The Vatican, stung by communications blunders and mired in a leaks scandal, has hired an American journalist from Fox News and member of the conservative Catholic group Opus Dei to help improve its relations with the media…

Greg Burke, Fox’s Rome-based roving correspondent for Europe and the Middle East, will assume the new post of “senior communications adviser” to the Secretariat of State, the key department in the Vatican’s central bureaucracy.

Burke, 52, a native of St Louis, Missouri, has been working for Fox for 10 years…

“I’ve had a lot of diverse media experience that I hope I can put to use for the Church that I love,” Burke said…

Communications disasters for the Vatican have included the Pope’s decision in 2009 to lift the excommunication of a traditionalist bishop who was later discovered to have denied the full extent of the Holocaust…

Will Rupert Murdoch get another promotion above his papal knighthood?

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    “stung by communications blunders and mired in a leaks scandal”

    “to help improve its relations with the media…”

    If that is what they really wanted, they wouldn’t go to Faux Spews. No, what the Church wants to do is feed a constant stream of propaganda to its brain dead zombie sheep. Now, THAT is what you hire a Fox Spews whore for.

    Yea, verily!

  2. nixon's the one says:

    Bill O’Reilly for Cardinal!

  3. sargasso_c says:

    Expect press releases in Latin.

  4. deowll says:

    I was going to say that getting somebody from Fox rather than the lame media was a mistake if you wanted the lame media to play nice but since the lame media seems to be composed of anti-theists that would hardly compute.

  5. msbpodcast says:

    Yah, sure, that’s the ticket. A better PR agent.

    Next they’ll want to start a campaign to sell absolutions. That worked out so well the last time.

    Fuck every priest, minister, imam, rabbi, bonze, televangelist, whatever, and fuck ’em where they breathe. They should all be pithed!

    They should get real jobs actually advancing/benefitting society.

    • George says:

      So, you should want them to become lawyers?

      • msbpodcast says:


        I said they should get real jobs actually advancing/benefitting society.

        A lawyer does not advance anything or benefit anybody.

        • The Monster's Lawyer says:

          Yeah, I don’t want any of them Holier-Than-Thou fks in my profession.

  6. Dallas says:

    Well the Vatican knows exactly where to hire new staff. – Fox News!

    Job Description: English Sheeple Messenger
    Translates and delivers messages given to you to intended for large herds.

    Candidate requires 10+ yrs experience working with sheeple. Follows instructions carefully and doesn’t ask any questions. Must work well around children and again, doesn’t ask any questions. WORD and POWERPOINT a plus. Oh, and the candidate must agree to not ask any questions.

  7. Sheila says:

    I guess Rupert Murdoch and the Pope have the same goals.


  8. JimD, Boston, MA says:

    Ecclesiastical LIARS hiring POLITICAL LIARS to LIE MORE EFFECTIVELY !!! I guess Murdoch, not Gates, is planning a HOSTILE TAKEOVER of the Vatican !!!

  9. Uncle Patso says:

    Google Translate:

    “Heus omnes wops salvum mei gramina”=”Hey all wops save my grass”


  10. farmits says:

    Evil needs PR.


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