Executive Producer: Jan-kolja Peine
Associate Executive Producer: Vaginelle
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Art By: Nick the Rat
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ok john we really didnt need that mental image of you in the raw implanted in our heads!!!
I have a 24 ft travel trailer you can borrow, but I’m in Spokane.
Call Ryan Shrout for the truck.
http://curry.podshow.com/wp-rss2.php this rss don’t work
and I can’t find another one.
Hey John, the Facebook stock is getting close to that $18 you mentioned on TWIT before it launched. Time for a humblebrag.
Speaking of which, Facebook’s stock symbol is “FB”. How did it get a two letter symbol, this late in the game? Did they buy out the previous symbol owner. I would have expected at least a three letter symbol (or more), like FBI. It is after all Facebook Inc. And there may be another reason for being associated with the “FBI” letter trio. But obviously, Facebook went to considerable trouble NOT to be listed as “FBI”. Coincidence? Yeah, right. Every damn thing is ONLY a coincidence. Well that’s no fun at all.
Wow. I had to power cycle my Actiontec router this morning, for the very first time since we got it. It just refused to pass any DNS thru, and very few IP quads. Can’t help wondering if this has anything to do with IP6? It’s got to be in our routers, eventually. Or was it just an overload buffer? It would be nice to have a way to flush the thing, without turning the router off.