Executive Producers: Barry Hanna
Associate Executive Producers: Sir Scott, Sir Borislav Marinov, Sir Gene Naftulyev, Sir Robert Goshko

Art By: Nick the Rat

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  1. t0llyb0ng says:

    U.N. power grab for the Internet—document leaked:


    • deowll says:

      Since you are suggesting topics for future shows I think that Adam or John should take a look at what Hillery got for our money when our agents set up Arab Spring. So far that project looks to have been the same kind of success as “Fast and Furious,” only raised to 1,000th power.

      Yes, I do understand that time is limited and they have so many Fed. Gov. foul ups to select from that they simply can not get around to them all.

  2. NICKtheRAT says:

    person who guesses what movie this cover art is based off of gets a cookie!

  3. j c qwerty says:

    Day 2032 of the Adam Curry hostage crisis!…….

    Who thinks Adam should stay out of the Middle East?

    If you were always saying GREAT things about the US government, but do you really think they would risk a SEAL
    team on you the way things are?

    Good luck on that trip!

  4. Publius says:

    Senator John “Bomb-Bomb-Bomb Iran” McCain urges U.S.-led air war on Syria, citing, amazingly, a helicopter air war on Syrians as the justification.




  5. Sea Lawyer says:

    The illegals serving in the military is a red herring, since aliens are required to possess a valid residency visa to enlist and officers must already be citizens. If you are an illegal who manages to sneak into the military, then you have committed several crimes in the process.


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