1. The Colonel says:

    1999 ducks…1 goose.

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    I’m thinking: “Bird Flu-2013”

  3. Gman says:

    I’m thinking “Yummy”

  4. Zybch says:

    Camera work makes Blair Witch look professional.

  5. Ted says:

    Did a bread truck crash down the way?

    Ducks Unlimited!

  6. anonymous coward says:

    And this is why the avian flu starts over there…

  7. BigBoyBC says:

    This video quacks me up…

  8. Da Brad Man says:

    What The Flock?

  9. Peppeddu says:

    Honey, what’s for dinner? Oh, not again.

  10. Kevin says:

    So that’s what an AFLAC convention is like

  11. jpfitz says:

    Syria Season?

    All the ducks are lined up in a row.


  12. honeyman says:

    Ducks. Evil personified. 2000 ducks might well herald the apocalypse.

  13. deowll says:

    Seen before but still amusing. I guess you’d call these ducks free range ducks. I suppose it’s just as well they don’t know they’re heading for a restaurant and duck dinner.

  14. orchidcup says:

    Looks like silly humans at a shopping mall.

  15. Uncle Patso says:

    Who gets the bill?

    Goosy Goosy Gander
    Where do you wander?

    Upstairs, downstairs,
    In my Lady’s chamber

  16. tomdennis says:

    If the ducks have a leader they will follow her or him.
    I know that if a duck dies in a dangerous situation and the parents and siblings are there also; chances are that they will die the same death; very sad.

    • mharry860 says:

      Kind of sounds like a certain douche and his minions in the White House.

  17. muddauber says:

    if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck……………..

  18. puppet for rich people says:

    Looks like Republican voters!

    • jimbo says:

      Yep, can’t be Democrats, they have both feet firmly planted in the air and these ducks are walking.


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