Executive Producers: Sir Joseph Wagner, Dmitry Fedoseyev, Sir James Howard, Sir Herbert Harms, Sir Gordon Walton
Associate Executive Producers: Tyler O’Brien, Scott, Gary Kostalnick, Sir Christopher Wolf, Anonymous, Rick Cable, Thomas Casey
Art By: MartinJJ
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HFCS is not crystallizable. Period. Fructose is though…
Did a search for Frank Marshal Davis and found a photo showing all four. There is a resemblance and many have noticed. The group pic was put together by at least 2008.
There are Iranian forces in Syria? I just don’t trust any source of information from there. I’m not exactly sure why we aren’t backing the Turks in sending in weapons if they want to take out the Syrian government.
So we are trying to buy Russian support? Obama has been shockingly rude to the Poles for some reason.
The levels or radioactive material may be elevated but compared to what? Something that can be measured but doesn’t mean jack compared to an X-ray. It isn’t significant. Pure terror mongering.
Guys ,
No hamburgers at Tim Hortons !!!
Tim Horton’s is a Coffee/Donut shop. You have several starting to open up there in the states now.
You are thinking of Harvey’s Hamburgers. They are usually located right next to most Tim Horton’s.
Yeah! WTF?? Thought JCD was a Kanuckaphile?
John, you lost a bit of street cred as a foodie with that Tim Horton’s mistake, but you gained it back in spades when you put the smack down on Adam’s “corn sugar” crackpottery. I agree, if they could have crystallized HFCS, they would have done so decades ago.
my question. the bath salts thing cropped up a few years ago… but it was actually bath salts… now bath salts is just a name for a designer drug? im confused.
No I think you nailed it.
“Bath salts” is a ridiculous name for a drug. Where did it come from?
No one knows for sure. But because MDPV and mephedrone occupy a gray area legally, distributors have marketed them as something else: plant food, bath powder, and yes, bath salts.
What do you mean by “a gray area legally”?
MDPV and mephedrone have been illegal in the United States since 2010, but the manufacturers try to avoid prosecution by slightly modifying the compounds to make them technically legal.
How much do bath salts cost?
About $25 to $50 per packet.
John, you can crystallize water. It’s called ice.