Click on photo for more info – follow the tour
Daylife/AP PHoto used by permission
A group of Roman Catholic nuns began a nine-state bus tour protesting proposed federal budget cuts Monday, saying they weren’t trying to flout recent Vatican criticisms of socially active nuns but felt called to show how Republican policies are affecting low-income families…
Sister Simone Campbell, Network’s executive director, said while the tour may appear to have been organized to counter recent criticism of social activist nuns by the Vatican and American bishops, it was not. The timing was in response to consideration of the federal budget in Congress, she said…
While the nuns say they aren’t opposing any specific Republican candidate, they plan stops at the offices of several closely tied to the budget process, including House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, and Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, the architect of the House-passed budget…
The Vatican mandate to crack down on socially active nuns upset some church parishioners who turned out to support the nuns…
Campbell said if the Vatican would talk to her group, she could explain that it was simply continuing the work on poverty and economic injustice that has been its focus for 40 years…
Father Michael Amadeo, who attended the rally and is pastor of Holy Trinity Church in Des Moines, said that although the Vatican may have issues with Women Religious, he doesn’t think the bus tour conflicts with church teachings…
Boehner’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the bus tour.
King’s office responded with an email faulting “Obama…blah, blah, blah and Nancy Pelosi…blah, blah, blah.
Ryan’s spokeswoman also did not mention the nuns when she responded to a request for comment…
What would Jesus say about these nuns?
These nuns are misinterpreting scripture. I gave Paul some very specific instructions about not letting poor people become lazy. http://troms.me/2
Your President also misinterprets scripture. http://troms.me/4n8
Yeah like anybody pays attention to a mexican, by the way do you have a green card?
“King’s office responded with an email faulting “Obama…blah, blah, blah and Nancy Pelosi…blah, blah, blah.”
Really? You couldn’t be bothered to post the real statement.
“King’s office responded with an email faulting “the failed policies of President Obama and Nancy Pelosi,” vowing to repeal the president’s health care reform law and promising to pass a balanced budget amendment. The email did not say anything specifically about the nuns.”
Good time to post a basic premise: there is belief in god–that one on one private relationship. That stands on its own for whatever it may be and is of interest/consequence to no one but god and that individual.
THEN we got religion: one f*ctard trying to control another by blaspheming the basic premise. A bad thing by every measure.
If Religions and Nuns had any fidelity to their purported belief systems they would preach social policy and political activism from the pulpit and in everything they do. Nothing illegal about that at all===it just dosn’t qualify for non-taxed status.
Very short or long sighted on the part of the Church depending on the issue at hand. As a taxed entity, the Church could still net out paying very little in taxes if anything at all==you know expenses like soup kitchens matching their income? Another proof they aren’t in the god business but rather are in the controlling business and amassing as much money as possible.
Ain’t that a shame?
Go for it, Ladies !!! The Pope and the Priests are in the pocket of the Corporations and the Rich !!!
Wow Dusanmal, but you’re fun at parties.
now that way funny…..
grew up around fanatic catholics,
Oh Jesus save me,,.,,
I think you need to reverse that statement and then it would be true.
DuMal be of good cheer. You could always contribute to fundraising for the Horthy Fascist Memorial Statue.
He was a good Catholic.
Nuns on the run, great. What else do we need around here. I vote for…forget it.
Politics, like religion, is a racket. -nuff said.
Paul Ryan is on firm ground with Catholic teaching and his budget. Subsidiarity is a key principle.
Either way, don’t liberals object to religious influence on politics?
The way we left things in 1776 only Whites who owned property could vote, unless they were Catholics, Jews, Quakers or Women
Did you guys change some thing?
Pope is pissed. There’s a ton of linen that needs to be washed.
teach them to fish
oh wait you want to cut money for funding for federal job training programs, pell grants and education in general cut teaches and teaches right to organize i could gosbel on and on about all these cuts but I just ask did you understand the thing about teaching them to fish?
I didn’t mean give them nothing but time to literally go fishing.
jebus says “hey Nuns on a Bus YOU GO GIRLS”
Why exactly are there nuns on this bus?
You go girls! Behind you all the way – uh, except I can’t take you seriously without the habit.
nuns on a bus… is this similar to snakes on a plane??
Exactly, and these Nuns have rulers in hand.
“If Religions and Nuns had any fidelity to their purported belief systems they would preach social policy and political activism from the pulpit and in everything they do. Nothing illegal about that at all===it just dosn’t qualify for non-taxed status”
Nuns are much more in touch with the lives of people. They don’t preach(they are prohibited” but they do teach. Think of nuns as the nurses who administer care, the priests as the doctor who pops his head into the room and signs the chart and the Bishops as the insurance company that collects all the money and makes the rules in their favor.
Nice extended metaphor.
Still “amazes” me how widely practice varies from dogma in order to chase/secure the “all mighty dollar.”
Jebus is weeping. Even that fancy dressed faker that Pedro Linked to.
Were they filming the sequel of “Nude Nuns With Big Guns”?
It’s Nun your business.
he’d probably say “keep up the good work”.
Everybody listen! We have to put a barrier between us and the nuns.
I want these !@#$%^!@#$%^& nuns of this @#$%^&$%^&* bus!
I am glad there are nuns in the world, they dont take sides politically, there only goal is to help the unfortunate of the world. The nunns are very well educated, and have been all over the world helping people