Really? Was this bit written by Bob and Ray (B&R videos)?

  1. denacron says:

    She did it wrong. Everyone knows the “right” pbj includes huckleberry jam.

  2. bobbo, the ONLY true Libertarian on this blog, all others being dogmatic posers says:

    I make my own peanut butter, one cup at a time. I wait until shelled peanuts are on sale, typically dry roasted salted and then I put one cup plain into my food processor (NOT my blender) and just turn on until its processed into peanut butter. Go farther than you think you should–it will lump up into a ball===>go past that point until it really looks like standard SMOOTH peanut butter. If you like crunchy, then add some whole nuts and process to the bit size you like.

    From time to time I add other nuts and spices I like but I always return to good old plain peanut butter.

    Add vinegar and soy sauce?==you got excellent peanut sauce for all things Asian.

    Cheap, easy, healthy, fresh.

    Good Eats.

  3. moss says:

    Who else knows who Bob and Ray were?

    • Uncle Dave says:

      They were amazing and hilarious. I added links for the younguns who will have no idea who they are.

    • Dan Wally says:

      They were a great old comedy duo. If you need a modern reference, Bob is Chris Elliot’s dad. If you don’t know who Chris Elliot is, you should find a whole to die in as you have wasted your years on this planet… 😉

  4. Fletch says:

    The real beauty of a PBJ is it’s simplicity. the last half of the video where she starts adding stuff to the PBJ is just WRONG!
    KISS! (Keep it simple stupid!)

    • Dan Wally says:

      Agreed, a sandwich describes what’s in it. Change what’s in it, and it’s a different sandwich. She obviously has no real imagination or she would have come up with an original name for her Phad Thai obomination…

  5. Ken says:

    Sugar, grains, legumes and, somewhere in that, a tiny taste of fruit (maybe.) If it’s going to make you sicker, then do everything you can to make it taste better.

  6. NICKtheRAT says:

    gd that was annoying to watch

  7. wow says:

    I would like to apologize on behalf of the “foodie” community.

    This kind of navel-gazing bullshit embarrasses us. I promise you!

  8. President Amabo (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    There’s no such thing as a good PBJ sandwich. Peanut butter sandwiches are awesome. Jelly on toast is OK sometimes. Peanut butter and jelly together is horrifying.

  9. pcsmith says:

    I worked in the cafeteria when I was in High School back around the time of Animal House. They took the big can of Gov’t Peanut butter and cut it with a few cups of Gov’t peanut oil to get a spreadable consistency. Jim E Carter good!

    She recommends Halal bread, but she doesn’t use it. Halal is a braided breakfast bread, great with some butter and cherry jam.

    Jelly? Only A&P (red) raspberry jelly with lots of seeds.

    I’d never grill peanut butter but I have spread it on toast.

    Peanut butter’s best use is in mouse traps. Better than cheese and cheap.

    • denacron says:

      “I’d never grill peanut butter but I have spread it on toast.”

      Peanut butter with chicken, grilled can be very tasty. I imagine Almond or Cashew would as well. Now if we can have someone post a nice recipe for it I might attempt a batch come to think of it. 😀

    • CrankyGeeksFan says:

      At least you weren’t using large containers of Smuckers Goober Grape or Goober Strawberry. (Stripes of peanut butter and jelly in the same container.)

  10. UncDon says:

    Natural PB? Mmmm… yummy yummy aflatoxin.

    Never had any taste problems with Skippy, btw.

  11. Likes2LOL says:

    @1:25 “Holla for Challah!”

    Howwa the Hella does the type of bread cause the flavor of the peanut butter or jelly to “pop”?

    I think she’s been making PBJ sandwiches too long…

    • Hooner says:

      It’s really a question of whether you want to “take your PB and J to the next level.”

  12. Rabid_Monkey says:

    I like how they purposely smash the two pieces of bread together as hard as humanly possible and grossly have the two pieces misaligned to emphasis how wrong the “wrong” way to do it really is. Hmm, not being blatantly biased or anything now are we?

  13. orchidcup says:

    I can’t wait to see the video that shows the right way to make oatmeal. Yum.

  14. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    I read in the late 1980s that making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich used more brainpower than watching a half-hour of television. That experiment needs to be updated.

    Now it would need to encompass browsing the Internet and watching a video about the making of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches like the above.

    Also, the sandwich that can’t be improved is the bacon, lettuce and tomato – with a little mayonnaise.

  15. Stopher says:

    Her most important ingredient, condescending smugness.

    • Dan Wally says:


      She won’t be so smug when the food truck craze dies off and she still hasn’t paid for her truck…

  16. Anonymous says:

    Just about everyone knows about the Elvis special – PB and banana. So try a PB and Miracle Whip (not mayonnaise). It’s surprisingly good, assuming you like Miracle Whip.

    Another favorite might be the diabetes special – butter and sugar! It’s pretty much what most people have as toast. So try not toasting it and see what you think.

    Now really. When anyone makes a sandwich I’d be willing to bet that the vast majority just want something quick and easy. Cause if they were going to be getting a skillet or frying pan out then chances then are pretty good that they won’t be making a simple PB&J.

    …And do we really need to eat more non-whole wheat processed bread? Isn’t America fat enough?!

  17. Jeroen says:

    just another video of why americans are fat!

    • kerpow says:

      Yeah because America is the only country that eats a PB&J or has fat people. Travel more.


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