The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the centerpiece of President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare overhaul law requiring that most Americans get insurance by 2014 or pay a financial penalty, a historic ruling that gave the White House a big win ahead of Obama’s re-election bid in November.

“The Affordable Care Act’s requirement that certain individuals pay a financial penalty for not obtaining health insurance may reasonably be characterized as a tax,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the court’s majority.

Because the Constitution permits such a tax, it is not our role to forbid it, or to pass upon its wisdom or fairness,” he concluded. The conservative Roberts joined the four most liberal justices to uphold the law’s key provision…

The upholding of the insurance purchase requirement, known as the “individual mandate,” was a victory for Obama on the law that aims to extend coverage to more than 30 million uninsured Americans…

The court’s ruling could figure prominently in the run-up to the November 6 election. Obama is being challenged by Republican Mitt Romney, who had called for scrapping the law and replacing it with other measures even though he championed a similar approach at the state level as Massachusetts governor…


  1. anonymous coward says:

    “Just because a couple people on the Supreme Court declare something to be ‘constitutional’ does not make it so”

    Senator Rand Paul, June 28 2012.

    And this is, ladies and gentlemen, your typical nut ball libertarian who, sadly, happens to be a senator and yet cannot understand the basic tenet of how government works: if the majority of the Supreme Court has ruled it’s constitutional, then, by definition, IT IS CONSTITUTIONAL.

    • spsffan says:

      Rand Paul may be a nutball, but he’s certainly not a libertarian, based on the fact that he is:

      A: a Republican


      B: A United States Senator

      Real libertarians are neither Republicans nor are they elected to public office. The first part by choice, the second part by long standing tradition of the American electorate.

      But, as far as it goes, and out of the context that it was given, his statement is absolutely true.

      Corporations are people, which see.

      • bobbo, why can't we be smart instead of stoopidly manly says:

        spsffan—can you tell us what “context” makes the judgment of the Sup Ct not a constitutional determination?

        Contextual placement is the highest form of analysis. I hope to be informed.

        One of should be?

    • shooff says:

      Unbelievable, Isn’t he a lawyer or dentist or some sort of educated person? Obviously Kentucky needs them some school choice, because this Senator fails to have knowledge of basic governmental process. Y’all ‘lected a ‘tard.

    • The big e says:

      Mr. Paul is correct. The SCOTUS ruling does NOT mean some is by definition constitutional. The Supreme Court has and regularly does reverse itself on such issues. At one time they ruled that segregation was fine and then later changed that decision. Each of the three branches of government have an equal say in determining the constitutionality of a particular issue.

      • spsffan says:

        Thanks big e for answering Bobbie’s question. I got swamped here and haven’t had a chance to revisit the blog. But your answer is as good as mine.

  2. ramuno says:

    The sad part is that “Obamacare” is really the Republican plan that the Democrats finally got passed when real health care reform was stonewalled.

    • TwoSigma says:

      I’ve been saying this for too long. Especially to friends of mine who worked on Gingrich’s campaign

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      I am afraid to think of what “real health care reform” would be.

      • Jason says:

        Here’s some ideas of what “real health care reform” would look like:

        • bobbo, telling shit from shinola with every wipe says:

          Ahhhh crap!!! It never changes. I was looking forward to some good thoughtful ideas.

          No–just fantasy libertarian puke through and through: you know–let the free market rule. Bargain with your doctor with your chickens for healthcare.

          At least Loser will have a play mate.

          Idiot Hoomans.

  3. Telecards says:

    This is what will happen…Insurance rates will go way up…not because of the insurance companies want to make a larger profit. is because they will still have to cover the % of people who will not or cannot afford the premimums! I give as my example auto insurance: Yes…anyone who drives and/or owns a car must have insurance, but we ALL know that there is a large percentage of drivers who do not have insurance. This is why our automobile insurance rates are SO damn high!

    • anonymous coward says:

      Try Amica.

    • I'm ugly and my mother dresses me funny says:

      No it’s not. No it won’t. However, they do have one huge problem in common, and that’s fraud. Maybe one day we can all agree to do something about THAT.

    • George says:

      The car insurance thing is a pet peeve of mine. In my state you are not required to have car insurance. In lieu of insurance you may post a $50,000 cash bond with the Secretary of State and receive a certificate which you may show instead of an insurance card.

      So no, you are not always required to have insurance to drive a car.

      This makes sense to me. Suppose you are Warren Buffett and you own several insurance companies. Why the hell do you need to carry insurance when you can settle any claim out-of-pocket? If I want to pay-as-I-go and forgo insurance, then it is my right to do so and suffer the consequences.

      • bobbo, telling shit from shinola with every wipe says:

        “Pay at the Pump” is much better: insurance covering all drivers for a basic protection–no more uninsured lottery. THEN if you desire more than minimal coverage==go for it.

        I filed two requests for insurance coverage using different names/computers. In one I claimed I drove 2000 miles per year. In the other, I claimed 70,000 miles per year.

        Same premium. So much for risk assessment. Just another wealth transfer from those who drive little (the poor and old) to those who drive alot==middle class and rich. SUPER RICH–not so much.

        • mainecat says:

          I would think super rich have chauffeurs and do not drive at all. Except Romney who likes to transport dogs. Wonder if his coverage covers diarrhea. In dogs.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        You used to not have to buy car insurance. Only people who were borrowing were required, as a condition of getting the loan. The insurance companies just wanted people to pay up.

      • Dallas says:

        This notion of comparing health care to car driving because insurance is a common element is rediculous and laughable.
        God damn there are stupid shits in here

    • Gary says:

      I always wondered how having a mandate to have health insurance was different than the mandate requiring you to have car insurance? Is it because the car insurance is required by a state, and health care insurance by the federal government?

      By the way, If you live in a state that requires car insurance. You need “proof of insurance” to register your vehicle. If you cancel or don’t pay your bill, they cancel your policy and notify the state which cancels your registration.

      The other way to look at it is, the insurance companies make a ton of money over the car insurance mandate, while they might loose money with health care.

  4. Guyver says:

    What the key takeaway here is just because it’s CONSTITUTIONAL to shoot yourself in the foot, doesn’t mean you should shoot yourself in the foot.

    • I'm ugly and my mother dresses me funny says:

      Well, not really. The key takeaway here is that just because you can afford health insurance doesn’t mean that those who can’t should just die.

      • Derek says:

        Nope, it’s that the American government has found a way to tax existence. As of now, by doing absolutely nothing other than existing, you can be taxed for it.

        • Bob says:

          Ding! Ding! Ding! Exactly! This is the part that many Obama worshipers don’t seem to get. (and don’t try to use the car insurance argument, you will just embarrass yourself)

          As of now, their is no limit at all to what the government can tax you for. Do you Obama worshipers realize how dangerous that is?

        • Mr. Wong says:

          The uninsured without health insurance just go to the emergency room and we all end up paying for it–we meaning those with insurance and who pay taxes.

        • Bob says:

          “You have a hard time with reality, don’t you?”

          How am I wrong, or out of touch with reality? As of now the government can force you into any non-criminal behavior as long it attaches a penalty to not doing that action by calling it a tax.

          Lets say you can afford a new house. The government can now tell you, you must buy a new house. It would justify this by saying it promotes jobs in the construction industry. You would then have to do this, or pay a penalty… err I mean “tax”. And according to this supreme court it would be perfectly legal.

          I can think of many examples. And you know what, so can you. This is not about Obama, this is a government overreach of epic proportions. It would be the same if Bush, or Romney tried to do it on a federal level.

      • LibertyLover says:

        Then fix the problem as to why the poor can’t afford insurance.

        Don’t tax those who can.

        This is just a band-aid on an unpopped blister.

        • shooff says:

          They are going to tax those who can afford it and don’t buy it. What are you unclear about. Guess you are off the hook because you already have it.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Those who don’t buy it now are not going to buy it because of the mandate. 25% of people who declare bankruptcy don’t file tax returns so we’ll never know until they need it.

            A family making $32k per year still has to come up with $1000 in premiums. They are not going to get insurance if the cost is that high.

            Insurance rates are already going up (anything that is subsidized does) so that $1000 estimate may actually be closer to $2000.

            This law is nothing more than a tax grab.

  5. Jason says:

    Chalk this one up as a broken promise for Obama. He said there would be no new taxes for families making less than $200K, but SCOTUS has ruled there are new taxes in Obamacare. The taxes won’t go into effect until 2014, at which point the law could be challenged again.

  6. dusanmal says:

    Parts that I can’t stand:
    -Tax that Supreme Court allowed to be applied despite clear cut Constitutional language as to WHAT can people be taxed for.
    -My inability to buy health insurance from wherever I want.
    -My inability to buy any level of coverage I want, not some specified level of coverage Government wants me to.
    -My inability to plan for myself and not participate in the health insurance system at all (paying everything from my own pocket as I wish).
    -Businesses inability to buy any level of health care coverage they want, from whom they want.
    -Tax penalty on businesses if they do not provide health care if they simply do not want to, again in direct conflict with Constitutionally allowed taxation power.
    -Unconstitutional power given to unelected bureaucrat, Secretary of HHS to wield regulations over how medicine is delivered by the doctors instead of such power residing completely in hands of only doctors and patients.


    • Hyph3n says:

      Without go point by point, let me just tackle one point… you do not have to buy insurance. But if you don’t, you have to have a tax.

      I would dare say few of us shy of Bill Gates have enough liquid cash to cover any foreseeable medical expense. Extended cancer treatments can extend well into several 100,000s dollars.

      Sorry if you feel like your choice is taken away. But if you don’t have health insurance and get seriously ill, I have to pay for you in higher medical bills and health premiums. Where’s my choice in the current system?

      • bobbo, never sick, but still for healthcare says:

        Correct – and if you don’t pay that tax, the government is prohibited to do anything in response.

        I expect that to change. Let’s call it: “For Deuce Anal” because all turds deserve to be flushed.

        • Bob says:

          So now just for living and breathing, the government of the United States can force me to buy a product from a private company. If I don’t buy that product, the government will seize my private property.

          Do you really believe this new “tax” power the government has will stay in just healthcare?

          I can see it now, since GM is so important to the American economy, everyone will be required to by a GM car.

          This will come back to haunt the Dems many times over, just think of what the right is going to do with this new power you just gave them.

        • McCullough says:

          The IRS goons will enforce.

      • kerpow says:

        Are you assuming then that medical costs and premiums will go down or is there specific language in the law that addresses costs?

      • LibertyLover says:

        But if you don’t have health insurance and get seriously ill, I have to pay for you in higher medical bills

        And THAT is the problem.

        The government has mandated all sick people must be covered.

        When THAT money ran out, they started looking for more, hence Obamacare.

        The problem was created by too much government. And their answer was more government.

        • bobbo, telling shit from shinola with every wipe says:

          Loser –just the type of turd retard puke post I now laugh at.

          So isolated in your imaginary Survivalist Camp you think what you just posted was “an argument.”

          Usually, you have to have Alzheimers just setting in. Imagine what a snowflake you will be then?

          Yeap–“The Republican Health Plan:” Die!

          What an idiot.

        • Hyph3n says:

          “The government has mandated all sick people must be covered.”

          Yes, but now that everyone has health insurance, they will offset the sick, hopefully drive the cost down for all of us.

          “The problem was created by too much government.”

          The high cost of healthcare is due to too much government? Got any proof of that?

          • LibertyLover says:

            Um — if sick people without insurance are to be covered, where do hospitals make up the difference?

            Raise the cost of services.

            Who typically pays for these services?

            Insurance companies.

            If insurance companies have to pay more to the hospitals, where do they get the money?

            From those paying premiums.

            It’s simple logic. Use your head instead of your bleeding heart and it is fairly simple to figure out.

  7. dusanmal says:

    To also underline Presidential lying:
    -We couldn’t keep our health insurance plan, it disappeared.
    -We couldn’t keep our doctor, new plan does not allow him.
    -Since Obamacare inception our health care insurance cost (that over last 15 years have risen at 1-3%/year) have risen first year by 6% and following one for 55%, while decreasing our control and coverage at the same time – summarized: Obamacare INCREASED our cost while delivering less.

  8. NewFormatSux says:

    I said last year when some people were claiming that Obama has not raised any taxes on the middle class, that they were arguing in court that ObamaCare is a tax. Now we find out that Obama has been lying on this point all along, and in fact his health care law is a big tax on the middle class.

    • Jason says:

      Well said. We need a “Like” botton or a rating system for comments here.

    • bobbo, never sick, but still for healthcare says:

      How is it a tax “on the middle class?”

      Dogma with no bite.

      Silly Hooman.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        I suppose you think this tax will be paid by the wealthy? Or perhaps you think the poor are disproportionately the one who will pay?

        • Bob says:

          Your talking about Bobbo here, of course he believes that. It doesn’t matter if the facts don’t support him. It’s all the “pukes” fault right Bobbo?

  9. Mextli: ABO says:

    Well it’s all over now. The asshole won and will, in my opinion, be reelected. That will give him more opportunity to engage in social engineering apparently his favorite pastime.
    Lets just tax the rich (AKA earning over 150K per year) at 100% and let Barry give it out to whoever he wants.

  10. scandihoovian says:

    Next step, gut the for profit private insurance industry and move to single payer. This biometrics crap they’re introducing now is getting mildly unnerving.

  11. bobbo, never sick, but still for healthcare says:

    deuce anal, always trying to break my funny bone says:
    6/28/2012 at 11:11 am

    Parts that I can’t stand:
    -Tax that Supreme Court allowed to be applied despite clear cut Constitutional language as to WHAT can people be taxed for. /// Huh? BIG C does not restrict the power to tax. Thats why we get taxed? What provision are you referring to if any?

    -My inability to buy health insurance from wherever I want. /// Or drive whatever you want, or shoot whatever you want, or pollute whatever you want. Yeah, ain’t life a real bitch when you are a consciousless bastard?

    -My inability to buy any level of coverage I want, not some specified level of coverage Government wants me to. /// See above.

    -My inability to plan for myself and not participate in the health insurance system at all (paying everything from my own pocket as I wish). /// Gee Whiz. I guess being totally self-centered will make you very repetitive. Like variations on a theme? How musical are you Deuce Anal when not playing with yourself?

    -Businesses inability to buy any level of health care coverage they want, from whom they want. /// Variation No 5 on a fugue?

    -Tax penalty on businesses if they do not provide health care if they simply do not want to, again in direct conflict with Constitutionally allowed taxation power. /// Variation No 2 on “got a link?”

    -Unconstitutional power given to unelected bureaucrat, Secretary of HHS to wield regulations over how medicine is delivered by the doctors instead of such power residing completely in hands of only doctors and patients. /// Maybe more expansive, but I’ll give that Variation No 6 on “Whaa, whaaaa, whaaaaa! Where’s my pacifier?”

    Enough? /// You have me at Deuce.

  12. BigBoyBC says:

    “…is within Congress’ power under the taxing clause rather than the commerce clause”

    So it’s a major tax bill rather that a healthcare reform bill.

      • bobbo, never sick, but still for healthcare says:

        Exactly – as in not hardly.

        If you have health insurance–nothing changes except to the good. No additional charges/tax/expenses caused.

        Isn’t “having health insurance” part of the very definition of being in the middle class? Exceptions so rare that only a retard or a puke would even mention them?

        NO, this power of Congress to level a PENALTY is within the taxing power but not a tax per se.

        Yes, Silly Hoomans==its all definitional and contextual. Like juggling more than one idea at a time.

        Add to that “tax” if you must, can be “not paid” by those against whom it is levied and no penalties attach.

        Can you hear the sound of one hand clapping?

        HOPEFULLY–this will encourage lame ass Obama to press on for single payer/MediCare for All and a whole host of other oppressive social engineering provisions negatively impacting those ASSHOLES who don’t feel good about themselves unless someone else, nay 40 Million fellow citizens, are kept in pain, doubt, and uncertainty.

        Idiot Pukes.

        • deowll says:

          “If you have health insurance–nothing changes except to the good. No additional charges/tax/expenses caused.”

          Everybody that has bothered to check he facts knows you just made a completely false statement. There are something in the neighborhood of sixty new taxes in the health care bill itself and insurance companies aren’t mincing words about rate increases to everybody who pays which I can only assume doesn’t include you.

          The thing about you that bleeps me off the most is that you are an educated person but you are in the habit of making states that anyone who actually does their homework knows is complete and total BS.

          Have a nice day.

    • The big e says:

      More importantly, it’s a tax that is to be collected by a select private industry. The limits of government regulation have effectively been removed.

      • bobbo, the ONLY true Libertarian on this blog, all others being dogmatic posers says:

        Its to be collected by the FEDS but only by those willing to pay it. NO PENALTY for failing to pay the penalty tax.

        What you talkin’ bout willis?

  13. bobbo, telling shit from shinola with every wipe says:

    “YOU KNOW” it used to ((just last week as a matter of fact)) really irritate me that Pukes and their low information values voters were so stupid and self destructive and destructive to us all in the iron grip of their Corporate Puppet Masters.

    No more. Its a new day.

    What was caustic anger has turned to mirth.

    Hard not to laugh when Romney is being described as a very thoughtful policy advocate. Yes–that was just said on the boob tube.

    “Here—eat this shit. It’s really chocolate ice cream.”

    Ha, ha. But some make a whole meal of it.

    Imagine THAT!!!!

  14. shooff says:

    I had been putting off a colonoscopy for 3 years. The Co-pay was $600.

    Three weeks ago I had one with no co-pay thanks to the Healthcare Reform.

    4 polyps removed before they could grow into colon cancer. Insurance company’s cost is still unknown, but surely it was cheaper than treating me for colon cancer in a couple of years because I was too cheap to pay the $600 co-pay.

    I have means, I wonder how many are out there with disease and illness festering and have no idea because they could not afford the co-pay even though they had insurance.

    I do not need another scope for 7 years.

    Obama care will pay for itself.

    My Marine Corp nephew (ret.) hates Obama and Obama Care, but he just changed jobs from one corporation to another with a sick pregnant wife. Even he admits that is a good deal.

    It will be very hard to repeal this needed reform. Better hospital workers get the money than Taliban via drones and bombs. GE makes both bombs and MRI’s they are not complaining one bit.

    • Sea Lawyer says:

      So the moral of your story is that the healthcare system is broken because you were too cheap to pay $600 for a service you were consuming?

  15. deowll says:

    The part I don’t like? Forcing most Americans into insurance programs that are completely government controlled and the staggering costs along with all the taxes being put into place. I have the bad feeling that by the time this law has been in force for 10 years this nation is going to make Greece look prosperous and no this isn’t the only stupid mistake the people voted into office have made. In fact since we the people voted them in I’d say we the people are going to get what we deserve as awful as that is going to be.

    All the people that think this was a reasonable and prudent law and the bills will be paid feel free to tell me you disagree. I’m open to changing my mind but time will tell if this mountain of folly was a good move or not and most of you are going to be around to feel the pain.

    • bobbo, telling shit from shinola with every wipe says:

      Do-ill, trying to shit a shitter amusingly says

      All the people that think this was a reasonable and prudent law /// Nope–only the best he thought he could do given the opposition of retards and pukes like you.

      and the bills will be paid feel free to tell me you disagree. // I disagree? Hard to tell with a compound question. Whatever answer identifies you as a retard and a puke is what I’m for.

      I’m open to changing my mind /// Ha, ha. Pull my finger!

      but time will tell if this mountain of folly was a good move or not and most of you are going to be around to feel the pain. /// Hey D0-ill==why do 23 countries in Europe spend half what we in the USA do with better results? You have to have a “mind” for it to change. Don’t confuse puppet strings with independent thinking.

      Stupid Human.

  16. shooff says:

    Are you kidding me? Some nut job is calling for armed insurection over this ruling? The supreme court is the constitutional authority of the United States. 65% of people like the bill.

    Obama: Killed Osama, turned around the stock market, and now protects our own citizens from free loaders (the uninsured who can afford it.). Housing is up, interest rates down. Hope and Change review is looking strong.

    Tea….whaa? Where’s that Teaparty now?

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      You need Obama. If you are so immature as to put off a colonoscopy for 3 years because of a 600 dollar Co-pay you need a big activist government to take care of you. That way you don’t have to (shudder) think.

      • shooff says:

        In fact my health insurance company gave me a lower co-payment to go get it, as well as playing tennis and getting my lipids checked.

        Who’s been up your ass lately?

        Bet you are fat.

        5’11. 175 ripped.

  17. bobbo, telling shit from shinola with every wipe says:

    Because like Do-ill I have an open mind always looking for the valid parts of an opposing argument to test my own position against, and assuming that Do-ill is too much the dullard to imagine a specific number of new taxes associated with Obamacare, I did the searching myself.

    (new taxes under obama care) turned this up:

    with a link to 20 more such taxes, with I assume to a link to some 30 odd more to get to D0-ills “whoa is me I can’t be a self centered jerk anymore” open mindedness.

    I’m middle class. None of those taxes will apply to me.

    And so goes the New Tax FUD.

    Well done pukes and retards everywhere.

  18. NewFormatSux says:

    So now Republicans can pass a tax on poverty. A tax on failing to own a gun.

    • bobbo, telling shit from shinola with every wipe says:

      NFS–you are smart enough not to be so LAZY.

      You are complaining about a “tax” when you don’t even know what it is.

      Thats dogmatic stupid thinking.

      Why do you do it?

      (Also please not its not a tax but a penalty if you don’t get coverage levied under the taxing authority===and if you don’t pay it, nothing happens. AGAIN==not only do you have no idea what you are talking about, you refuse to read and learn.)

      Why do you and all other Pukes be so dumb?

    • The big e says:

      Sorry to have to point this out, but bobbo is incorrect. The SCOTUS upheld this “penalty” under the congressional power to tax. Under that approach, congress could solve public transportation by requiring everyone to by a car from certain companies or face a tax penalty.

      • bobbo, the ONLY true Libertarian on this blog, all others being dogmatic posers says:

        big e–your comment is fair enough. “its a tax (slap) its a penalty (slap) its a tax (slap) its a penalty.

        Its a penalty valid under the taxing authority of the State (slap) Its a tax penalizing those who don’t get insurance (slap) its a penalty valid under the taxing authority of the State (slap) Its a tax penalizing those who don’t get insurance (slap).

        Thats why I said it was definitional and contextual and like juggling more than one idea at a time.

        Sorry to tax your brain (slap).

  19. What? says:

    The cartoon says it all.

    I know a guy that have been sucking the government teat for 50+ years.

    He looks like Java The Hutt, at least 100 pounds overweight (probably 175). Had a bout with cancer; I assume his treatment was though his tax-payer funded job.

    And he complains nearly every day how the poor, or whatever, people are getting something for free.


  20. President Amabo (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    Healthcare does not increase the number of Americans driving 4x4s therefore it’s irrelevant.

    • What? says:

      Until the toothless, jobless, wonders crash their 4x4s, end up in the hospital, and have a $20000 bill that the rest of us have to pay anyway.

      Fair would be:

      1. You pay taxes on the income that goes towards paying for health care.

      2. You live in a way that makes you unhealthy (smoke, drink, overweight), your bills from your insurance company are higher. (You get lots of tickets/DUIs, your car insurance goes up)

      3. You get credit for living as healthy a life as possible. (Progressive monitors your driving, reduces your bill if you drive safely)

      If you’re worth $100,000,000, and want to do things that will put your body in an early grave, fine with me, just expect to pay your own bills while you’re on your death march.

      • BigBoyBC says:

        Well, if you’re going to use auto insurance as an example, let add a few more things to healthcare that the auto insurance companies do;

        1. Higher premiums on the young,because they are more likely to engage in activities that might need medical care.

        2. Red-lining of areas that historically have higher incidents of health related issues, oh the Black communities will love this…

        3. Deny coverage of the elderly past a certain age.

        4. Oh, how about annual health registration fees and health inspections.

        How about denying healthcare to illegals immigrants. Need I go on?

        • Mextli: ABO says:

          #1 Only booze not pot.
          #2 Like flying bullets.
          #3 They don’t by iPads anyway kill em.
          #4 Another tax.
          #5 Never happen, key voting block.

  21. msbpodcast says:

    Well, I’m sure that the teabaggers are all up in arms, as are the repubes.

    Let ’em grow a pair and be real men instead of showing they are small men with small minds who don’t look any further than their own wallets, no matter how much pain someone right in front of them may be in.

    The US may have become ashamed of its excrable performance… finally.

    I hope that I will no longer be able to write that a pregnant black woman in Washington DC has a lower probability of a favorable outcome and delivering her baby to term than a woman living in freaking Haiti. (Look up the WHO statistics on live births and you’ll see that I’m right.)

  22. The Watcher says:

    Let us not forget that many of the awful things inside Zerocare don’t kick in until after the election, and others until after 2014, giving the scum who put it together time to get out of town instead of being thrown out of town….

    Are you looking forward to your Doctors’ medical records being REQUIRED to be provided to the Feds, so that anybody can read them.

    Do you want to watch your health insurance double if you’re paying your own, or watch your employer drop your coverage entirely if the _tax_ (it was a fine, but the USSC seems to have changed that) is less than the insurance premium? Or just fire you to keep under the minimums?

    Still can’t wait?

    • bobbo, telling shit from shinola with every wipe says:

      Hey Watcher–better throw in those Pesky Death Panels and you know… the gubment getting between us and our doctors.


  23. mharry860 says:

    I’m not allowed to say what I want, because they’re watching.

  24. LibertyLover says:

    In a couple of years, people are really going to realize what a cluster-fuck this entire plan is.

    For instance — I’m a small business owner. My insurance rates went up last year by 30%. To compensate, I increased my rates to my customers by 5% to compensate in the lost revenue.

    My customers are O/G companies, cosmetics, pulp/paper, food/beverage, and water/waste water plants for cities.

    Although 5% may not seem like a lot, that is 5% more than they were paying before.

    They are going to do the same thing I did; raise their prices to compensate.

    So, when you go to the store to buy that iPad, you will pay more for your gasoline to get there, the cheeseburger you stopped and ate on the way is going to cost more, the soda you drink is more, and when you get home, the A/C bill is higher.

    Companies don’t pay taxes.

    Consumers do.

    And the largest consumer base is the middle class.

    But let’s look at the other alternative — A company decides it is NOT going to raise their prices to compensate for the lost revenue. Where are they going to get that lost revenue from (stockholders are not going to be happy with the lost revenue from their investments)?

    They are going to take it out of the employees in the form of fewer perks, lower or not existent raises, or higher premium/payroll deductions.

    In either of these two cases the worker, the consumer, is the one being hit by this tax.

    Yeah, this is a sweet deal!

  25. uteck says:

    The fine is 1% of your income, is that all? So for for someone making 30k a year would pay $300, not the thousands that people are screaming about. A millionaire would pay $10,000, so they might have to cut back on the number of landscapers they hire to take care of the lawns of their many houses.

    Granted $300 is still a lot of money, so it is still annoying that you have to pay the tax/fine but it would be nice if the same logic was applied to Social Security. You have to provide your own retirement account or pay a fine/tax. I have more trust in corrupt Wall St brokers then Congress.

    • LibertyLover says:

      Yeah, you pay a fine and still don’t have insurance.

      How exactly is that helping?

      • I'm ugly and my mother dresses me funny says:

        Weren’t you extolling the virtues of not having insurance?

        What’s the beef, retard?

        • LibertyLover says:


          You don’t recognize irony when you see it?

          Let me lay it out for you.

          The propaganda behind this monstrosity was that everybody would have insurance and it would cheap (hence the use of the word “help”).

          The fact of the matter is, everybody will not be covered and those that have it will pay more and those that didn’t/don’t/can’t will pay a fine if they are caught.

          So tell me again, what is this law doing for the country?

          • So what says:

            He may not recognize irony, but we all recognize a moron when we see one.

        • bobbo, the ONLY true Libertarian on this blog, all others being dogmatic posers says:

          It would be….. ironic ….. if in point of fact you could not?

          But, in Loser’s case, why be redundant? or repetitive? or dwell on the obvious? or …. well … only a moron won’t get my meaning.

  26. bobbo, the ONLY true Libertarian on this blog, all others being dogmatic posers says:

    Loser–you are severely testing my resolve to simply laugh at your stupidityl

    You are complaining about your healthcare insurance premiums going up 30% under the For Profit System that CLEARLY IS NOT WORKING AND CAN’T BE AFFORDED.

    For the past 30 years, healthcare insurance has been going up at x2-x3 times the general inflation rate. Why? >>>>Because HEALTHCARE IS NOT A FREEMARKET ACTIVITY.

    Of Course ObamaRomney Care is NOT THE ANSWER–but its all Obama thought he could get when faced by the Teaparty and LIEberTARDian opposition such as yours. Obama did what he could>>>he broke the egg of the status quo in the challenge of providing healthcare to those who need it in America: the Omelet has yet to be made. Just a swill of eggs, milk, cheese, bacon and other bits swirling around in the pan, but at least we are no longer at the bid and command of for-profit corporations seeking to extract this wealth from the general economy.

    Sadly, idiots like you will fight this all the way at every turn. The only saving grace is that you are an idiot and objective reality speaks loudly against youl

    We can not afford the course we were on. We have changed course, We will have to change again. Hard to steer a boat when you are hogtied by the stupidity of claimed libertarians and teaparty hypocrits.

    I thought the individual mandate was going to fail. Roberts finally feeling guilty over his partisan ways. He made the salient distinction between the Commerce Clause and the Taxing Power of any central government. I think he was right on the Commerce Clause. It is said he “re wrote” Obama Care to find it valid as a taxing provision. He can be faulted for that “if” there was an actual re-write–ie, seeing the substance over the terminology of the statute. Words Matter. Substance Matters. When the substance is valid but the words are wrong–the court “should” strike the statute down and require Congress to re-write. In this case: Pure Chaos.

    As stated, I don’t know the statute well enough and given the substance, I don’t care that much either, but I’m not a judge in a court room either.

    Life is like that: avoiding the dogma and the shit that comes with it. Loser—-when you gonna grow up?

    • LibertyLover says:

      Still under that bridge I see.

      • bobbo, the ONLY true Libertarian on this blog, all others being dogmatic posers says:

        LibertyLoser never responding to a counter argument thereby remaining completely irrelevant says:
        6/29/2012 at 8:55 am


        You don’t recognize irony when you see it? // Irony? Waaaay too much complexity for you. How about the simple fact of having your facts wrong? Irony comes after that.

        Let me lay it out for you. // Follow, follow, follow the yellow brick road?

        The propaganda behind this monstrosity was that everybody would have insurance and it would cheap (hence the use of the word “help”). /// THAT was never said, in fact just the opposite was said: “Not everyone will get coverage, but its a step in the right direction.” Poor Sad Loser LIEberTARDs everywhere==can’t make an argument ON THE FACTS so they trump up straw men==and even then lose. Ha, ha. Say Loser—know when you will just start to show the ability to critically think? ….. ……. ….. when you argue against the best arguments you can find==not those defective on their face as they are stated. Why you so stupid? You gotta get out of that tree house and talk to people who don’t already agree with you. You know the type—not reading comic books?

        The fact of the matter is, everybody will not be covered and those that have it will pay more and those that didn’t/don’t/can’t will pay a fine if they are caught. // Simply not true. And I’ll prove it. Tell us Loser==within the nearest plus or minus you choose–how much will your insurance premium go up in whatever year you wish to choose? Hint==you don’t know. Same as with every other pronouncement you make. Pure talking points from a useful idiot.

        So tell me again, what is this law doing for the country? /// Changing the way healthcare is delivered to the American Public to come more in line with what has shown to work in 22 other countries with the goal of better care for more people at half the cost.

        What would you DO other than maintain the status quo which is killing us while delivering an overpriced product? Yea–I know==reform malpractice lawyers and allow buying across state lines. Pull my finger.

        Idiot Human.

        • LibertyLover says:

          I never feed the trolls. You should know that by now. Why do you keep sticking your hand out?

          • bobbo, the ONLY true Libertarian on this blog, all others being dogmatic posers says:

            Asked and Answered now about 5 times with the Answer being obvious without its asking:

            Because you aren’t the only idiot here.

          • LibertyLover says:

            I hear there is a new bridge just down the way. Go give that try. You might find someone else to play with.

          • bobbo, the ONLY true Libertarian on this blog, all others being dogmatic posers says:

            Loser—-when you gonna grow up?

            bobbo, the ONLY true Libertarian on this blog, all others being dogmatic posers.

            Heh, heh…. poor Loser. Can’t stand being challenged, can’t muster up an answer or any analysis.

            Just a cheerleader on the sheeple bench.

            At some point LL–you ought to try to support your DOGMA with more than repetition. …. pay attention …. is that your stomach, your asshole, or your conscience grumbling at you?

            Pick one==and I will reveal the correct answer …. because I am:

            bobbo, the ONLY true Libertarian on this blog, all others being dogmatic posers

          • LibertyLover says:

            Bridge Troll. Nothing to see here.

  27. Dallas says:

    Either Pigs flew or that one POS Bush lackey Justice happened to have a loved one in need.

    The important thing is this is clearly God’s wish since she is supremely powerful.

    Why are Teapublicans against God’s wishes? This is an abomination.

    • Somebody says:

      He was put on to protect the torture agenda.

      This is just gravy.

      Kind of puts paid to the idea that we need to elect Republicans to insure SCOTUS judges that will defend the Constitution.

      But answer me this, If the Constitution is a dead letter, what legitimizes the Federal Government?

      • Dallas says:

        Easy. The Constitution is not dead letter so neither the question or an answer is moot!

  28. deowll says:

    Some of you may be interested in how this will impact you so take a look.

    • bobbo, the ONLY true Libertarian on this blog, all others being dogmatic posers says:

      Excellent short review – – thanks.

      Impact on me? ===Zero except in the future my rates won’t go up as fast as the overall cost of the program is moderated.

      Hmmm — less waiting in the ER for real emergencies?

      A most excellent result don’t you think deowll?

  29. Somebody says:

    I guess the surprising thing is the level of sophism inherent in the ruling.

    It’s really like handing a loaded revolver to a chimpanzee.

    Expect to see “taxes” on people who don’t join unions, enlist in the military, donate to political parties, do “public service”, keep their weight down, etc. etc. Sky’s the limit.

    But the immediate lesson is that John Q. Public is naked before his corporate overlords without hope of protection from DC or the Constitution.

    I’m told Roberts said he had a duty to uphold Obamacare. He apparently did not say to whom he had that duty.

    But on the other hand, I suppose that this was inevitable being the will of our corporate overlords and politically inevitable due to their ownership of the means of mass indoctrination.

    And I guess each of you will disaprove quietly and individually as you are waiting for the gas to hit you after having had your “end of life” counseling at the local hospital. But even then, you won’t be able to understand that free market medicine would have been better and that you really should not have to die just to fund an executive bonus.

    There are plenty of people who would like to explain how freedom works but so few of you are interested.


  30. Somebody says:

    Oh, and those of you thinking that this means we just have to make sure that Romney gets elected.

    Don’t kid yourself.

    He has no intention of repealing it.

    • LibertyLover says:

      Nope. If this ruling doesn’t show everybody the two parties are in in cahoots, nothing will. Roberts was a Bush appointee — didn’t work out too well did it all you Romney supporters.

      Once again, most everybody has been tricked into a Us v. Them argument without regard to the players involved at all.

      Side Note:

      I really do believe this country is dead now. Thursday night was the first time, in my entire life, where I really thought about not standing while the Pledge of Allegiance was spoken.

      And Friday I noticed the guy down the street stopped flying the American flag in his front yard. Been flying it for 7 years straight and now nothing.


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