America’s favorite cookie is stirring up more than milk today after Kraft Foods posted a gay pride Oreo on the cookie’s Facebook page. Oreo posted the photoshopped picture of an Oreo cookie stuffed with rainbow-colored layers of frosting Monday evening with the caption “Proudly support love!”

Over the past 17 hours more than 157,000 people have “liked” the image, 40,000 people have shared it and 20,000 have commented on it. But while many of the comments were supportive, some Facebook users pledged to boycott the cookie because of the post. “I’ll never buy Oreo again,” one commenter wrote.

“Disgusted with oreos,” wrote another. “Being gay is an abmonitation in God’s eyes i wont be buying them anymore.”

Basil Maglaris, a spokeswoman for Oreo’s parent company Kraft Foods, said in a statement that the image was part of a “series of daily ads reflecting current events in a fun way using images of OREO cookies and milk.” Kraft is not planning to sell the rainbow-stuffed Oreo in stores, Maglaris said, as it was created solely for the advertising campaign in honor of Pride month.

“We are excited to illustrate what is making history today in a fun and playful way,” she said in an email to ABC News. “As a company, Kraft Foods has a proud history of celebrating diversity and inclusiveness. We feel the OREO ad is a fun reflection of our values.”

Have never really understood the whole Gay Pride thing, but whatever.

  1. ± says:

    I can understand people being pissed off at having “the rainbow” and the once useful word “gay” being usurped by people with an affliction that they are proud of. But this is not enuff, others must share that pride and/or have it jammed down their throat.

    • spsffan says:

      having it jammed down their throat?

      You wish!

    • Dallas says:

      Lol. Your avatar says all you are or aspire to be. Hopefully you’re neutered.

      • ± says:

        Nope. Have great children. The acorn having not fallen far from the tree as it were.

        I have nothing against people with afflictions per se. After all, everyone wants to be normal. They have my sympathy. I’m also for “gay” life unions (or whatever you want to call it) and full legal status. But if they want to usurp the word “marriage” too, then my full power of decades of experience and accumulated wealth will help to squelch this.

        And too, the truth appears not to agree with you. This is sad.

        • Cursor_ says:

          I am always constantly amused that the idea of marriage must be protected when all it ever was meant to be was a way to ensure what child gets what when the father dies.

          And did you know that there are more gay people than those with blond hair and blue eyes?

          Perhaps blond hair and blue eyes are an affliction too? If memory serves me they used to have torch lit parades and showed their pride.


    • rob says:

      Why not? You seem proud of your “affliction”, being stubborn and mean. Luckily there was this guy named Jesus that had the cure for what ails you. Love thy neighbor.

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Didn’t they once have trouble with being Satan’s Cookie for some thing? Devil chocolate surrounding white purity? Some BS.

    Thats why Corps usually try to be “bland.” You can’t say nuttin’ and not alienate some percentage of your consumer group. Why do it?

    Could it be………. SATAN?

  3. McCullough says:

    Praise the Lard, And pass the milk!

  4. duh365 says:

    I wonder which Sunday school offers the “Jesus = damnation & hate” class?

    • jpfitz says:

      Most southern bible belt areas seem to misinterpret their book.

      • duh365 says:

        Wish it were only limited to that part of the country. I’ve come across the same sort of idiots in SoCal.

        • spsffan says:

          Yep. It doesn’t take a left handed, Jewish, blond haired, blue eyed faggot to bring out the hate spewed by so called Christians.

          They do it without provocation.

  5. jpfitz says:

    Roy G. Biv

    Where’s the i for indigo? Did Indigo go somewhere.

    I’ll bet more Oreos will sell with this publicity.

  6. Dallas says:

    I’ve said this time again … The ‘gay issue’ will be gone in less than 10 years after another 5-8% of the population died off of gets raptured.

    Even so, the Christian Taliban will carry on, albeit smaller, and cling to gay anything for scapegoat differentiation to attract new sheeple members.
    Much like the KKK clings to race as a means of attracting new pointy head sheeple into their flock. They used to number in 100’s of thousands but now just a curiosity.

    • Somebody says:

      In fact, the KKK is so low in membership, they might accept you just to have a member who is not on the FBI’s payroll.

  7. deowll says:

    Without regard to anything else one look at that cookie was enough to make me go yuck! Not the reaction you want if you want to sell cookies.

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      We all know you didn’t say gag for personal reasons.

  8. McCullough says:

    I usually scrape the crap out and eat the cookie anyway.

    • Dallas says:

      I stopped eating oreos in like 8th grade .. along with twinkies, hoho’s and those cupcake things.

      PB&J is a different story. I love that.

  9. Skeptic says:

    Ah… the six colours of diabetes.

    Gay pride is a pride of gays…. kinda like a pride of lions…. but gayer.

  10. AdmFubar says:

    actually i’m disgusted at this cookie, but not for the gay pride thing… just disgusting artificially colored looking “cream” filling.. prolly would be barfing for weeks after eating something loaded with that much artificial color.. yuck! very unappetizing!

  11. Somebody says:

    A candid look at history reveals that the Hebrews were sore losers and consequently, being Greek was an abomination in GOD’s (presumably metaphorical) eyes. Not all Greeks were gay but then racial stereotypes are not a recent invention.

    But go ahead and boycott Oreos.

    You’ll be back.

  12. Mextli: ABO says:

    Ah here are the magic words from the liberal catechism “celebrating diversity and inclusiveness”.

    Why is Gaaaaaaaaaaaaay such a large part of their identity? Aren’t leather chaps with the ass cut out enough?

  13. chuckie says:

    Who ever expects a bigot to have brains?

  14. Jess Hurchist says:

    There are so many more gay people than religious bigots that I know which group I’d prefer to sell to.

  15. Chad Alan says:

    This is so lame. Seriously? People are going to stop buying Oreos cause Oreo respects diversity? These same people probably had an issue with the original Oreo due to it advocates interracial relationships. Not just a relationship but a THREESOME with a white person being surrounded on both sides by a black cookie person! I’m shocked and appalled!

    No, but seriously. “Abmonitation?” I guarantee that God doesn’t even know what that is. When are these people going to understand that they don’t have to physically watch the sex? I mean, the way they act you’d think that every gay couple is piped live into their living room, all sweaty and writhing, corrupting their children and sending the whole family to hell with the sight of it. God’s also against hypocrisy. The bible is against tatoos, working on Sunday (or Sat. depending on your interpretations,) touching swine, making a show of your religion before man, making judgments of others, coveting your neighbors wife (not just your neighbor, but that hot chick on tv that’s married to that douchey guy from that show you hate,) envy, greed, gluttony, anger….. My favorite is that man to man love is only mentioned in the old testament. The New Testament, which the Jesus they claim to love and worship said is the new covenant that supercedes the old laws, makes no mention of homosexuality either in name or in practice. It mentions sodomy though. Sodomy is any sexual act that is not for the purpose of procreation. So, if they’ve never been blown by their holy, devout wives; or if they haven’t gone down on their lady (for one, that’s just sad) or been a party to any of the myriad sins mentioned in the bible, they get to cast their stones at the gay community. But, if they like a good session of butt sex with their woman, or oral, or anything that can’t result in conception, they are going to the same firey hell as the gays. And I think the gays are going there just so the straights can have to watch them doing it for all eternity.

    I’m a straight, engaged to be married, man and I have no issue with gay marriage. Instead I have a problem with women being beaten by their husbands, raped by their husbands, and physically/mentally tortured by their husbands while the church says that she shouldn’t seek divorce and that prayer for wisdom and strength will help her. I have a problem with the divorce rate being more than 50% (which is against the bible) and the churchies blaming homosexuality for the desanctification of marriage. Let’s stop debating a non issue and start talking about things that matter. The literacy rate is declining in America. People are starving and dying in Africa. Mexico is in the midst of a bloody gang war that’s hurting innocent people every day. Canada is just way too cheerful! Seriously people, you’re gonna be pissed at Oreo?

    • Phydeau says:

      Chad Alan, great post! 🙂

    • Dallas says:

      Voice of reason. Bravo.
      I’m sad to say I’ve given up on giving in to these mofos. I’ve spent a fair amount of my life paying more than my fair share and now in a comfortable place financially and intellectually to join the final 10% of the good fight!

      • What? says:

        The problem is: the repressed gays may be a lot more numerous than you think. Hence all the hate.

        A man, comfortable in his sexual identity, is too busy
        enjoying life to worry what his neighbor’s penis is doing with other adults.

  16. Nolimit662 says:

    The problem is gays feel the need to shove their gayness in our faces CONSTANTLY!! I’m so fed up with that. We don’t get companies to market straight pride themed products now do we?

    • spsffan says:

      What do you call wedding cakes?????

      Oh, and those get shoved in faces as a matter of ritual.

    • Chad Alan says:

      Really? They shove their gayness in your face? What are they doing exactly? I’ve been around both gay and straight men. The straight men are throwing their straightness in my face way more than the gays… I’m so tired of hearing about the fake sex their not having and how hot some chicks ass is or how big the tits on the bartender was. I’ve never had that problem with gay men. They are what they are. Only one tried to tell me about a date that went “well.” I told him I didn’t want to know and he stopped and apologized for making me uncomfortable. I told a straight guy not to tell me about his gross sex with some fat chick he ‘fucked in a bathroom stall,’ so he called me gay. I think what you’re really saying is you don’t want to be exposed to anything that you don’t like and if you saw one man holding another man’s hand your head would explode. I just don’t give a shit.

  17. JimD, Boston, MA says:

    Bigots won’t buy Oreos ??? GOOD ! More for us !!!

    Bigots hardly ever smile, and will now have even less to smile about !!!

  18. Jason says:

    If someone throws Skittles at you and says “feel the rainbow.” Throw M&M’s back at them and yell, “I’m not afraid!”

  19. steve says:

    I can’t go buy them what a let down was going to go pick some for me and the wife

  20. Johan says:

    I’ve never had an Oreo, since they really look nothing like a cookie, but more like a piece of plastic.

    • farmits says:

      You haven’t missed anything, the stuff in the middle is waxy, and nasty.

  21. President Amabo (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    Being gay or not gay has nothing to do with getting more 4×4’s on the road – therefore it’s irrelevant.

    Now, if we could sterilize everyone who willingly rides mass transit or buys a smart car we could eventually improve the human race.

  22. smartalix says:

    Morality-based law is unconstitutional.

  23. SchwettyBalls says:

    Can’t we all just get along..and hate Hydrox cookies?

  24. Somehow I can say that I am a fun of Oreo cookies. I find it delicious and really good, specially the strawberry one. But I don’t think having this rainbow-like cookie will be as good as the one Kraft Foods have, and I’m pretty sure I won’t enjoy eating those “rainbow-colored layers of frosting”.


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