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The people on the “Do not kill registry” will be the first to be droned…
Obama doesn’t care if you are on the list on or not. It’s his list that matters.
I Agree with number 1.
The Do Not Call Registry is laughable. Even the Telemarketers fall on the floor laughing when I bring it up. Now I just take their calls and play Heavy Metal at Volume 11.
I just put the phone down and walk away when telemarketers call. I check every few minutes, not saying anything just listening. I enjoy wasting their time. My personal best is 12 minutes of them talking to a phone laying on a table. I have never even heard of anyone who bought something being sold by a telemarketer, is there any actual profit in such a thing? The people aren’t working for free, neither is the electricity or office space free….
I can one up that!
One day, I had a telemarketer call me and tell me “congratulations” that I had won. I told them “great” and to please send me my prize. They then said there were conditions but still wanted to send someone over to show me how their vacuum cleaners were the best. Afterwards I would be given coupons/certificates for various services and products worth up to $500. Ya! I know! But I still agreed to let them send their person over (they already had my address). I figured I had nothing better going on so this might be fun…
The next week the sales person showed up and I let him go through his sales pitch. It took about an hour after which he wanted to know if I wanted to buy his $3000 vacuum. Three grand? “Hell no!” I said. I just wanted the prize that I was promised. Of course, he had to call back to his office for some bullshit reason and when he told his boss about my qualifications as a prize recipient I heard his iPhone nearly blow up. I could hear the boss was absolutely pissed and knew that if his sales person didn’t produce the prize that there would be some real legal problems, not the least of which could have been his sales person leaving without his vacuum!
Needless to say, I got my rather worthless prize but never used it. In fact, I got several coupons that ended up being total crap. Not exactly worthless but absolute crap nonetheless. I think the best one was the coupon which promised me free gas for a year. Problem is, that free gas coupon was only good for $5 a month and came with some pretty serious limitations. It even required me to register my credit card online too. Right! Like that’s going to happen. I hope no one else is that stupid. (Somehow I doubt it though.)
But the good news is that my telemarketer calls have since almost disappeared. I now seem to be labeled as some sort of dead beat or bad sales “mark” within that scummy industry. Since then, I haven’t been pitched any more sales calls, not even to buy a five-cent piece of crappy Chinese plastic.
Now, I can’t say if this has worked 100-percernt since I usually just pickup and hang up whenever I see weird ANI info on the caller ID. But I can say that whenever I do (mistakenly) answer I only have to deal with the occasional beggar who wants a donation or the occasional political crap.
As far as this drone crap goes, sounds to me like more idiots who have figured out how to use the Internet – not unlike how telemarketers have figured out how to use the telephone. My only question is, what’s the motivation? I’m almost certain it’s not to save anyone (despite their claims).
Now, if we could just do something about the political calls…
Please add Alfie to the list before it’s too late. We need a resident loon for the next burnt toast discussion.
Anon. asks:
My guess would be pointed political satire. Sort of in the same vein as the 1970s underground comic in which a character (Mr. Natural? or his friend Bill?) cheerfully reminds us, “Remember! While smashing the State, keep a smile on your lips and a song in your heart!” (Although obviously satirical, I believe that’s actually very good advice.)
Funny but scary. I just created an infographic about military drones. If interested check it out here:
Some interesting facts I found during my research: According to the Washington Post, there could be 30,000 drones over the U.S. by 2020. A drone’s “gorgon stare” can scan the area of a small town. The United States is the only country with a higher approval than disapproval rate for drone attacks. The U.S. military has deployed armed drones that can fit in a soldier’s backpack.