Michigan — A Southfield Township man accidentally shot himself in the groin Tuesday morning as he was adjusting his gun…

The 45-year-old contractor with a heating and air conditioning company was outside a home on the 300 block of Wimbleton in Birmingham when the shooting took place at around 11:15 a.m., said Birmingham Police Chief Don Studt.

As he prepared to get to work, the man went to remove the .40-caliber Glock pistol from his waistband of his pants where he was carrying it and the gun went off. The bullet went through the victim’s penis and lodged in his thigh, Studt said…

A co-worker on the job took the man to Royal Oak Beaumont Hospital. The man underwent surgery and is recovering, said Studt…

The firearm was registered to the man, and he had a license to carry it, Studt said. The victim may now face charges of reckless discharge of a firearm, and the report has been sent to the city attorney’s office to review, he said.

“We were talking with the city attorney about, you know, what if it had gone through a wall and hit somebody else?” he said. “Most everyone can get a license to carry a pistol, but you need to think twice about serious safety precautions when you’re carrying a gun.

“I think he’ll be thinking of that in the future.”

Har. That’s gonna leave a mark.

  1. nunyac says:

    In my opinion, the problem is likely the Glock design and a very easy mistake to make on the part of the operator. Glocks have a very low energy requirement for operating the trigger when compared to the average revolver in double action mode. The conventional wisdom for safely operating any handgun, especially a Glock, is to never handle the gun with your trigger finger in the trigger guard until the gun is pointed toward the intended target and the operator intends to commence firing.
    When one is distracted and in a hurry, this sort of thing can happen.
    I certainly hope that he recovers OK.

    • So what says:

      They also come with a safety catch as well.
      Rule one, fingers off triggers.
      Rule two, safety on until ready to fire.
      Rule three, use a goddamn holster.
      Rule four, if you can’t follow rules one through three you deserve to get shot in the dick.

      • rick says:

        Yes, the safety “catch” is on the trigger. That is the only safety a Glock has.

        He should have followed rule one, but a bigger rule he should have followed is to not put a round in the chamber as well.

        • Mac Guy says:

          Correct, Glocks do not have a traditional safety. It’s on the trigger.

          Always, always, always use a holster. Putting a pistol in your waistband without a proper IWB holster is just asking to shoot your nuts off.

          There’s nothing wrong with having one in the chamber. Just make sure you know what the eff you’re doing before you chamber the round. I always keep one in the pipe when carrying, as I don’t want to spend an extra second racking the slide if someone is coming at me.

          • rick says:

            I have one in the chamber when it is next to my bed. I just don’t think it is a good idea to have one in the pipe when carrying.

            It is a personal choice. I do agree with you that the person should know WTF they are doing.

      • Harry says:

        Best response to date! Gun safety should be requirement for purchase.

  2. Ken says:

    If that’s a crime, then it should be a crime to have a flat tire, because, you know, what if the tread flies off and hits someone, or your car veers out of control and you hit someone?

    • dusanmal says:

      With the right to carry arms comes responsibility. This is not “flat tire” analog. It is analog of so many careless drivers who instead of parking step on the gas and drive through the store in front of the parking space. Same as in that case, as long as the only victim is person him/her-self, fine is enough. However, if anyone else gets injured, such act escalates to a reckless crime. Because of the firearm, political aspects will interfere – if prosecutor is anti-gun ideologist, expect hail and brimstone (though clearly not needed).

  3. Dallas says:

    Carrying a whistle is much safer! Also comes in handy at a pick up wrestling match.

  4. Ken says:

    Seems to me that this gentleman was “shooting” for a Darwin Award.

  5. orchidcup says:

    It’s a good thing the bullet went through his penis and not his balls.

    (Just bringing in a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day…)

    A handgun is just as dangerous as a chainsaw if it his not handled right.

    • UK.Dave says:

      At least he did not have a chainsaw down his pants as he would have done more damage!

  6. BigBoyBC says:

    If you’re too stupid to use a holster, and stick the gun in the waste-band of your pants, you deserve to get shot in the crotch.

  7. Peppeddu says:

    To get a gun we need to have a background check AND an IQ test.

    Even monkeys have a clean criminal record, but whether they should be allowed to operate a firearm is a totally different story.

  8. Sheila says:

    should have used a holster


    • ± says:

      Sheila — I’m guessing you have some political/family clout with management here or you would have been blocked by now.

      • I'm ugly and my mother dresses me funny says:

        I’m guessing “sheila” is a script that just takes a list of phrases and substitutes in a word or two from previous comments. Not sophisticated, really, but in this case apparently effective.

  9. Somebody_Else says:

    God dammit Butters, what did I say about shooting guys in the dick? You don’t shoot a guy in the dick! – Eric Cartman

  10. WmDE says:

    Contractors should know more about tool selection. Using a semi-automatic to do the job of an internal hammer revolver.

    Using the wrong tool can damage your too…… Never mind.

  11. John E. Quantum says:

    There once was a Birmingham man
    Whose holster was his pants’ waist band
    He handled his Glock
    Nearly shot off his cock
    And no longer can piss if he stands

  12. What is all this discussion about the gun type – and not the downright foolishness of this fellow or perhaps it was intentional to collect insurance money
    Who knows what goes in the mind of these types – miscreants
    Why blame the gun design

  13. sargasso_c says:

    Glocks do that.

  14. msbpodcast says:

    LOL. What an asshole..

    Was the dick head a Russian? Name of Shotmycockoff?

    Sorry he didn’t make it into the Darwin awards.

  15. Anonymous says:

    You always hear about the one or two idiots with guns shooting their peckers off or some other body appendage. But you never hear about the millions of other people who manage to have perfectly normal lives and never end up shooting anything other than a target – or what they’re aiming for. The fact that it’s so hard for the liberal press to find stories like this would seem to indicate that “licensed” gun owners are more than safe with their own firearms.

    Let’s also not forget that when someone want’s to commit a gun crime that the last thing these would-be criminals will consider is the law – if they even consider anything!

    Once we start punishing offenders (appropriately) for their crimes will we see crime rates go down too.

    It’s just common sense (that doesn’t seem to be very common any more).

    …All the same, very funny.

  16. ± says:

    For those who haven’t seen it. ATF agent announces that he is the only one in the room professional enuff to handle the Glock 40 he is holding and then ….. http://youtube.com/watch?v=AxWWJaTEdD0

  17. spsffan says:

    Yet another argument in favor of open verses concealed carry. Oh, and Glocks which I never cared for anyway, since 1. they are ugly and 2. every one I ever used malfunctioned about 15% of the time.

  18. Uncle Patso says:

    Whenever I see someone with a firearm (of whatever type) tucked in his waistband I remember a line from a Mae West movie:

    “Careful — you’ll shoot your brains out.”

  19. Schleprock says:

    Premature discharge, huh. I guess he’ll be shooting blanks now. What a numb nuts. You may not want to stand next to him at the urinal. I’ve heard of leaving a tip, but 20% is re-dickless…
    I like guns, but people who are so scared that they have to carry one around all of the time are cowards.


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