
A man hitchhiking across the US while writing a memoir called ‘The Kindness of America’ has been hurt in a random drive-by shooting.

Ray Dolin was sitting by US Highway 2 in Montana waiting for a ride on Saturday evening when a man drove up, rolled down his window, shot him in the arm and drove off, Valley County Sheriff Glen Meier said…

Mr Dolin flagged down a passer-by and was taken to a hospital with non-life threatening injuries. A nurse said Monday he was not taking calls or accepting messages.

The suspected shooter, 52-year-old Charles Lloyd Danielson III, was arrested about four hours later. Authorities said he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Sheriff Meier said there appears to be no connection between the men…”He was sitting down to have a little lunch, and this guy drives up. He thought he was going to give him a ride, and as he approached the vehicle, the guy pulls out his weapon and shoots him. It’s as simple as that,” Sheriff Meier said.

A day like any other, filled with those events that alter and illuminate our times…

  1. NewformatSux says:

    Guess he learned better. JCD wrote a column about how hitchhiking has died.

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Jr Culture Critic says:

    Let’s count the number of people who can juggle more than one ball at a time: America is Kind, America is Violent. Passerby helps the victim, Stranger on Drugs shoots a stranger.

    America is Kind. America makes drugs illegal and firearm possession legal.

    Connect the dots.

    • Anonymous says:

      FUCK YOU!

      • Anonymous says:

        Apparently, you haven’t heard:


        • Skeptic says:

          People with guns kill people.

        • Peppeddu says:

          Perhaps, but if I just look at the numbers I see that in the US 3.6 people every 100K die for gun shots.
          It’s the highest right after Mexico, Colombia, South Africa, etc.

          In the other “uncivilized” countries (say Spain or Germany, it’s 0.2)


          Do we need guns?

          No we don’t, but if we do we should allow it only for people who can pass a basic IQ test.

          Last thing we need is a guy with an IQ of a monkey who drink, drive, take drugs who also want to carry a weapon.

          • Sheila says:

            Yes, some of us need guns. Two days ago we killed a rattlesnake with one. Not kidding. A gun is a tool to some of us.

            People who kill people with guns would kill people with a knife, or a shovel to the head or whatever … or even eat their face off. Don’t blame the gun.


    • H Poco says:

      The American lust for guns is absurd. I moved from Detroit to a country where there are no guns, and its really really really better to live in a place where you don’t have to be afraid that someone has a gun. I’d rather face a knife any day, at least there would be a struggle and a chance. With a knife, someone has to get closer to you as well, its more intimate.

      Americans like to fancy themselves all cowboys. Even the cowboys of old had to leave their guns with the Sherrif before entering a town in most places. Because people then had more sense in their heads and didn’t have hollywood infused fantasies of “protecting their family” by killing others. Fools.

  3. dusanmal says:

    He should have learned from a similarly delusional Italian women who tried similar stunt “worldwide” couple years ago. She reached from Italy to Turkey, ending journey there raped, tortured and murdered.
    Kindness is widespread but not universal.

  4. jpfitz says:

    The Bakken oil shale region is over run with assholes. I guess the shooter figured one less worker to compete with.

    “The rural region is emerging as one of the top oil producing areas of North America, and the recent kidnapping and brutal murder of Montana teacher Sherry Arnold has drawn more attention to the changes brought on by the rapid pace of drilling.”


    • orchidcup says:

      I worked in the drilling industry as a geologist.

      A high percentage of workers on drilling rigs are convicted felons. Ex-cons.

      Ex-cons can’t seem to find jobs anywhere except high-risk occupations like roughnecking on a drilling rig.

      • Mextli: ABO says:

        Especially during oil booms. Towns like Morgan City resembled Dodge City.

  5. moebeans says:

    I hitched across the country back in ’73. Had food and a place to stay every night. Took 3 months to get there because I stopped for extended stays with quite a few people. Good times, sorry that is no longer possible.

    • orchidcup says:

      It is still possible.

      The mass media has made it seem impossible, so nobody does it anymore.

      I met a Navy Seal guy recently who rode a bicycle from Boston to San Diego. He carried nothing with him. He relied on the kindness of strangers for drink, food, and shelter. He made it there just fine.

      • LibertyLover says:

        I did it all over England in ’82. I was a “driver” for P.E.A.R. Ltd. in St. Ives. I would drive new cars to the owners, drop them off, and then stand by the road with my Trade Plates held up. People would stop and pick me up. I never had any problems.

        Don’t know what it is like now, though.

        • orchidcup says:

          Nothing has changed except the perception of society.

          The mass media (and government) have succeeded in creating the false perception that crime is prevalent everywhere in society.

          Only sensational and weird events are reported in the news. Nobody hears about the Navy Seal guy that rode his bicycle from Boston to San Diego while relying on the kindness of strangers.

          The is no Good News Channel.

          Perhaps someone should think of starting one.

          • LibertyLover says:


          • Cap'nKangaroo says:

            the news media do what they do to make money. period. if they found that a happy news paper or channel made more money, there would be 50 within a year. as it is now, your local TV news will do 1 happy story for every 10 sad stories because thats where the ratings are (i.e. money)

      • Moebeans says:

        I really dont think it is anywhere near as safe or as easy. People are way too cautious and scared to pick up hitchhikers anymore.

        When was the last time you even saw one much less considered picking one up. Those days are gone whatever the reason. Times have truly changed.

  6. jim g says:

    “Don’t Panic”

  7. sheila says:

    it may be a sign of the times but…………..it may also be time to retreat from this crazy society.


    • orchidcup says:

      Society is not crazy.

      The perception of society is.

      • B. Dog says:

        We’ll never know whether he was crazy, stupid, or had a long lucky streak, but he apparently believed in the kindness of America, almost ’till the ugly, brutal end.

        • orchidcup says:

          The dude was shot in the arm. He survived.

          The dude that shot him was probably a Republican who doesn’t like freeloaders.

          (That was a joke). (Not really).

    • jpfitz says:

      “sign of the times”

      Come on sheila it’s not all that bad. People are generally decent, don’t let some bad apples spoil it for ya. Live and love.

    • dadeo says:

      I’m pretty sure ‘Sheila’ is a spambot..seriously.

      • jpfitz says:

        So my reply went to a can of spam. Sometimes I feel I am talking to a wall at home.

  8. orchidcup says:

    Good News!

    I woke up this morning and the world was fine.

    I made some hot buckwheat cereal for my wife and I, and she left for work.

    I nearly fell off a ladder while I was caulking around the windows, but I caught myself just in time.

    A deer tried to get inside the garden, but I shot it with a BB gun and it ran off.

    Iced orange juice on a hot day really does quench my thirst.

    That’s about it, I guess.

  9. LibertyLover says:

    I’m really not sure what this guy is complaining about.

    The guy could have killed him.

    I think the shooter was being kind for only shooting him in the arm.

    It’s all about perspective.

    • orchidcup says:

      He was a compassionate conservative, for sure.

      If I was going to be shot by a Republican, I would rather he shoot me in the arm.

      I am only guessing he was a Republican, to be fair, because he was under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

      He might have been a Democrat, but a Democrat would have offered the dude a joint and a ride.

  10. Aaron says:

    I read this story a different way. Yes, this writer got shot. But he was also helped by a complete stranger who took him to the hospital. That shows that there is still SOME kindness in America. Depends on if that glass is half full or half empty.

  11. Gary Bradski says:

    He’s lucky he didn’t meet Dick Cheney around those oil boom areas. Dick would have aimed for the face not the arm.

    • orchidcup says:

      If Dick Cheney shot somebody in the face it would be purely by accident.

      • msbpodcast says:

        Nah, if he apologized for it, that would be by accident.

        I hear he got somebody’s heart (must have ripped out of the guy’s chest himself, with his teeth,) so he can’t be called heartless anymore.

        • Gary Bradski says:

          He didn’t “use” the heart, he ate it for lunch.

          It’s been clear for a long time that Cheney is some kind of undead. Some say zombie, but I’m leaning towards vampire.

          • orchidcup says:

            A vampire can be defeated with a stake through the heart.

            Dick Cheney is an undefined kind of undead. Something that has never been seen before.

            I suspect he may also be a Scientologist.

  12. j c qwerty says:

    ….who runs a business called OneShot Impressions,

  13. denacron says:

    Hitch hiking on Highway 2 East of East Glacier might have me begging someone to shoot me.

  14. It goes to show you – keep your trips offshore short and temporary
    The longer you stay – the more a chance of becoming “unstuck”
    So much for this fellow’s project

  15. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Valley County, MT

    5000 square miles

    population (in 2010) 7359

    The sheep are scared, very scared.

  16. Glenn E. says:

    Guns don’t kill people, kindness kills people? What sort of lesson is that? This story sounds a lot like that guy who thought he could live with wild bears. Safely. Until one of them, ate him. I agree with Chris Rock, they should make bullets cost $5,000. Or at least as much as most “life saving” drugs cost, per pill. Then A-holes would think twice about spraying the streets with expensive lead.

    Just think how it would be if lead cost as much as gold or silver. They’d have to find something else to stick into gun shells. And little else has the stopping (or killing) power of lead. So you’d likely survive being hit with something like hard rubber bullets. Or some light weight metal replacement.

    You can’t tell me that the Lead industry couldn’t do exactly what the oil industry does now. And boost the price whenever it suits them to. Of course that would kill the sales of Lead Acid car batteries. Good. We should stop using them things anyway. Too toxic to the environment. And non-lead battery production would get a boost in production, and bring the cost down. Making electric cars, a lot cheaper.

    If anything can be said to be poisoning the earth, it’s cheap lead, not excess carbon. Because the plant life can deal with the carbon. Hell, the plants love it. Nothing likes lead. It’s toxic in all forms. So why keep it so damn cheap, that it’s used so freely? At least make it a controlled substance. Screw the gun [makers] lobby, if they don’t like it. Make lead’s cost reflect what toll it takes on life. They tax tobacco and alcohol sales for that very reason, don’t they?

    See what happens when lead bullets gets a hefty tax. You can always buy plastic bullets, for practice. And buy a couple dozen lead ones, for when you “really” need them. Think what having expensive lead would do for most wars. Stop them cold, I should think. Makes you wonder why there’s never been a lead production monopoly, before? Some political conspiracy that keeps the lead flowing cheaply and plentifully as possible?

    • orchidcup says:

      Your point is …..?

    • Skeptic says:

      Lead has a % increase in price more than gold since 2002.

      Lead costs more than zinc already. There are any number of alloys that could easily replace lead for bullets.

      Now, you were saying?…

      • Glenn E. says:

        Well I was trying to stimulate a line of thought. Rubber bullets have been around for a long time now. A friend of mine, who once worked at John Hopkins. Told me that some mental patiences and violent types on PCP, can get shot by a lead bullet and still keep on coming at you. Assuming the bullet doesn’t hit a major blood vessel, or organ.

        But a rubber bullet can deliver enough shock force to an arm or leg to dislocate joints. So even those that can ignore a gun shot wound. Can’t brush off a dislocated knee or hip joint. But you never hear about this, because the gun lobby, and I believe the legal and political system too, doesn’t want people to start using rubber bullets, instead of the lead ones. For one thing, they have NO ballistic markings. So they can’t be traced to the gun that fired them.

        The authorities don’t like Tasers and shock devices in the public’s hands, for the very same reason. These alternative defense weapons have been outlawed in some paranoid States and cities.
        http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taser – see Legality

        Spray Mace has been banned as too toxic. As if lead is any better. So now only pepper spray is allowed for civilian use. But there was opposition against that too, by the US military. Yet they’ll tear gas your ass, in a moment’s notice. I had to attend gas mask training once. And they used tear gas. I hope to God I never taste that sh*t again! I’d prefer pepper spray, any day. At least you can breathe, with pepper spray. Tear gas can suffocate you to death. As many Syrians are now finding out. But the Army didn’t want you to have pepper spray. Even though the FBI’s testing ok’d it. Ask yourself why?

        It seems to me the authorities would rather people got morally wounded by lethal bullets and knives, than just knocked out by something else. And while the former things might kill you, more often than not. At least the authorities can use whatever they can recover from your cold dead body, to make a legal case against the assailant(s). Which suits their careers just fine. The non-lethal alternatives, when used in crimes, would not make it so easy to build a case.

        It all comes down to politics. Being “tough on crime”. Locking away as many suspects as possible, during an election year. Making every crime a death penalty case. Can’t have non-lethal weapons use screwing that up! Citizens might actually feel sorry for robbery suspects, who use only non-lethal weapons. Political and legal authorities want clearer definitions of criminal behavior in the public’s mind. And only lethal projectiles will do.

        So there’s a lot of “FUD” about things like rubber bullets. Just to scare people from using them. Yes, they can kill, if you shoot someone in the throat, for example. One website I looked at basically says “kill them, or be sued by them later”. So you see there’s fear propaganda at work against most non-lethal home defense alternatives.

        I believe the authorities vastly prefer our society to be plagued by the most lethal forms of weaponry. As long as there’s tax dollars to be had, from the consequence of their use. The level of death and destruction they may cause is of secondary concern. Legal and political careers can’t be built on cases of people firing marshmallows at each other.

        Notice how you don’t hear anything about the Guardian Angels, these days. It’s as if they don’t exist, but they still do. The “Man” just don’t want you to think they do. Because the G.A. are another alternative to deadly force. And they’re stealing the tax payer paid police force’s fear and respect.

        The G.A. are a lot less likely to blindly obey some government directed civilian control act, than the police are. So even if the G.A. may not be saints. I’d worry less about being gunned down by them, than the police, because of some mistake on a “terrorist watch” list. Most police have willingly become a tool of big government.

  17. GregAllen says:

    I hitchhiked a lot in my 20s.

    I gotta say, most people are pretty nice.

    • jpfitz says:

      Me too, I was in my mid to late teens. I found the older people very nice, the twenty somethings would stop then drive off laughing just before we got to the car. This was in the 70’s though. Haven’t seen a hitch hiker for a long time.

  18. Mont. authorities say hitchhiker shot himself


    Luckily he had a gun! LMFAO!!

  19. So what says:

    Faked it he shot himself.

  20. Buzz Mega says:

    That’s what you get when you write an investigative piece around a preconcieved notion…


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