Executive Producers: John Pacifici, Jeroen Huttinga, Sir Alexander Seleznyov, Sir Boris Borislav Marinov
Art By: Kosmo

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  1. ECA says:


    Karma is only given..NEVER To yourself.

  2. TooManyPuppies says:

    Interesting that Leo ragged on Adam’s “big bottom” considering that all of TWiT’s audio quality sounds like absolute ass. Seriously, John let them know, everything on TWiT sounds like they’re talking into a pillow, in a closet, in another room down the hall with the door closed.

    • Glenn E. says:

      In the old days studios were designed more for acoustics. But since Television, everything is designed for its looks. Sacrificing the acoustics. So even though TWiT was audio podcasts. The new studio is done for its looks, on video. Whereas Adam’s podcast room, looks like plain walls. That probably reflect a lot the sound back to the mic. So some of Adam’s “big bottom” sound could be just reflective. He needs a thick curtain, behind him. That’s how they use to kill that effect.

      • TooManyPuppies says:

        And with his ghetto setup, Adam still sounds better than all of the TWiT shows. It’s either those Heil microphones or bad settings that Leo uses, it’s just way too baffled and the listener has to crank up volume just to clearly hear Leo.

  3. Glenn E. says:

    “De-growth”? You know you’re in trouble when they have to resort to inventing words, to explain some new world control strategy, in a way that doesn’t piss everyone off who hears it. Degrowth sounds so much better than depopulation, or even forced sterility. But basically, that’s what “degrowth” has to be. And exactly who are they expecting to “degrow”, and for who else’s benefit?

  4. t0llyb0ng says:

    Here’s the Web site & book challenging neoclassical economics & positing that the “fiat currency injections” that went to banksters should have been distributed to underwater mortgagees instead.


  5. t0llyb0ng says:

    Leo & company can criticize others’ setups when they finally figure out to get those oversized microphones unstuck from their faces.


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