A lawmaker was barred from speaking on the floor of the Michigan state legislature for saying “vagina” during a heated debate over abortions. House Republicans blocked Democratic Rep. Lisa Brown for her remark during a speech blasting the controversial bill that would restrict abortions after 20 weeks, according to The Detroit News.

“Finally, Mr. Speaker, I’m flattered that you’re all so interested in my vagina, but ‘no’ means ‘no,’” Brown said at the end of her speech Wednesday.

A spokesman for Michigan Speaker James Bolger said in a statement that Brown would not be allowed to give her opinion on a school employee retirement bill Thursday because she had “failed to maintain the decorum of the House of Representatives…”

Brown defended her right to say “vagina” at a press conference Thursday, arguing that it’s the “anatomically, medically correct term. “If I can’t say the word vagina, why are we legislating vaginas?” Brown asked…

In her remarks Wednesday, Brown argued that the abortion regulation bill would violate her Jewish faith, which permits therapeutic abortions when the mother’s life is at risk.

“I have not asked you to adopt and to adhere to my religious beliefs. Why are you asking me to adopt yours?” Brown asked.

At least we know what Republicans are truly afraid of. Body parts.

  1. So what says:

    What a bunch of pussies.

  2. jpfitz says:

    “At least we know what Republicans are truly afraid of. Body parts.”

    Not just any body parts, it’s the va-jay-jay that frightens them Eideard.


    • msbpodcast says:

      Ya beat me to it.

      What a bloody bunch of cunts, or are they a bunch of bloody cunts.

      Its the anatomical term for a pussy, a cunt, a box, a snatch, a disk sleeve … you can’t get more anatomically correct than calling it a vagina.

      She’s even got one.

      What a fuckin’ bunch of fuckin’ hypocrites.

  3. chuckie says:

    Republikans get as much (dis)respect as they deserve. Maybe not enuff, yet.

  4. Recluse says:

    Does it seem like Teadud’s whiny ramblings are more incoherent than usual?

    • tcc3 says:

      He gets like this sometimes. Some say he runs low on meds.

    • So what says:


    • msbpodcast says:

      He’s got, uh, problems.

      He’s never been near a lady’s nether region except for that one time, and the police got called, and … well let’s just say that she got a restraining order and now he’s a registered sex offender.

      Excuse him… He gets the vapors whenever the, uh, issue manages to break through the aversion conditioning.

      Its a form of self-flagellation but he goes to ome porno sites and jerks off until his eyes start to bleed.

      Pity the jerk… But don’t shake hands with him. Yuck….

  5. Dallas says:

    I kinda gag a little when I hear that word too. I’m with the Republipukes on this one. Something less medical sounding and not too descriptive.

    • So what says:

      Pick one
      3.Bearded Clam
      4. Vagina
      5. Soft Shelled Tuna Taco
      6. Camel Toe
      7. Slit
      8. pit
      9. Cum Dumpster
      10. Fuzzy Taco
      11. Air Pipe
      13. Beaver
      14. Tuna Town
      15. Punani
      16. Puntang
      17. ECD
      18. Sweaty Love Box
      19. Coochie
      20. Stabin’ Cabin
      21. Muff
      22. Peach
      23. Snake Pit
      24. Holster
      25. Snatch
      26. Chonch
      27. Pinoché
      28. Hatchet Wound
      29. Stinky Pink
      30. Moose Knuckle
      31. Small Aquatic Animal
      32. Fetus Factory
      33. Pudunda
      34. Arm Sleeves
      35. Finger Warmer
      36. Bottle Holder
      37. Anal Alternative
      38. Susan
      39. Land Down Under
      40. Joy Trail
      41. Tunnel of Love
      42. Crotch Sink
      43. Sex
      44. Nappy Dugout
      45. Fur Pipe
      46. Flitter
      47. Dinner
      48. Meat Tunnel
      49. Hole
      50. Gash (Bleeding)
      51. Roast Beef
      52. Penis Coffin
      53. Flower Bud
      54. Pin Cushion
      55. Velvet-Lined Meat Wallet
      56. Cooter
      57. Fur Burger
      58. Fuzzy Credit Card
      59. Pee-Pee
      60. Miss Flappy
      61. Mr. Happy’s Flappy Garage
      62. Texas Tunnel
      63. Front Butt
      64. Penis Fly Trap
      65. Red Snapper
      66. Trouser Trout
      67. Panty Perch
      68. Box
      69. Money Maker
      70. Sideways Smile
      71. Hair Pie
      72. Abyss
      73. Black Hole
      74. Skirt Scampi
      75. Beef Curtains
      76. Funnel
      77. Cherry Pie
      78. Cherry
      79. Penis Warmer
      80. Microwave
      81. Womanhood
      82. Mace
      83. Fat Fold
      84. Split Tail
      85. Female Genitalia
      86. Jiz Creek
      87. One E One Horned Flying Purple Penis Eater
      88. One E Monster’s Cave
      89. Sheath
      90. Plump Pink Penis Cushion
      91. Hot Pocket
      92. Cum Muffler
      93. Weiner Wagon
      94. Weiner Getter Wetter
      95. Pink Void (get it?)
      96. Pink Penis Caddie
      97. Cum Sponge
      98. Cum Catcher
      99. Mound
      100. Moist Monkey Mauler
      101. Devil’s Ditch
      102. Pike Purse
      103. Quarry
      104. Carp Carnival
      105. Fish Farm
      106. Skinner
      107. Hole
      108. Slime Well
      109. Humpadelic Hymen
      110. Can
      111. Tampon Tamer
      112. Daddy’s Dead End
      113. Pink Room
      114. Penis Receptacle
      115. Oval Office
      116. Flapper
      117. TLU
      118. Lasagna Lips
      119. Bean
      120. Hallway
      121. Panty Puppet
      122. Tuna Melt
      123. Penis Garage
      124. Ball Backboard
      125. Porch
      126. Yeast Factory
      127. Yeast Infection Connection
      128. Chatterbox
      129. Box-on-the-Jack
      130. Limpy’s Hump Palace
      131. Pinochtitlán
      132. Meatball Sub Tub
      133. Tub
      134. Fertilization Plantation
      135. Park & Ride
      136. Slip & SLide
      137. Love Muffin
      138. Hawaiian Hairball
      139. ilocks and the Three Hairs.
      140. zilla
      141. Cubby Hole
      142. Semen Locker
      143. Apron
      144. Bone Collector
      145. Grassy Knoll
      146. Fancy
      147. The Mouth
      148. One E Al’s Beef Corral
      149. Duck Billed Fatapuss
      150. Rubber Rimmed Romper Room
      151. Masturbation Contingency Plan
      152. Tar Pit
      153. Sock
      154. Pelvis Furby
      155. Sperm Jacuzzi
      156. Horny Harry’s Hobby Hole
      157. Knuckles
      158. Ho Chi Minh Trail
      159. Yellow Prick Road
      160. Great Red Ravine
      161. Holiest of Holies
      162. Penis Piñata
      163. The Other White Meat
      164. Baby Vending Machine
      165. Toothless Grin
      166. One Eye’s Wonder Hole
      167. Purple Headed Party Shack
      168. Penis Parking Lot
      169. Pimp’s Paycheck
      170. Glory Hole
      171. Uteran Hatch
      172. Watertight Door
      173. Horny Halo
      174. Gonorrhea Gainer
      175. Tinkle Bird
      176. Chlamydia Canal
      177. Right Of Passage
      178. Long Wanger Hanger
      179. Pretty Little Penis Purse
      180. Snuffleufapuss
      181. Trophey Recepticle
      182. Main Vein Drain
      181. Pink Penis Pooker
      182. Purple Headed Pit Stop
      183. Spunk Bucket
      184. Organ Formally Known as
      185. Port of Entry
      186. Errection Correction Trench
      187. ECF
      188. Clit Crate
      189. Royal Envelope (RSE)
      190. Eager Mating Canal (EDMC)
      191. Lunch Box
      192. Inni
      193. Velvet Underground
      194. Big Berthat
      195. Cooze
      196. Quim
      197. Extremely Durable Penis Orifice
      198. Fun Bag
      199. Lovin’ Oven
      200. Penis Slide
      201. Pride Land
      202. Crank Case
      203. Douche Caboose
      204. Sausage Delivery Orifice
      205. Clam Flavored Pothole
      206. Nut Cam
      207. Mama Joe
      208. Next to the Butt Nut Hut
      209. Pot Pie
      210. Fuzzy Grape
      211. Buried Treasure
      212. Shrimp Bed
      213. Cozy
      214. Warm Apple Pie
      215. Honey Pot
      216. Bloomin’ Onion
      217. The Q
      218. Pee-Wee Grinder
      219. Bloody Mary
      220. Furry Flounder
      221. Bald Eagle
      222. Chang-Chang
      223. Whisker Bisket
      224. Muscle
      225. Rabbit Hole
      226. Snoop Nappy Snatch
      227. Hairy Dime Slot
      228. Skanky Hood
      229. Landing Strip
      230. Shaft Alley
      231. Cunny
      232. Kiki
      233. Church Box
      234. Sperm Bank
      235. Meat Drapes
      236. Misty Crevice
      237. Knuckle
      238. Snake Ranch

  6. orchidcup says:

    She should have called it a doohickey.

    That would have been acceptable to squeamish Republicans.

    • Skeptic says:

      Hey, that reminds me… could you please pass me that doohickey? That’s if you are finished with it.

  7. NewformatSux says:

    Just because her religion permits it, that doesn’t make it a violation to ban it. My religion permits driving 100 mph on the highway.

    Now if her religion mandated it, she would have a point.

    With logic like that she should be thrown out of the legislature.

  8. NewformatSux says:

    Funny how many colleges put up performances of The Vagina Monologues, and famous actresses will perform it, and Hillary Clinton even wrote a foreword for one edition.

    Yet the book has the line ‘if it was rape, it was a good rape’, celebrating the rape of a girl by her teacher.

  9. thatsmychin says:

    The problem is that Brown was just trying to be edgy, create controversy. HER vagina was not the topic of converstation, it was about a fetus in a womb. Lets have a man talk about his penis on the floor with regard to protate cancer and see what happens to him.

    Of course she should be censored, completely out of line.

    • orchidcup says:

      Democratic Rep. Barb Byrum was also blocked from addressing the Republican-controlled legislature Thursday.

      The House forbid Byrum from introducing her amendment to the abortion bill, which would have banned men from getting a vasectomy unless they could provide proof that it was a medical emergency.

      “If we truly want to make sure children are born, we would regulate vasectomies,” Byrum said Thursday.

      Brown and Byrum were both silenced from speaking on the legislature’s final day of session before its summer break.

      Regulating vasectomies seems fair to me.

      What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

      Of course, the word “testicles” should be banned from the debate.

      They should be referred to as “thingamajigs.”

      • thatsmychin says:

        I honestly can’t believe these people are considered professionals. I also can’t believe they suckered the public to elect them…..Actually I take that last part back.

        Even though I’m pretty hard line on abortion, I could at least respect the position that life ends with the lack of brain activity, therefore it begins with brain activity. That is logical, that would lead me to believe that these people are actually using their brains. To think that a 3 month old fetus is ‘still a part of the woman’s body’ is flipping rediculous.

  10. Sheila says:

    I don’t recall that being one of the 7 words not allowed on TV.

    Listen to our podcast at

    • orchidcup says:

      Sheila, I am sure your are a sweet girl and everything, but I for one do not have any interest in returning to the Bronze Age and living like a pre-industrial human.

      I enjoy my air conditioner and LED lights and refrigerator and cell phone and laptop computer.

      I have a nice half-acre with a cabin and a garden and fruit trees.

      I know you expect a complete collapse of modern society, and I suppose it could happen, but many folks have been predicting such an event for more than 100 years.

      If it happens, it happens. I would prefer not to survive a cataclysmic collapse of modern society. I am sure the Bronze Age was good fun and all that, but I expect to hang on to a more positive attitude for a while longer.

      • NewformatSux says:

        Come on, think of all the CO2 emissions reduced. And you will save money!

  11. Mitt Romney says:

    eeewww. That’s icky.

  12. NewformatSux says:

    Weren’t liberals complaining that Rush Limbaugh used the word slut?


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