The Obama event registry, and read the comments.

  1. butterbutt says:

    Is this for real?!?

    I cannot believe the president would be so crass as to actually consider this much less approve it!

    • dusanmal says:

      As real as reported both on Left and Right mass media… Shows true disconnect of Obama and people who run his campaign from the reality. Nice gesture if you are community organizer asking local people for such donation for a youth center or some other community issue. Utterly inappropriate for a highest national office campaign (even for a community organizer’s own local campaign).

  2. I think I just threw up in my mouth.

  3. jbenson2 says:

    Obama is getting desperate. Send your wedding money to Obama. Dozens of Hollywood campaign promotions. Lottery to have dinner with Obama and his wife. And he continues to fall in the polls.

    The secret service is getting more and more protective. At a lunch with Latino officials on Friday, the secret service confiscated all forks from the diners before they would allow the President to enter the room.

    • orchidcup says:

      Forks have been known to be used as tools of assassination for centuries.

      Look at all the people that have been terminated with extreme prejudice using a fork.

    • George says:

      If Calò could kill Don Luchessi with his own eyeglasses (in Godfather III), imagine the how deadly a fork could be.

    • deowll says:

      Please note the chicken was precut. No knife. I suppose the back end of a spoon or even chopsticks could be construed as weapons. On the other hand he has body guards.

  4. orchidcup says:

    I’ll be sure and tell my friends I would rather have a gift.

  5. John S says:

    Just makes me even less confident in our Government. As if that can go much lower. Yet we wonder why the World economy’s are falling apart and in so much debt. Its not about blaming Republican’s or Democrat’s. Its about blaming the type of idiots who run for office.

    • msbpodcast says:

      As I say in my screed on elections: There could/should/would be no such thing as a career in politics. (The only thing worse than getting stuck with somebody who didn’t want the job is getting stuck with some idiot who did, figuring it was going to lift him a few rungs up the social/economic ladder.)

      Bakunin was right: “Every state is fundamentally criminal at heart … Where the state begins, individual liberty ceases, and vice versa … Powerful states can maintain themselves only by crime, little states are virtuous only by weakness …

      But unfortunately, he also wrote: To my utter despair I have discovered, and discover every day anew, that there is in the masses no revolutionary idea or hope or passion.

      We’re all well and truly fucked

  6. msbpodcast says:

    I don’t know what everybody’s up in arms about.

    Romney and his buddies are going to buy the next election, like Mike Bloomberg did in NYC, the last time despite the term limit laws.

    Your votes don’t matter(, not that they ever did anyway.)

    He’ll buy the best PR money can buy and spin whatever result actually come in into a rousing victory speech.

    Results? As Stalin said: “Who’s casting the votes is just a formality. What matters is who is counting the votes.

    How long until electronic voting booths come in? Then the tabulators’ll have a black-market auction system for the distribution of votes pro rata according to the proportion of contributed funds. (You don’t even have to show up, your vote is going to whoever paid for its recording.)

    He’s going to do what he did so well at Bain Capital and sell off our assets, right down to the park down the street from you, to the rich viz: whoever’s got money left, and at fire sale prices, just like in Russia when that state got dismantled piece meal to the Russian oligarchs.

    AmTrak, the USPS, the highway system, the power generating dams, the thousands and thousands of miles of railroads, roads and bridges, the millions miles of grey fibre and the billions of messages are all going to become toll roads, privately owned and left to rot, unmaintained until the interstate resembles the via appia.

    I’m just waiting for the son-of-a-bitch to change the laws so that you can inherit debts as well as assets. Then you can start your life off hobbled by an ancestors‘ bad business sense, never mind student loans.

    My grandpa taught me: Spend all of your money on wine, women and fast cars, and squander the rest foolishly on real-estate. Grandpa was fundamentally right…

  7. Dallas says:

    That’s a great idea!

    I usually have a monthly Movie and Margarita (M&M) party at my place and think this is a wonderful idea to have guests donate. This is the type of fund raiser events that make America great and while having fun too.

    Contrast that to Sheldon Adelson who plans on buying the sheeple a $100 million stuttering cult leader for president.

  8. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Groveling for money sure does diminish any entity that engages in it: politics, religion, home town sports teams, charities, disease of the week and so forth.

    Money is a funny thing: we all want it but the more a person has, the more of a malignant mutant slug we become. Trumps hair actually looked pretty good before his 3rd bankruptcy. Things like that.

    Ha, ha. Silly Hoomans.

  9. Uncle Patso says:

    The cost of winning a presidential election is rapidly approaching one billion dollars.

    (That’s for each candidate.)

    You don’t raise that kind of money with bake sales, unless you’re Sara Lee or Hostess or Wonder Bread.

  10. NewformatSux says:

    What’s a beach candidate?

  11. NewformatSux says:

    Another letter is from Michelle saying essentially you are Barack’s wife too.

    I’m sure that donation to the campaign will last longer than any gift you give to the couple.

    I was going to joke that Dallas will be the first to sign up, but it looks like he beat me to it.

  12. denacron says:

    I tried to view the comments but all the damned scripts that are running to do so are insane. Yay for Noscript I suppose. That much garbage to enable…. forget the bother.

  13. jpfitz says:

    Romney receives money from the “job creators” who will get lower taxes, and the incumbent wants money from the “Folks” to give favors to the banksters.

    Blatant disgusting behavior by 0bama, shame on him and especially the genius who thought up this scheme.

  14. ECA says:

    I love asking logical questions of CORPS and people.
    One I asked of the CC companies..
    Why Raise charges on the poor people?
    Keep lower interest rates adn they TEND TO WANT to pay you back..
    Think of the interest you could HIT a rich person IF they miss a payment. THEY BUY MORE/BIGGER THINGS..

    Can I ask another Strange logic question??
    They say that the TOP Earners in this nation pay MORE then the OTHER 90%.. So why are they trying to RAISE the taxes on the 90%?? ITS MORE PAPER work, and tracking then TAXING the other 10%.. isnt it??

    Back to subject..
    You ask a group of middle and upper class LATINO/CUBAN/MEX to Hurry up and eat so you can GET KNIVES and FORKS out of their hands???

    So, HOW much did this event COST???

  15. NewformatSux says:

    Send the money directly to Durham, NH, since the Obama Campaign is stiffing them out of $30,000 owed from his upcoming campaign visit.

  16. Phydeau says:


    Wingnuts are perfectly fine with Right-wing billionaires spending hundreds of millions supporting Romney, but when Obama tries to raise his own millions, they are oh so offended!


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