t been drinking though not drinking might be expecting rather to much of _some_ people.

  9. dadeo says:

    The acoustics must be awesome; like the Hollywood Bowl in a urinal.

  10. This is could be a funny thing, but for me it would also be a good way of reminding drinkers about their responsibility after having an enjoyment in bars and other drinking establishments. Risks in roads after a long hour of drinking are inevitable specially when they have to drive home late.

  11. Law Firm says:

    When I read a few lines in the first paragraph, I thought that it was a funny idea. Imagine a cake talking reminding me what to do. But, when I read that the effort is to lessen drunk-driving accident, then why not. Who knows, this will really work.

  12. OrlandoDUI says:

    You know what, it was a nice idea to remind others about drunk driving. Other people find it funny but this is truly an art and message to avoid accident. You can able to use a message by not subscribing to your internet since people like food, it will be a big possibility to be become attractive to others because these days all we can see is an article or blog keep posting on the website just to relay their message. Nice idea, I know this will work. There many ways to express your thoughts and opinions however this is the unusual thing I’ve ever seen.

  13. Driving while under the influence of alcoholic drink is one of the main reasons why car accident happen. Each and everyone of us must be responcible for our own action. The government never fails to remind the public the consequences of drunk driving.

  14. Drunk driving must be discourage whatever way possible.


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