President Obama has just opened a floodgate of opportunity for young illegal immigrants in the United States, but could it squeeze the aspirations of legal Americans in the process?

Across the nation Friday, immigrant advocates and Hispanic youth groups hailed Obama’s decision to offer legal status to some undocumented immigrants under 30 as a watershed in U.S. immigration history and a long-sought victory for ambitious youths denied a chance to realize the American dream. But opponents of illegal immigration warned that the policy could create significant new competition for jobs and university slots at a time of nationwide recession and numerous states’ efforts to curb public spending.

“I see a tidal wave coming,” said Brad Botwin, president of Help Save Maryland, a group that opposes legalization for undocumented immigrants. “Half of our college graduates today can’t find jobs, and the unemployment rate for high-school-aged Americans is extremely high. This is unfair to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants who are out there struggling to get ahead.” Under the new policy, as many as 1.4 million undocumented immigrants under age 30 will be able to apply for the amnesty, allowing them to work and attend college legally. To be eligible, they must have been in the United States for five years, have no criminal record, and attend high school or college or be a military veteran.

  1. orchidcup says:

    I am an illegal immigrant from another planet.

    Do I get amnesty?

  2. MWD78 says:

    gotta get more minority voters on the rolls somehow…

  3. doctor bananabutt says:

    it was both

  4. observer says:

    You can argue from dawn till dusk whether it was the right thing to do, but there is no arguing the political expediency.

    Obama is determined to win reelection.

    • So what says:

      Damn him, you don’t see Romney pandering to the right wing to win.

      • dusanmal says:

        Pandering by words is one thing. Pandering by selectively enforcing laws one is elected to uphold is whole another thing. Pandering itself is not a problem. Problem is that there is no provision in US Constitution or law to enforce only laws you like (for pandering or real conviction). You don’t like the law – go through finely specified procedure to change them. You selectively enforce laws – in my eyes you are a criminal, violating the very fundamentals of the legal system.
        Situation is simple: Government finds illegal immigrant, Government starts deportation procedure regardless of how good illegal citizen he/she is or how old he/she is as such specifications do not exist anywhere in the immigration law. Don’t like it- fight to change the law. But as long as law is what it is, any selective enforcement is a high crime.

        • CrankyGeeksFan says:

          Dusanmal – I don’t think China accepts the repatriation of its illegal aliens from the U.S.

          I commented farther down that this might be a legal gray area because the immigrant entered as a minor on the choice of someone else. This is not an executive order, but something about “prosecutorial emphasis”.

  5. Enemy_Of_The_State says:

    I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

    I believe both Grantor and Grantee fall into the “enemies” definition.

    • Enemy_Of_The_State says:

      I’m sorry. Did I offend?
      Can’t comment on the ultimate truth?

      Then fuck you.
      I volunteered to give my life for this piece of shit country we now “own”.
      Jesus, but fuck me, I brought life into this cesspool.

      I damn each of you that fail to stand up and speak from your heart for what you know is right … still dream of every it every night for your children, don’t you , you spineless pukes….

  6. Sterling says:

    This is political pandering, jut like Obama “evolving” to support gay marriage. I’m cool with both, but it is still pandering. The Obamites will say that it was divine wisdom Obama inspiring Obama, of course) that he now supports this new stance, but it is just another ploy by a politician during an election year.

    Oh, and as for illegal immigration, drive down to a reservation area and ask the native if your white ass is here “legally”.

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      And what was the ancestry of the “native” on the reservation, the big bang?

  7. buha says:

    the poll lacks options.
    America under Obama is becoming more and more a comunist nation.
    In the same time european citizens are required visas to visit USA as tourists

  8. Mextli: ABO says:

    Arthur Schlesinger was right, welcome to The Imperial Presidency.

  9. bobbo, taking it as a man from both directions says:

    I’m not looking for it because I don’t care enough but I wonder how the Pres can change immigration (laws? – sic) process like that.

    It really is the job of our do nothing Congress to make those determinations. How come the Pukes aren’t impeaching the Pres for failure to follow the law? — or is he?

    So–he pandered to the Gays, he pandered to the Illegals, the trifecta would be something for the Ladies? ….. What could he do? Equal pay for equal work or mandatory paid family leave?

    I won’t be surprised.

    • jpfitz says:

      Equal pay for women? You betcha.

      “It is incredibly disappointing that in this make-or-break moment for the middle class, Senate Republicans put partisan politics ahead of American women and their families,” Obama said in a statement.

      “Despite the progress that has been made over the years, women continue to earn substantially less than men for performing the same work. My Administration will continue to fight for a woman’s right for equal pay for equal work, as we rebuild our economy so that hard work pays off, responsibility is rewarded, and every American gets a fair shot to succeed,” he added.

    • So what says:

      Executive order.

  10. jpfitz says:

    All POLITICIANS pander. Get over yourselves and have a nice day in the beautiful outdoors. America really is America the beautiful.

  11. JS says:

    Well, there’s a shocker… Dvorak’s readers (self-proclaimed libertarians who in reality are simply (simple?) folks with an “I’ve got mine, screw you” philosophy) saying “screw you” to kids who had no say in their current situation 3-1.

  12. BigBoyBC says:

    First he pandered to the gay community to get money and votes, now he’s doing the same to the Latino community. What next? 40 acres and a mule for Blacks. I dread to see how far this guy will go for his October Surprise. I suspect the mass droning of Syria and/or Iran.

    Geeze, W was bad, but this guy is worse for one simple fact, he said he knew better…

  13. NewformatSux says:

    Obama is not faithfully enforcing the laws.

    • So what says:

      Actually no where in the oath of office does it mention enforcing laws.

      • dave m brewer says:

        Explain to me what this means…

        protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

        • So what says:

          Do you see “enforcing” any where in the oath? Don’t put words in the Constitution that aren’t there or alfie will call you a liberal progressive.

  14. AdmFubar says:

    “Did the President do this because he believes it was the right thing to do, or was it political pandering to a large voting group?”


    this is nothing more the the corporate oligarchy making sure they have enough immigrants (who will work for less) to compete with higher priced us citizens, to help lower “costs” (ie protect the profits for shareholders)

  15. NewformatSux says:

    The immigration reformers will be very unhappy to have their sweet cuddly little anecdotes taken away from them. They oppose even the deportation of illegal immigrant who commit additional felonies.

  16. nedsteady says:

    So the Repub’s response to this is “He should have waited till Congress had a chance to enact comprehensive reform”.

    Sound familiar? Same line they used after health care reform. Like Congress has been able to get anything done.

    Proves the old adage correct: “Republicans believe in reform. But not today.”

    • orchidcup says:

      The approval rating for Congress jumped up from 15% to 17% this month.

      I can’t imagine what happened.

    • bracketcreep says:

      “Reform” is not necessary. We have sufficient laws on the books. BHO is just bending to the will of big biz who wants cheap labor because they are too lazy and stupid to innovate. He’s also bending to the will of ethnic advocacy groups who want to fill the USA with “replacement americans.”

      I just wonder what the USA will look like in 30-40 years when the workforce is predominately low-wage former third worlders who have to support the old rich gringos on SS. This will be mathematically impossible but logic has always been the enemy of those seeking “reform.”

  17. Makes sense. We’re going to need more young people in the military to keep the wars going, and all those chubby American citizens don’t fit the bill anymore. Can’t say there’s much of an opportunity here for them aside from breaking down doors or joining the TSA as pre-op groin shavers.

  18. Sheila says:

    Gee, that’s real nice of him. But his timing couldn’t be worse. I guess he doesn’t care about votes from Americans who are out of work — isn’t that the majority these days?

    Listen to our podcast at

  19. NewformatSux says:

    Obama has decided he will rewrite the laws to suit his preferences. Obama said last year that he does not have the authority to do what he is now doing, rewrite immigration law with executive orders. He is not taking care that the laws be faithfully executed. This should be objected to by everyone, or future presidents will simply extend it to their own needs. Hey, I think taxes are too high, I am going to announce by executive order that I will not enforce tax rates higher than the rate I prefer. I don’t like these regulations, I won’t prosecute violators of these regulations.

    • CrankyGeeksFan says:

      What was just issued by President Obama was not an executive order. It’s called a “prosecutorial preference” or something like that.

      Both political parties don’t want to limit this sort of power because when either party is in the White House they want their own party to be able to do this.

  20. NewformatSux says:

    So are you going to issue an updated post that the hitchhiker shot himself?

  21. Thomas says:

    “I’ve got mine, screw you” philosophy)

    On contrary, you clearly feel no reservation at pissing on those that abide by the law and wasted years trying to immigrate legally. In your world, those people are idiots. Clearly your attitude to these people is “screw you” “Hey, we know you stole that TV, but it’s been so many years, you can just keep and be free from prosecution.” In short, you are OK if someone breaks the law and gets away with it long enough.

    Btw, you know who else you clearly don’t mind pissing on? the youth and poor of America. Those people that *would* have taken lower wage jobs that are taken by illegal immigrants who you clearly favor.

    Kids born to parents who were here illegally, and who have been raised in this country knowing nothing of their parents’ country, are law breakers?

    Here’s a solution for you: you adopt said children and we send the parents back. No? How about we deport the parents the moment the child turns 18 and let them try to immigrate legally. That’s bordering on moral hazard (instead of never letting them back into the country).

    At the end of the day, you either agree with immigration limits and thus the enforcement of said limits, or not. There is no grey here. Fundamentally, do you think there should be any limits of immigration? If not, then we should simply dismantle the border and let everyone into the country.

    • Thomas says:

      Btw, that was a response to an earlier comment by JS.

    • CrankyGeeksFan says:

      “In short, you are OK if someone breaks the law and gets away with it long enough.”

      These people came as children. They didn’t know to overstay a visa or to enter illegally. This could be a legitimate gray are of the law. A court will probably have to decide. Again this new policy affects those who were brought over as children by their parents.

      The problem with your last two paragraphs is trying to find out who is legal or illegal. The U.S. Supreme Court decision that bars school districts from asking about the parents’ or students’ immigration status was made in the early 1980s. The laws reaching the U.S. Supreme Court from Arizona and Florida occur after traffic stops.

      • Thomas says:

        These people came as children.

        A. Some of these people came as children. The majority did not. B. For those children, send their parents home. C. We throw out moral hazard with amnesty.

        They didn’t know to overstay a visa or to enter illegally

        Bullshit. If that were true, then the excuse of “we’ve constantly lived in fear of being deported” shouldn’t be used right? In addition, at *some* point they would have known and could have left.

        The problem with your last two paragraphs is trying to find out who is legal or illegal.

        Actually, it doesn’t need to be that difficult. I would have to see said Supreme Court decision, but the simple solution is that anyone must provide proof of citizenship to use public services. In the case of medical care, services should be provided first, however, proof of citizenship would need to be provided or the person is permanently detained until said proof is determined.

        • CrankyGeeksFan says:

          The President’s stated new policy only affects people under 30 years of age. Factoid: Around 2009, I heard a projection that around 2015 one-third of American children – under 18 – will be immigrants or children of immigrants.

          “at *some* point they would have known and could have left.” That brings up the issue of repatriation. If they try to leave legally, then they could be arrested in the United Sates. – or as I believe is the case with China – the originating country doesn’t want them back. The U.S. State Department and Congress must become more involved.

          In a couple of years, a driver’s license must be used to enter a federal building so maybe we’re already heading in that direction.

          I think the new policy has to be revisited in two years anyway and the new policy doesn’t even lead to resident alien status.

          • Thomas says:

            only affects people under 30 years of age

            Fact: that’s 12 years of adulthood.

            one-third of American children – under 18 – will be immigrants or children of immigrants.

            Again, two choices:
            1. The moment the child turns 18, the parents must return to their host country where they can apply to immigrate legally.
            2. The parents must return to the host immediately.

            What do you suppose happens to the children if the parents get arrested for a felony? The parents knew exactly what they were doing when they crossed the border and had a child. They effectively pissed on everyone that took the time and trouble to immigrate legally. The kindest option is to force them to leave when the kid is 18. The less kind option is to force them to leave now. The even less kindly option is the send just the parents home (leaving the kid here). Regardless, if there is no consequence for them pissing on people that obey the law, everyone will which is why illegal immigration is so bad.

            That brings up the issue of repatriation. If they try to leave legally

            That would have been a better option for Barry. I’d be willing to let people leave of their own free will if they want.

            or as I believe is the case with China – the originating country doesn’t want them back.

            Tough. Again, either you favor limits on immigration or you don’t. Unfortunately, favoring limits means there are going to be some ugly stories of edge cases.

            When a few hundred subvert the immigration laws, it can be overlooked. When 10 million do it every year, it’s no longer something that can be glossed over.

  22. Peppeddu says:

    The poll doesn’t give you the third option.
    It is the right thing to do, and he choose the right time to do it.

    That’s politics.

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      That’s politics and pure bull shit. Do you really think Barry is concerned about doing the “right thing”?

  23. pwuk says:

    All USAnians are illegal, who got there first?

    • Thomas says:

      Nonsense. Until the 1921 there were no immigration limits. Thus, everyone that came to this country to that point was a legal immigrant.

      • CrankyGeeksFan says:

        I must disagree strongly with this comment.

        The Chinese Exclusion Act which was in effect from the mid-19th century until 1943 is but one example of a system that had the effect of putting people in the shadows. They couldn’t become citizens; instead, little Chinatowns and mining camps sprung up.

        I think no one from India could become a U.S. citizen until after World War II.

        Look at a description of this case –

        • Thomas says:

          Frankly, you are wrong on multiple points. First, let’s look at the original comment:

          All USAnians are illegal, who got there first?

          This implies that all Americans are illegal immigrants which, as I demonstrated, is patently false. There were no immigration limits in the US until 1921 and thus all immigrants to the US until that point were, by definition, legal immigrants.

          The Chinese Exclusion Act which was in effect from the mid-19th century until 1943 is but one example of a system that had the effect of putting people in the shadows.

          This supports my statement. That there immigration laws AFTER 1921 isn’t the point. Only after they starting passing immigration laws did the concept of a person immigrating to this country illegally actually exist. PRIOR to that point, all immigrants were by definition legal.

          I think no one from India could become a U.S. citizen until after World War II.

          Immigrating to this country is not the same as becoming a citizen.

          • Thomas says:

            As I look at, you must talking about the Chinese Exclusion Act. Looking earlier, according to the wikipedia article below, the Page Act of 1875 was the first immigration act. Again, this still supports my statement even if the bar is moved to 1875. All immigrants to the US prior to 1875, were by definition legal immigrants. All non-Chinese immigrants to the US until 1921 were legal immigrants.


  24. blatherer says:

    Deport all illegal immigrants with no exception. Do it now.
    Change the law so it is illegal to hire illegals and then ENFORCE it.

    Vote the panderer OUT ASAP.

  25. Glenn E. says:

    This announcement was almost mind numbingly timed to air just after Donald Trump came out with his own jobs for cuban americans plan. A new movie studio south of Miami. You don’t think he’ll be employing anybody else, to drain and fill in the swamps down there. Why would anyone in there right mind, want to build anything in that crap hole location? Unless it was an immigrant jobs ploy in disguise. And being Republican, a vote for Romney is a vote for Trump. So surprise. Either Obama responded in kind. Or Trump knew the “Dream Act” was coming, and jumped the gun. Of course, the studio is a long way from breaking “ground” (more like swamp). So it could just fall thru, right after the elections.

  26. Somebody says:

    This will give the unions a chance to show how completely they are his bitches.


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