Don’t you love being treated like children?

  1. bobbo, the ONLY true Libertarian on this blog, all others being dogmatic posers says:

    When did he “fly off the handle?”

    I saw him be grumpy BUT — he offered to let the passengers who wanted to get off the plane. Thats a good thing. Much better than some cheerful shill who just talks the PR line.

    The key: why was the airplane so late?

    ITS ALWAYS MANAGEMENTS FAULT, and management always pushes it downhill.

    Blame the small fry. Life is like that.

    • jpfitz says:

      Grumpy is one thing confrontational is another. “if you have the balls”, gimme a break.

      Testing… testing… who will act out for their rights. Then be arrested for being “belligerent”.

      • bobbo, the ONLY true Libertarian on this blog, all others being dogmatic posers says:

        Again – fair enough. You are always so fair jpfitz. How come you so fair?

        OTOH–words? Go to the substance if any of what is said, not the reptilian unthinking part of your amygdala’s short circuiting reflexive primal response.

        It will raise you to a whole new level of fair.

  2. spsffan says:

    And yet, you people continue to patronize the airline industry. Idiots!

    • Ken says:

      And yet, we continue to patronize the police and justice industries, even though both kidnap and sometimes kill innocent and harmless people every day. That’s the problem with government monopolies or government backed cartels, there are very few options for consumers who want to go about their lives.

    • jpfitz says:

      My last flight from JFK to LA was unremarkable until I saw the Southwest from above and Palm Springs below, beautiful and amazing.

      On the way back though on a red eye leaving LA was a hassle. Ball touching to the extreme. I wan’t to travel though hate the treatment.

  3. McCullough says:

    Could have driven to North Carolina in that time frame. And you wouldn’t have to put up with this shit.

  4. orchidcup says:

    It’s still better than riding the bus.

  5. denacron says:

    Pardon me as I pervert some lyrics

    ‘Then the flight stopped
    When I looked the airplane was still full
    Then I heard Jose say
    “Man you know you’re in trouble plenty”
    So I dropped my drink from my hand
    And through the concourse I ran
    And as I ran away
    I could hear her say to Jose, yeah

    Come a little bit closer
    You’re my kind of man
    So big and so strong
    Come a little bit closer
    I’m all alone
    And the flight is so loooooooong’

  6. President Amabo (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    If the attendants get out of hand, all the passengers should simultaneously poop their pants so the attendant has to smell it.


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