Sorry President Obama and Gov. Martinez. But when you weren’t looking, Kenneth Gomez of Farmington took your jobs.

Gomez, who was an official write-in candidate for governor in 2010, has filed a document with the San Juan County Clerk declaring himself such. His reason: There’s been “active insurgency against the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the State of New Mexico.”

He says he will free all prison inmates, end abortions and nullify any laws that have passed since the “impostors” — Obama and Martinez I suppose — took office.

Read the entire proclamation…I’m sure that Obama and Martinez will do their best to ensure a smooth transition.

Gomez received 0.3% of the vote running as write-in Tea Party candidate for governor in 2010.

  1. nixon's the one says:

    Finally got the ears in the right place.

  2. msbpodcast says:

    So he’s going to pick up the tab for all of the debt?

  3. Dallas says:

    Mitt Romney and the Teapublican Leadership need to clarify this very disturbing proclamation to the American sheeple.

    This preposterous and dangerous proposal to undermine the Constitution would require a military response from President Obama unless Mitt Romney clarifies the intentions of his party and the Mormon Cult.

    • The Pirate says:

      No you see Dall ass, idiots with an agenda don’t deserve the time of day from either party. You, Dall ass, are only doing this guy a service by attempting to suggest that Mitt, teafucktards, and brain washed sacred underwear clothed cult members do something about one asshole in NM.

      As for your continuous “sheeple” bullshit, look in the mirror Dall ass, there be your sheeple. If you wish to educate sheeples, start with the man in the mirror.

      That is all Dall ass.

      • Dallas says:

        First off, you little fucktard sheeple need a new spell checker! I’m sure “Dallas” is in the Palm Treo dictionary.

        Too bad you don’t hold your party leadership responsible for threatening the Constitution. I just hope that Teapublican sugar daddy, Adelsen doesn’t spend $100,000,000.00 to buy his election.

        You should be as outraged as you were with Michele Obama’s vacation travel!

        • The Pirate says:

          Na, Dall ass. Dall ass is spelled correctly and used as intended. Irritating isn’t it? Welcome to your new Name, you wear it well.

          Now, Dall ass, once you come to the understanding that I am superior to you in every way, your petty sheeple bleets have no traction in the ongoing debate. It only exposes your ignorance and myopia concerning real issues. Boy – things are going down hill for you huh, Dall ass?

          Btw, I have no problem with Queen Michele’s travel excursions. Probably the best spent money in the whole administration. Queens deserve to be above the people, especially sheeple bleeters such as you. Why you ask? Because I said so.

          Yes I am that more powerful than you Dall ass, get over it, I have.

          • Dallas says:

            Oh, so it’s Dall Ass. How cute.
            Well neener neener boo boo to you. Take that!

    • ugly, constipated, and mean says:

      Spam. Editors? Editors? Bueller? Anyone? Spam?

      Spam. Definitely. Spam. Definitely. Spam. Definitely. Spam. Definitely. Spam. Definitely. Spam. Definitely.

  4. spsffan says:

    And you really think there’s no good use for domestic drone strikes????

  5. I can’t wait for the first executive order.

  6. deowll says:

    So is this guy still walking around free or has he been taken into protective custody? Based on what was said he seems to be rather saner than the guy that made the African genocide type video that was running around naked but he’s still delusional.

  7. Uncle Patso says:

    I tried to read the “Proclamation and Directive,” but could only get halfway through page 2. I am always impressed at just how byzantine and grotesque the ramblings of true paranoids can be.

    If only such energy and passion could be used for Good.

  8. observer says:

    Sir, step away from the bath salts.

  9. McCullough says:

    Most Coloradans think ALL New Mexicans are Nutjobs. Something to do with residual radiation from Whites Sands. I mean, you have seen The Hills Have Eyes….right?


  10. orchidcup says:

    I hereby declare myself King of All Domains.

    Thank you.

  11. Guyver says:

    Could be worse. You could be the President of the United States and effectively derelict your duties while assuming to have powers of enacting policies such as a Dream Act without a bill coming across your desk from the Legislative branch.

    The difference is one nutball is trying to make a point. The other nutball thinks he’s an emperor.

    • BigBoyBC says:

      Adam Curry said on Sunday’s No Agenda, that it was Janet Nepolotano was the actual perpetrator of that, as a gift to Diane Feinstein of California, for big agro, just in time for the harvest season.

  12. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    “He says he will free all prison inmates…”

    I can’t wait to see him approach the gates of a Federal prison and demand they release their prisoners. If lucky, it won’t be any worse than this.

  13. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Well, you gotta hand it to them Mexican’s. They’ll work harder and do twice what lazy Americans do for less than half the pay. Oh, he’s from New Mexico, sorry…

  14. BigBoyBC says:

    Wouldn’t it be funny if it turns out to be legal, and the courts allow it to stand. Hahahah

  15. dcphill says:

    Emperor Norton has shown his ugly head in Arizona. He must have his head up his tucas.

    • spsffan says:

      Emperor Norton was at least amusing and had popular support.

      This guy just reeks of pages upon page of single space typed gibberish done up on an Underwood No. 5, complete with carbon paper.

      I’m willing to bet that he showers infrequently as well. His kind are usually like that.

  16. sargasso_c says:

    A heap of idiots reaches a critical mass and boom!

  17. UncDon says:

    I wanna see Mr Gomez’s birth certificate. Doesn’t sound like an American to me.

  18. The Watcher says:

    Can’t say about Martinez, but my dog would probably be better than Zero….

  19. Grandpa says:

    That’s almost as bad as Romney claiming the economy is Obama’s fault.


  20. Buzz Mega says:

    You can’t “end abortions” and free all prisoners at the same stroke.

    Your Honor, the claimant is obviously insane. We move that he be taken out in the alley and shot.

  21. bobbo, double speaking ever since I found out the gullible had money and Jr. Day Trader says:

    Say Dallas — what do you think accounts for Pedo’s and Pierats interest in your ass? Did you just recently free a donkey or are you currently crewing a ship bound for the Carribean? Both activities would call for those interested in massive amounts of seamen.

    Whatever the cause, their interest in your ass should concern you. A stalker is a stalker always revealed by excessive pre-occupation. Teamed with animal cruelty and social isolation, you don’t want to be tagged teamed.

    xxxxxxxxxx Ha, ha. I should delete this but its better than the link I tried to make between Dall Sheep, Alaska, Isolation, and Doll’s Asses. Think I’ll go listen to whatever auido is on that survivalist website, if I can stand the red theme long enough to find it.

    I guess we do all find our pleasures where we do?

    • Dallas says:

      Yes, it’s pretty pathetic the interest in my ass.

      Pedo I get because he’s a typical closet case living a disturbed existance with his donkey and chasing my ass in cyber safety. The competition between Pedo and Piro is cute.
      I consider my factual, in your face and opposing points of view as a community service. The teapublican sheeple need a viewpoint from outside their self imposed bubble. It’s our duty to help.
      I have the added responsibility of helping closet cases like Pedo and Piro and I accept the responsibility!

  22. thatsmychin says:

    Listening to JCD on No Agenda, I’m curious why all of his buddies blogging and administrating for him on his sites are all left wing loons that start slobbering once a conservative slips up. If there was some balance on social/political subjects I might understand…but holy cow! Is every blogger/admin a homosexual atheist ‘progressive’? ‘Cause that seems to be the only thing that ever makes it on the blog/cagematch. “look how these homophobe Christian conservatives are acting! What a bunch of backward retards they are!”

    Come on Dvorak, your people are making you look bad.

  23. usa4ever says:

    There’s a Democrat nutjob in the White House who acts like the King of the USA, and decides he can do anything he wants, regardless what Congress or the Supreme Court says.

  24. SchwettyBalls says:

    The Tea Party would NEVER have ANY completely idiotic members. Next story.


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