Executive Producer: Jesper Holmberg
Associate Executive Producers: Sir Ara Derderian, Andrew Gamble, Sir Boris Marinov, Andrew Haverson
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  1. Glenn E. says:

    A link to a story in the Guardian, about the Bilderberg 2012 meet.
    “Was Romney there?”


    Also mentions a Syrian national attending.

  2. Glenn E. says:

    “We got number 2!” Adam and John, haven’t you ever seen that 1960s “The Prisoner” UK Tv series? (YouTube may have some of it) There’s ALWAYS another “No.2” to replace the last one that got shot down. In this case, quite literally.

    But wait! The report didn’t actually call his “No.2”. Rather, “2nd in command”. Why? Because nobody wants to be referred to as a “No.2” anymore. That shipt has sailed. And even the bad guys get treated with more respect, so it doesn’t come back to sting those calling them “No.1” and “No.2”. They always slip that “in command” or “in charge” in there. Just to be sure we take them seriously. After all, they never referred to Hitler as that “crazy wiener”. But North Korea’s last leader? Hmmm.

  3. TThor says:

    The donation threat at about 1:56 is outright STUPID! It pisses off a steady donor like me. You take July off…. you are dead.
    Why this alienation? This is like the negative advising practice John has been referring to many times; twist it around positively to get a positive response. This negative karma served here is not good!!!

  4. ivan says:

    I don’t know, I think summer brake could be welcome.

  5. B. Dog says:

    Well, it is OK with me if they take July off. They aren’t Gitmo slaves, you know. Still, I’m not sure that Adam has thought the whole thing through — after all donations could fall off without a show — time will tell.

  6. t0llyb0ng says:

    This is somewhat old but everyone should see it:

    Drone over Elgin


  7. orchidcup says:

    I don’t think I can make through July without Crackpot and Buzzkill.

    As soon as I win the state lottery I will send you guys some money.


  8. What? says:


    If the Gov. opened a “Money Store”, and handed out free money:

    1) Prices would rise

    2) Salaries might rise, depending whether

    (a) The Rich tm felt like hording all the extra money from themselves (likely)

    (b) The Rich tm felt like buoying the economy for the good of all (not likely)

    3) Outstanding loans would be easier to pay if salaries rose, to those that saw an increase.

    This is the only fair way to do it.


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