(Reuters) – Israel said on Monday it had started rounding up African migrants in the first stage of a controversial “emergency plan” to intern and deport thousands deemed a threat to the Jewish character of the state. Israel Radio reported that dozens of Africans, mainly from South Sudan, had already been detained in the Red Sea resort of Eilat, including mothers and children.

“This is only a small group of the infiltrators,” Interior Minister Eli Yishai said. “I’m not acting out of hatred of strangers but love of my people and to rescue the homeland.”

The goal is to repatriate all the estimated 60,000 African migrants, whose growing numbers are seen by many Israelis as a law and order issue and even a threat to the long-term viability of the Jewish state. For some in Israel, built by immigrants and refugees, internment and deportation are bad solutions that may damage the international image of the country needlessly.

They say rounding up members of a different racial group and holding them in camps for deportation may invite allusions to the Nazi Holocaust, however unfair such comparisons may be, and betrays Jewish values. Many Sudanese, including hundreds who escaped from conflict and humanitarian disaster in Darfur, have been in Israel for several years, living in legal limbo without formal refugee status, but peaceably, they say.

Now they are caught up in a wave of hostility towards blacks in general, focused on a poor area of south Tel Aviv where they congregate.

“We’re being called a cancer and an AIDs virus on the Israeli people, by politicians in the Knesset,” said protest organizer Jacob Berri. He accused government right-wingers of racist incitement and inflammatory language. Israel has now built a high fence along the frontier. Poor south Tel Aviv residents say affluent north Tel Aviv Jews can afford to be liberal, because the Africans are not in their back yard. An opinion poll last week showed 52 percent of Israelis agree that the Africans are “a cancer”.

“They’ve come here to rape and steal,” one Israeli woman shouted at a small but ugly anti-migrant demonstration earlier this month in south Tel Aviv. “We should burn them out, put poison in their food,” said an elderly man.

  1. orchidcup says:

    Next up: The United States of America.

    Preserve the homeland.

    Deport the foreigners.

    (Oh, wait … we are all foreigners in this country, except for Native Americans … never mind).

    • bracketcreep says:

      I’m not a foreigner nor an immigrant. I was born here as were my parents and their parents, etc. This “nation of immigrants” nonsense is just that. The usa is a nation that *has* immigrants but was founded by colonists and settlers who made a nation that newcomers (i.e., immigrants) would want to migrate to. If you don’t understand the difference go back to sleep.

      • What? says:

        Luckily for you, the ends justify the means.

        However, if your parents were from the native stock you would be crying from the other side of the story.

        By your own words, you have no morals, no values, and no perspective.

        Thank you for your stupidity, may I have another?

        • bracketcreep says:

          “you have no morals, no values, and no perspective.” Wow. Quite a non-sequitur, Sparky.

          I am not to blame for the fate of the native stock – nor are my parents. But it is that fate that warns me that unchecked “immigration” is really bad for the native stock.

          By extension, people who get misty-eyed over Ellis Island mythology and think “diversity” is always good…even a strength…are really bad for the native population.

  2. Dallas says:

    Althougg tempted to rethink my position because it coincides with Pedro’s, Israel is right in controlling it’s border and kicking out illegals while they have a handle on it.

  3. NobodySpecial says:

    Where are they going to find enough cattle trucks in Israel ?

    • msbpodcast says:

      They’re going to use railroad wagons.

      If it was good enough for Göring at Wannsee, it ought to be good enough for Eli Yishai.

      Its a problem of hegemony.

      Until we achieve universality of hegemony, you’re going to have some cretin deciding that you’ve got to go, for their existential reasons, not because of any thing you did or are.

  4. Buzzbeebara says:

    Well, it will be ok. Israel just needs to come up with a “final solution to the African problem.”

  5. NewformatSux says:

    South Sudan has gotten independence and is now its own country. So those refugees have no reason to stay, right?

    Now Sudan doesn’t border Israel. The only African country that does is Egypt. Why did all these Africans not go to Egypt, or Somalia, or Kenya, or Ethiopia, or Algeria, or Eritrea, or if they prefer a small country, Djibouti? How come Israel is the place to be?

    • sargasso_c says:

      I unreliably recall that there is a preferential visa system between the USA and Israel. That might answer your question?

  6. NewformatSux says:

    At some point, the US needs to start deporting its refugees, instead of extending their ‘temporary’ visa status. Haiti, Honduras, etc, are not places where we should be hosting refugees.

  7. orchidcup says:

    The Iroquois Confederacy learned the hard lesson of allowing refugees to settle in their country.

    Now their country has been overrun by European settlers and other refugees from every nation on earth.

    It is a sad and pitiful situation.

    • NobodySpecial says:

      Not a problem – they just have to decide that their magic beard in the sky promises them somewhere else as their chosen land (the south of France is quite nice)

      Then you just need a superpower to bankroll your expulsion of the locals.

  8. Sea Lawyer says:

    Well, the Palestinians tried to deport the Israelis and it hasn’t worked too well for them.

  9. kettlepot says:

    I guess the Israelis feel if it was good enough for the Germans to maintain racial purity then its good enough for them too. Tit for tat? Israel is just being nice enough not to gas the Africans or send them to the ovens. How cordial.

  10. Charliej says:

    Why does the US still support the Israeli regime? There can be no peace in the middle east without a homeland for the Palestinians. Gaza and the west bank could be that homeland, but Israel will not permit it. Until there is peace in the middle east, we should stop automatically supporting Israel. By the way, the Jewish fundamentalists are just as bad as the Islamic fundamentalists. See the reports of spitting on little girls because they are not sufficiently “modest”. Or wanting the entire country to shut down on the “Sabbath”. Hospitals too. Religion is the greatest scam in history. The only thing religion does is keep preachers from having to do honest work. Do you know how to define a preacher, “too lazy to work, too stupid to steal”.

    • orchidcup says:

      God is a jobs creator.

      Imagine all the unemployed clergy that would clutter the street corners with cardboard signs if God stopped creating jobs.

      I shudder to think of it.

    • Dallas says:

      Gaza and West Bank was not part of Israeli control until Israel was attacked. Israel won that gamble .

      So sorry, ya shouldn’t have fucked with Israel. There’s plenty of land in Sudan.

    • NewformatSux says:

      There is a homeland for the Palestinians. It’s called Jordan, which seized their portion of the Arab Israel decades before Israel did.

  11. orchidcup says:

    “They’ve come here to rape and steal,” one Israeli woman shouted at a small but ugly anti-migrant demonstration earlier this month in south Tel Aviv. “We should burn them out, put poison in their food,” said an elderly man.

    This is the same kind of rhetoric that Adolf Hitler used against the Jews in the ghettos of Poland and Germany.

    Now the shoe is on the other foot.

  12. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Jr Culture Critic says:

    Starting with the premise that all hooman beings are essentially the same, the differences that be of no consequence, I realize that is the very problem.

    Everybody is more comfortable having the great majority of their neighbors being exactly like themselves. A little variety is good for a change of pace. A lot of variety is time for a pogrom. Everybody feels the same way.

    So, I started trying to think of examples of when did a small number of immigrants to a country GROW to eventually destroy its initial culture? And I didn’t think of any. where in the world has this happened? ……..

    then I thought of America. Indians too uninformed to recognize the threat. Indians are gone now replaced by Europeans. It could happen again with Mexico retaking the SouthWest thru their birthrate. Will it happen?==Who knows. Could it happen?==Undeniably. Thats the issue. How tolerant of the risk should anyone be?

    same with the Vikings taking over Russia.

    same with the Brits taking over Australia.

    same with the Brits taking over South Africa==but then they got outbred again.

    No one has any “right” to any land anywhere. Land is simply held or lost by those willing to fight/kill/die for it.

    Same as it always was, and always will be.

  13. Wrigsted the Dane says:

    Jews are racists, that must be something new. Ohh it’s not, you say.

  14. NewformatSux says:

    Muslims in various European countries are doing that. At 10% or so already. In France there are some 50 no go areas that are essentially run by Muslims.

  15. jonorose says:

    Al Jazeera reporting on Israel. Now thats nice and balanced! No way they have an agenda.

  16. KYC Israel says:

    I am Israeli so maybe my 2 cents count for something in this thread.

    1. Israel is a very multi racial country with the majority of residents being NON-white, this includes a majority of the Jewish population who comes from Iraq, Iran, Morocco, etc…

    2. Israel has absorbed tens of thousands of black Ethiopian Jews at a very high cost and economic burden.

    3. Every large Israeli city has these Africans. They hang out in town squares all day because they don’t have work permits, and they sleep in parks. They are smuggled in via Bedouin tribes in the Sinai desert and are infiltrators in every sense of the word. They are simply leaving Africa in search for better economic opportunities. Israel has many guest worker programs with other countries like the Philippines and Nepal with workers who come here legally – no one is saying to deport the legals – just the illegals.

    • orchidcup says:

      If every nation on Earth deports their illegal immigrants, they will have nowhere to go.

      Perhaps they should be exterminated. Problem solved.

  17. orchidcup says:

    Order must be restored in the world.

    Everybody go back to the country you came from.

  18. Sheila says:

    The pre-Caldean name for Jew is “Ha Deen (Din)”, which translates to mean “The Life”. What this means is that anyone living the life proscribed by the “Jewish” faith in the Torah IS a Jew. It doesn’t matter what color they are, or what country they come from or live in.

    Shame on those people in Israel. “Never again” — unless it’s to someone else?


  19. farmits says:

    Piss on Israel PERIOD, it is an illegal state that should go back to Palestine.

  20. koz says:

    “I’m not acting out of hatred of strangers but love of my people and to rescue the homeland”

    I would love to see that on one of those “guess who said it” sites…

    • orchidcup says:

      Guess who said this:

      The white man knows how to make everything, but he does not know how to distribute it.

      What treaty that the whites have kept has the red man broken? Not one.

      If I agree to dispose of any part of our land to the white people I would feel guilty of taking food away from our children’s mouths, and I do not wish to be that mean.

      What white man can say I never stole his land or a penny of his money? Yet they say that I am a thief.

      What white man has ever seen me drunk? Who has ever come to me hungry and left me unfed? Who has seen me beat my wives or abuse my children? What law have I broken?

      I wish it to be remembered that I was the last man of my tribe to surrender my rifle.

      I am a red man. If the Great Spirit had desired me to be a white man he would have made me so in the first place.

      Is it wrong for me to love my own? Is it wicked for me because my skin is red? Because I am Sioux? Because I was born where my father lived? Because I would die for my people and my country?

      If we must die, we die defending our rights.

      • jpfitz says:

        Sitting Bull.

        Your turn orchidcup. Easy one. My favorite celebrity actor type.

        “When I got back from the war in 1946 people didn’t want the Mr. Smith kind of movie any more, and I refused to make war pictures.”

        • orchidcup says:

          Jimmy Stewart.

          “I am James Stewart playing James Stewart. I couldn’t mess around with the characterizations. I play variations on myself.”

  21. Uncle Patso says:

    I don’t know what gives people the idea they “own” the Earth, or even the earth they live on.

    Our word for the world, Earth, means “dirt.” Maybe that’s why so many prefer the term “land,” though I don’t know that they have a better claim to ownership just because they “landed” on it.

    Just like our cousins the chimpanzees, we patrol the borders of “our” territories and bloodily battle intruders. We are xenophobic in our genes.

    The Earth (and the land) were here billions of years before there were multi-celled creatures, mammals, primates, anthropoids or humans; it will be here billions of years after we are not even a memory. We don’t own it, we merely occupy its surface.

    Bobbo’s phrase is completely apt: “Silly Hoomans!”

  22. NewformatSux says:

    Now that Obama has acknowledged being born in Kenya, can we deport him? Let’s have Clinton be the one who announces it like the guy in the clip. He was labelled the Boy President by one right-wing mag. And Obama even gave a speech today that was the same site where Clinton said the opposite. Not as bad optics as Reagan speaking in Philadelphia, but still, this is where they realized the campaign was a loser.

  23. Dan says:

    Jewish racists Who knew?

  24. NewformatSux says:

    Yea, Obama has no interest in deporting illegals. Except to get the talking point of record number of deportations, achieved by cutting deals with people apprehended, that stops as soon as they reach their quota, so they can try for good numbers for next year.

  25. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Jr Culture Critic says:

    “I’m torn.”

    I think ALL illegals should be deported. Its how a country maintains its society.

    … but in point of fact, we desired cheap labor to do menial jobs at below minimum wage payments.

    There is the written law in conflict with what we actually did/wanted. Of the two, only an asshat would give the law primacy – and of course we have lots of asshats from all the Pukes in congress to Pedro.

    But “being real” is nothing our Pukes in Congress have to consider as long as they have near 50% of the voters race baited like Pedro. Not citizenship. I heard residency visa. Pretty close, I agree.

    but===what is “fair.” What is Just? Or do you want to whine like a little bitch about what the law says?

  26. NewformatSux says:

    Bigger point, is the president can’t just pick and choose which laws he will enforce, and declare the other ones won’t be enforced in certain cases. How about if a new Republican President just declared I won’t enforce tax laws above 10% rate?

  27. NewformatSux says:

    Then again Obama may not be Kenyan at all. That may just be a lie he told to help sell his book. Do we have any pictures of Obama Sr, so we can see if there is a physical resemblance?

    One writer has discovered evidence that his mom put her maiden name on the birth certificate, that that’s what Obama’s been hiding.


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