Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. We discuss the never-ending tribulations in the Eurozone and back to Greece Agin

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  1. deowll says:

    Looks like TN and surrounding states are in a nasty drought. That is my yard is dead/dying and the crops in the fields are showing obvious signs of stress due to lack of water. Based on what I’m seeing in the weather forecasts the temps are about to get even more extreme as the ground dries and transpiration grinds to a stop. I’m thinking grain and soy beans are going to die in the fields. The hay crop is going to bleep. Not a sign of rain in the long range forecasts.

    The EU doesn’t have enough cash to cover the bills. Germany needs to drop the Euro and try to save Germany. Germany _can’t_ cover all the spending by the others but then Andrew said as much.

    I don’t see hard drives going away for people that need to store lots of data. The memory chip drives are faster but I just don’t see them being able to get as much data into the same space nor at the same low price. You want to back up on line rather than buy a hard drive? Fine. Your data will still be on a hard drive.

    Some Fed guy named Forest said of the US economy that it’s the best nag in the glue factory which is why EU money is flowing in and operation Twist was/is a waste. I guess it makes the lack wits in Congress happy because the Fed appears to be doing something even though that something is pointless other than to make the less well informed feel like big brother is fixing things. Call it a placebo for the economy.

    The fact that Obama is still as popular as he is with the disaster he and his buds have made of the economy suggests that most Americans are masochists or they are utterly brain dead. This dude is killing the middle class, committing homicide on the blue collar working class and the elites are becoming less elite but the majority of the American people still seem to want bend over and spread their cheeks so Obama can use a broom on them. I’m not in to that kind of pain. I don’t understand. I don’t like being victimized. Oh yeah, the only thing he has really done for Hispanics is allow guns to walk to Mexico to kill them. I believe the government of Mexico says at least 200 Hispanics were murdered with guns that were allowed to walk during Fast and Furious. He has made exactly zero real effort to pass any sort of legal immigration change but they still line up line good little chumps. Obama has totally bleeped over blacks but most blacks are going to vote for him anyway after all Obama is fighting hard to prevent the dead and non citizens being disenfranchised. This man has got to be the king of all long legged mac daddies.

  2. t0llyb0ng says:

    So the Supremes have decidedthat Obamacare is constitutional.  I’m still wondering, are the insurance companies that we’ll be forced to send our dwindling, worthless dollar$ to still for-profit corporations?  I’ve been wondering for a long time & still can’t find the answer to that.  Have to assume the answer is yes.

    Do for-profit insurance companies have a place in “healthcare”?

    Health insurance was a bogus concept to begin with.  You can’t “insure” health like you can insure chattels on a freight train.

    Now we’re legally compelled to enter into a “contract” with some legal entity consisting of amoral a-holes & we’re supposed to be happy about it.

    So Obama is toast.  Good riddance to him.  Welcome to the new Overlord, Mitt.  Gack!  We’re all toast.


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