Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. We discuss the never-ending tribulations in the Eurozone.

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  1. NICKtheRAT says:

    waiting for the dough… 😛

  2. Dallas says:

    Didn’t you get the email?
    The European economic problems are Obama’s fault.

  3. Sheila says:

    Get ready America, you’re next!


  4. deowll says:

    Germany needs to bail and let the rest to go to ….

    Actually there are a few EU countries that seem to have their houses in order but they need to drop the Euro and let the foolish Progressive government nations do their melt down into total third world nations.

    I know Dallas and friends won’t learn jack from this but maybe a few people will and trying to save people and nations that refuse to act in a reasonable or prudent manner is a waste of effort. (Dallas most likely still thinks that Spain is riding high on all those “green energy jobs.” I’m sure some of you think that all it will take to clear up this mess is for the local governments to put a few more people on government payrolls even though Greece once had 40% of the population on government payrolls. ) These people don’t want good advice. They want your money so the party can continue. The French for one haven’t learned a thing from the meltdown in their neighbor states. The only options are to let these nations drown alone or join them when they pull your nation under with them.

    I’ve about concluded that the German Chancellor is to enamored of her dream of a united Europe to avoid ruining Germany so I expect the entire EU is pretty much going into total ruin and third world nation status.

  5. t0llyb0ng says:

    It took the idiot public this long to realize that they don’t need to spend a small fortune for Tempur-Pedic.  Memory foam is now a commodity. & generic brands put the knife in & Tempur-Pedic is toast.

  6. t0llyb0ng says:

    Is not the accent on the second syllable in “antimony.”


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