How hard is it to pass a test without bribing the instructor where you have to feel up people in wheel chairs with gusto, be able to yell, “Opt out!” loud enough, and toss a water bottle into a trash bin from 10 feet?

Saying it has “zero tolerance for misconduct in the workplace,” the federal Transportation Security Administration, which oversees passenger screening at airports, is seeking to dismiss seven Philadelphia workers.

The seven are among 10 employees who were suspended in November 2011 from security duties at Philadelphia International Airport, pending an investigation into allegations of payoffs for passing grades in annual proficiency tests.

In February, training instructor Shannon Gilliam, of Sharon Hill, pleaded guilty in federal court to taking a $200 bribe from a security officer.

  1. deowll says:

    Do we feel safer now?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Did anyone ever doubt that these TSA workers are nothing more than rejects from various county DMV’s?! Only the creme of the crop get to go on to become President. Who didn’t know that?

  3. The Watcher says:

    Security Theater at it’s finest….

    I don’t travel a lot, but most of the TSA folks I’ve met were decent enough people. But it appears that the vetting process got lost in the shuffle….

    Other than the groping and the PITA effect, if they’d just stop stealing from luggage, and/or pawing through my undies, consider it an employment program. ‘Cause that’s pretty much all that it is….

  4. jasontheodd says:

    The day I went to pick up my brother in law from the airport as he was coming back from Iraq, about eight years ago I think, I got to sit and watch these clown from a distance as they did their thing. I watched as the constantly mispronounced the names of the equipment and procedures they used demonstrating limited training and intelligence, I watched as the followed procedures purely out of habit not really paying attention to anything…that was when this all was new, do you thing their any better now with another eight years of pointlessness behind them. A couple of well trained bomb and narcotics sniffing dogs with trained handlers and a guy standing at a metal detector would do a better job for a miniscule fraction of the cost of having a hundred poorly trained rent a cops groping old ladies.

  5. Sheila says:

    The TSA has been trolling the bottom waters looking for people who are so morally bankrupted that they will grab peoples balls for a living.

    Where is the surprise in that, if you will do that…… what else will you do?


  6. blatherer says:

    It takes what? About a third grade education to pass the test?
    Alrighty then.

  7. Glenn E. says:

    This is probably a cause of…. If you can pass all the tests with flying colors, you’re over-qualified for the job. So finding that happy middle ground, between incompetent and barely getting by, isn’t easy. Then there’s the question of who would even want this job, bad enough to bribe someone for it? This ought to be a red flag for watching out for the pervs and mental cases, who apply.

  8. 91) When black mayors fail their cities in emergencies such as natural catastrophies, always blame state or federal officials. Never blame yourself or other negroe city officials.

  9. From what I have read right now, this is truly a perfect job for illegals. It is very terrible to hear this kind of news. I hope the TSA learned a lot from this terrible incident.

  10. Remember, Karma!

    Well, I think bribery would be impossible, if there is no one who allows himself to be bribed.

  11. Austin Homes says:

    I carry pocket knives in my backpack all the time. A few months ago I flew to Wichita, KS (momentarily forgetting that both knives were in my bag). It wasn’t until my trip out of Wichita that I was caught with the knives. I didn’t mean any harm and TSA took them away, but its scary to think I got on multiple planes with the knives without even thinking about it.


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