Skip to 1:10, last head on the left.

Update: HBO Apology.

  1. msbpodcast says:

    W? W!

    What kind of a fucking name/hint is that?

    I was expecting to see George W. Bush’ head on the pike.

    Now that would have made a statement.

    This is just some pubescent mama’s boy playing at being a man, and I don’t think much of the actor playing the role either.

    This is so lame, it must be a clip of something on TV.

  2. McCullough says:

    Dude! Skip to 1:10……cripes!

  3. Zybch says:

    No wonder I haven’t felt any loss since deciding to never watch TV again some 8 years ago.

  4. AlanB says:

    Hee, hee, hee. Looks like “W” to me. Someone has a sense of humor.

    • dusanmal says:

      Would you (and media) say the same if it was Obama, Clinton (of either sex), Pelosi, … No. There would be cries to heaven if not prosecutions and arrests. Firing 100%. But, no that would never happen in 101% Left Media.

      • jpfitz says:

        Um, planning invasions of sovereign nations to make a killing on oil and Halliburton pales in comparison so far to Obama and others.

        The media is corporate controlled, stop it with the left and right crap, you make no sense.

        And finally, yea I’d be joking if any of the people you named were piked. It’s not like it’s a reality.

  5. Steak on a Stake says:

    Great. Now find me a potato chip that looks like BO.

  6. NewformatSux says:

    Weak. I went past it waiting for the W head.
    There’s only two heads. Just say THE head on the left.

  7. mharry860 says:

    Wow, that’s a real stretch. Pathetic really.

    • mharry860 says:

      OK, so apparently it is, but they didn’t have the balls to show it from the front, again pathetic.

  8. The0ne says:

    I seriously don’t get it. Is it suppose to be George W. Bush? I don’t see it. Is this a joke? Hmm..I so wanna get it but I am not…rough day for me lol

  9. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Jr Culture Critic says:

    Yeah, I saw no W and won’t look any harder.

    everywhere I look I see our culture dominated and directed to and by adolescents playing at being adults.

    Watching the Dimon investigation before Congress. Where is the Pike on which to mount this bastards head? And that is even “unfair” to Dimond, he’s a vulture/extracting capitalist and only being his true self. Its the Congress Creeps that deserve to be rooted out. Kissing Dimon’s ass in public and smiling while they do it.

    whats wrong with our culture that we worship these assholes so?

    • NewformatSux says:

      He lost $2 billion of money borrowed from account holders on a bad investment. Congress borrows twice as much everyday.

  10. jpfitz says:

    Nobody read the link.

    “The last head on the left is George Bush. George Bush’s head appears in a couple of beheading scenes. It’s not a choice, it’s not a political statement. We just had to use whatever head we had lying around.” – Dave Benioff & D.B. Weiss the creators of the series.

    • mharry860 says:

      Again pathetic, not by the producer, but those trying to attach meaning to it.

  11. Dallas says:


  12. wow says:

    The best bit is the comment section full of enraged bluehairs who clearly scour the internet for things to get indignant about.

    • jpfitz says:

      You ain’t kidding. Holy smokes the FB sheep complain about this like it was real. FB is a virus. They want the SS to get involved to protect W from… what.

  13. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Jr Culture Critic says:

    Here’s a close up. Seeing that and going back, yeah, now I see it.

    Most of Hollywood is boring crap targeted to 16 year olds. Who else is going to see a movie 10 times?

    Most of advertising is boring crap targeted to 16 year olds. Who else is going to buy a product based on who puts their name on it?

    Put the two activities together, and what you have is boring crap.

  14. orchidcup says:

    This is worth mentioning?

  15. Harry says:

    No big deal.

  16. Guyver says:

    So is that supposed to imply that GWB is a good and honest man who was wrongfully accused and punished?

    • NewformatSux says:

      Yes, and he’s also Anakin Skywalker(‘Either you are with me or you are my enemy’), who ends up joining the Dark Side and becoming Darth Vader because they have a better health care plan.

      You’re description also fits to Batman, who symbolizes George Bush. The Joker is the devil.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Who watches this crap? I suspect it’s the same people who enjoy torturing animals. FREAKS!

    If that’s supposed to be GW Bush’s head on a pike you’re a sad little excuse for a liberal democrat (I’m speaking to whoever makes this shit that other idiots actually pay to watch).

    I suppose if we wanted to be “fair” about it, since fairness does seem to be the mantra over there in liberal land, we might also see Obama’s profile too? But then you’d have to use your race card and say that’s wrong. Never mind that we might actually be able to use someone like Ted Kennedy and put his head on a pike. It’s not like a dead asshole like Teddy boy didn’t deserve it for killing that woman in Chappaquiddick (sp?), or anything.

    • Dallas says:

      somebody needs a hug 🙁

    • jpfitz says:

      Let’s bring Mary Jo Kopechne into this.
      Take a nap, or a tranquilizer. Everything looks better in the morning.

    • Guyver says:

      Maybe it’s a way for the producers to show they feel the wrong guy (GWB) got got punished while the current “king” has no right to the throne (i.e. birther accusations)?

      Maybe the producers don’t wish to embellish too much out of fear of upsetting their liberal viewers? 🙂

  18. Sheila says:

    Gee, it’s so nice to see W has a sense of humor. Too bad that’s the only sense he has.


  19. Heads Will Roll says:

    Just reported on FOX News (Megyn Kelly – 1:25 PM EDT):

    The show’s production company said they were sorry and just used a head lying around.

    HBO said, “We were deeply dismayed to see this…”.

    ; ) wink, wink

  20. orchidcup says:

    Folks, this is not reality.

    The head of W is not really lodged on a pike.

    Nothing to see here.

    Move along.

  21. The Colonel says:

    Shit on a stick.

  22. Uncle Patso says:

    There’s a joke in there somewhere about “He was the head man.”

  23. jpfitz says:

    Bush on a stick.

  24. Richard says:

    Clearly no one has read the books or have seen the show, because the heads on the pikes are the heros. They wouldn’t be there except that the head of the house was the most honorable man in the mythical kingdom. I would think that the Democrats would be complaining that they didn’t get equal head time.

  25. soundwash says:

    lolz.. next season obama’s head will be next to his 🙂


    • hmeyers says:

      With the nobel peace prize he was awarded before actually taking office.

      I’m not knocking Obama, he didn’t have anything to do with it, but the Nobel peace went from somewhat of a joke to fully a joke when that happened.

  26. Richard says:

    I can see the headlines.

    Democrats Complain About Replicans Head Start.

    Whitehouse Says We Should Have Gotten Head Too!

  27. Peppeddu says:

    Head of W on a stick.

    Brought you by the same folks who saw the word “sex” in the movie Lion King.

    Get a life would you? The weather is really beautiful outside.

  28. NewformatSux says:

    Weren’t some people saying that Sarah Palin putting out a map with arrow targets got Gabby Giffords shot?

  29. deowll says:

    I see this as the kind of kind of infantile behavior I have come to expect from progressives. While I’m sure they would all be having cow sauropods if this had been Clinton it’s about what I expect after all Joy said she’d like Romney’s house to burn down.

    The Fed Gov has no business paying for School Teachers, Firefighters, nor Police. Those are all state responsibilities.

    The Fed Gov should be required to balance its own budget or elected Federal officials should give up half their previous years pay each year this happens unless we are in a serious war.

  30. Frustrated Beyond Belief says:

    I cannot believe there are 59 comments about this stupid show and this stupid FAKE head. If it wasn’t for the people in the commentary making mention of it, NO ONE would’ve realize this and it would be a non-issue. But nooooooooo, now we have to have all these comments about how “sick” it is, or how it’s politically motivated.

    Give to me a large break.

    You guys need to get some serious common sense back into your heads and stop bitching about stupid stuff like this. Does it matter that they used a fake head of W? No. Were they trying to make a statement? No, if they were, they would’ve turned it to where we could’ve seen it and not have to have it pointed out during a commentary.

    For God’s sake people, there’s a LOT more to worry about than W’s plastic head in a pure shit show anyway. Get the hell over it.

    • orchidcup says:

      For God’s sake people, there’s a LOT more to worry about than W’s plastic head in a pure shit show anyway. Get the hell over it.

      I could not have said it better.

    • hmeyers says:

      This blog doesn’t post the “good” news items, so we have to comment on the crap-turd ones.

      Something interesting will happen and the editors here will post a funny photoshopped dog pic.

      I mostly hang around here because I have become accustomed to discussing stuff with Bobbo, Pedro, Dallas or “Alfred”.

      • hmeyers says:

        Add: Or that one dude will post an article about how “Ron Paul” is gonna win the election.

        Nevermind most people who don’t follow politics haven’t heard of him, but that is the articles they do here these days.

        • McCullough says:

          Bullshit….. Jesus on a toasted cheese sandwich always gets the biggest response from you guys. That aint our fault.

          Post an article on Fukushima, and all I hear is crickets.

      • The Colonel says:

        Quick someone call a WAHmbulance.

        Change the channel crybaby.

    • Pinkerton says:

      Not to mention that the head looks a lot like Sean Bean, the actor the head is supposed to represent.


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