Pole vaulting: Olympic event since 1896. Pole dancing: Olympic event starting in 2016? It’s not out of the question. Last year, the Pole Fitness Association circulated petitions to get the dance form into the 2012 Summer Games. Alas, the IOC must have deemed pole dancing more Las Vegas than London because it did not make the cut. But the campaign goes on.
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Pole dancing? I’m waiting for Olympic Lap Dancing!
Well they got beach volleyball with those women in skimpy bathing suits. This is just the next step…
It’s all about the ratings baby.
Skimpy suits or not beach volleyball is still a sport with sporting demands and results. Any “dancing” or, say “performance” “sport” should be removed from “sport” category into “entertainment” that it is. Pole dancing, ice skating for show (absolutely no problem with ice skating for speed competition or who can beat competitor on the skates more vigorously,…), many aspects of gymnastics (same as in skating – who jumps higher, hangs longer, flips more times – OK, dancing to a music without a clear defined goal – not a sport but entertainment),… I’m not even sure baseball qualifies (if grossly overweight slob qualifies as one of best “sportsmen” ever in particular sport, there is a hint to a fact that such endeavor is entertainment and participants entertainers rather than sport/sportsmen).
If they can swing a stick with a ribbon on it and call it an Olympic sport than why not this?
I could get behind the idea of a ‘performance’ Olympics, I imagine that enough could be found to make up a games. Maybe there could be a cycle of Olympics filling in between what we have now
– Summer Sports
– Winter sports
– Performance
Weren’t there prizes for architecture and poetry in the past, why not musical performance and theatre as well?
Typically, I don’t watch a whole lot of sports. But Olympic pole dancing? That could be quite interesting if they allowed real women to participate. Unfortunately, the contestants will probably be nothing more than just a bunch of prepubescent 13-year-old girls with “gymnastie” pedophilia spectators. You know, the same sicko weirdos with no children and absolutely no connection to anyone participating?
Personally, I get no entertainment from watching a 13 year-old gyrate on a mat or over a piece of wood or something. And I don’t think it would be any different if a vertical pole were introduced either. Of course, it’s different when it comes to women of a consenting age. But little girls? No way!
(If you feel a need to argue here then I would suggest you might want to see a psychiatrist since you may be dangerously close to being a pedophile yourself!)
But if they limited pole dancing to age 21 and above, that just might get me watching. After all, isn’t that what all sports are really all about? ENTERTAINMENT!?
(I swear! As a society, we just can’t seem to keep this entertainment factor in perspective. Just look at crappy shows like American Idol where more votes are cast there than in certain elections. It’s even worse when real sports are part of the program.)
Finally, an Olympic sport where single moms won’t have any excuses for not rehearsing.
I mean practicing.
Public executions are entertaining, but they aren’t sports == outside of Texas.
No–dusanal had it correct until he needed to breathe. Baseball wins or looses based on team score. Got too many fatties? Hard to win.
Sports: the old do better than the young at some break point, then the young do better than the old to some break point. Shitting in your pants is not yet a sport to make things even more bi-polar and complicated. Lower for females than for men. Do you have to be a pedophile to watch young girls do “anything?” Well–no more so than be a heterosexual to watch women do anything.
That leaves, why do men watch males do anything? I don’t personally watch sports of any kind. Oops. Poker.
So many variables.
Awesome. I know it’s comming and can’t wait!
A hot guy pole dancing is an amazing thing to watch in strength, muscular definition, balance and form.
And there are some things you don’t need to share with the class.
how come only Polish people will be allowed to dance?
nyuk, nyuk, nyuk
Next: Olympic SEX TEAM !!! Make all those T-Shirts relevant 1!!
This would require more skill and physical fitness than Curling. I would donate to the United States Olympic Pole Dancing Team. This would be tax deductible, BOOOOOOOOM!