The CBS 3 I-Team has learned that a Catholic priest who was removed from the ministry over sex abuse allegations now holds a sensitive security post at Philadelphia International Airport.

The security checkpoint between Terminals D and E is a busy place where thousands of people – including lots of kids – pass through every day. But you might not believe who the I-Team observed working as a TSA supervisor at that checkpoint this week: Thomas Harkins.

Until 2002, Harkins was a Catholic priest working at churches across South Jersey. But the Diocese of Camden removed him from ministry because it found he sexually abused two young girls. Now, in a new lawsuit, a third woman is claiming she also is one of Harkins’ victims.

So who’s feeling you up today?

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Jr Culture Critic says:

    The main justification and protection is that everybody KNOWS the TSA peeps are pedophiles while only half the people and 10% of Catholics know that about priests.

    Think of it as rehab.

  2. sargasso_c says:

    I am confused. Does the TSA hire felons? Has this allegation against the person been investigated by the police?

    • jpfitz says:

      The perv and the Diocese settled out of court in the older cases. The new case hadn’t hit the books yet. Now it has through journalism. Will Janet fire the perv or look the other way.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Does the TSA hire felons?

      You have to ask?

      The TSA grabs what ever whatever low-expectation, dead-beat mother-fuckers it can to work at their near minimum-wage security-theatre jobs that it can scrape off the bottom of the barrel to ruin the travel experience for any disabled traveler or child they can wrench from their reverie and dash in the face with water from the bucket of slop they swim in.

      I wouldn’t be surprised if their employment forms said: Got any self-respect left, go home and be unemployed for a while longer.

  3. jpfitz says:

    “So who’s feeling you up today?”

    Some guy named Officer Ravo at LAX was my most recent, very entertaining fellow. When I had a few words with the TSA agents at LAX, (wife had snow globe in carry-on) and I mentioned Janets name to the wife, three agents turned to six almost instantly.

    At 1:22

  4. dave m brewer says:

    He needs a job… He does what he knows best…

  5. ± says:


    The spelling Nazi has arrived, but does it matter?

    • GregAllen says:

      Isn’t a “pedifile” a lover of feet?

      • Anonymous says:

        “Pedi” is Latin for feet – as in “pedicab.” (I’m not sure it’s Latin since it could be Greek or even something else.) But the word “Pediphile” doesn’t appear to be a word so I’m not sure if the answer you want is a yes or not.

        On the other hand, “Pedophile” does appear to be a word which describes a very sick person.

        This whole discussion kind of makes me wonder just how many “pedantic” people we have here too. (Look it up!)


  6. NewfornatSux says:

    Obama Admin is issuing regs that employers may not consider criminal history of applicants. So no surprise here.

  7. Glenn E. says:

    The only crime that seems to be of notable concern any more, is telling on your boss, or the institution you work for. I was just reading about the “Vatileaks” scandal. And a couple authors whose books reveal some criminal like behavior with the Vatican’s finances. But so far, it seems that only these authors and their sources are in hot water. And if the Vatican has its way, which probably it will, the leakers and the authors will never work again. So much for an institution that forgives a multitude of sins, even murder and child abuse. But not the sin of ratting on the most high and holy.

    • msbpodcast says:

      The sin of ratting out on the high and mighty™ is the same as its always been: Death

      Truth and Justice</b< have always been rare and precious commodities.

      If you have to ask, you can't afford 'em.

      If you can afford 'em, don't bother to ask.

      If you can't afford your own private jet, you put with the troglodytes the TSA sends your way.

      If you can't afford your own security service, you put with the ass-covering and BS the Powers That Be™ put in front of the truth.

      If you can’t afford you own planet, you put up with the slime that’s covering the current one…

      • Glenn E. says:

        You were very *bold* to put it that way. And I’m thinking that perhaps you didn’t always mean to be. 🙂

  8. He-man-woman-hater says:

    Hey what else can be said, He had the type of experience and background they were looking for.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Can anyone say background check?

    You hear about this kind of crap everywhere! So it has me wondering just who is doing these background checks on TSA pedophiles prior to them getting hired.

    If the media could maybe figure out how to at least embarrass the entity doing these background checks and possibly make them do their jobs right, maybe we might not have as many sensational stories like this. Then again, maybe that would result in the media not having as much to report on too!

  10. deowll says:

    If I understood one poster they still do the background checks. They just aren’t supposed to consider the answers when hiring. I will leave it to you to decide if that is rational or not. If it isn’t you know who to vote out of office.

    • Skeptic says:

      They did do a a background check before they hired Harkins. He was the guy standing way behind the guy who was applying for the job.

  11. Skeptic says:

    How do you treat a pedophile?

    Give him a pedicure.

  12. That is probably the best they could find in New Jersey.

  13. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Jr Culture Critic says:

    Anonymous instructively says:
    5/26/2012 at 5:51 pm

    “Pedi” is Latin for feet – as in “pedicab.” (I’m not sure it’s Latin since it could be Greek or even something else.) // Nah, its Latin for foot along with pod, as pedo is for child, as pedant is for teach, as phile is for lover of. All Latin.

    But the word “Pediphile” doesn’t appear to be a word so I’m not sure if the answer you want is a yes or not. /// No reason for it not to be but podophile is the more accepted usage

    On the other hand, “Pedophile” does appear to be a word which describes a very sick person. /// Yes, “sick” as in violates a cultural norm. A question of degree or an absolute? fun to watch cultural norms change over time and evaluate exactly what was at issue?

    This whole discussion kind of makes me wonder just how many “pedantic” people we have here too. (Look it up!) /// I did, as most pedants would. fun to touch base now and then. Yep….just what I thought/hoped it was. I really wish the Oxford was free and on line. Only dictionary worth reading if you really want the full story.

    • jpfitz says:

      Being pedantically consumed about knowledge. I consulted the Merriam-Webster on my desk. Ironic that one word below the definition I was looking for the word pederast appears. I still read the dictionary. Still hungry.

      Let me ask you this. When I last had the pleasure of being groped by the TSA at LAX I was asked if I had any guns at home. Is this a normal line of questioning for a TSA agent who just felt my right nut, with the back of his hand of course. I was traveling home to NY.

      Lastly I noticed your moniker includes culture critic. Does this have anything to do with a blog written by Sandy? Or just coincidence.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Jr Culture Critic says:

        Pederast–now we move from the Romans to the Greeks. Seems every language has a word for the kiddies and how to abuse them.

        Not to quibble, but its “JR” culture critic. I’m too young and too little read to be a full blown critic. This nom de flame is utilized when I detect an issue touches on culture, an invisible hand on the private thoughts of so many, and is of my own reflections/stumblings. No connection to anyone else.

        Always good to recognize when forces greater than our own id is acting on us. Culture including just about all the other sub groups? Would economics stand on its own?

    • The Monster's Lawyer says:

      ” I really wish the Oxford was free and on line. Only dictionary worth reading if you really want the full story.

      Yeah, those lying bastards over at Webster!

  14. JimD, Boston, MA says:

    As part of their “Pat Down” search, the ex priest can give the kiddies a “Holy Handjob” – in a private room of course !!!


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