This is for developing tools for local and state law enforcement who, of course, would never do anything outside the legal usage.

The FBI has recently formed a secretive surveillance unit with an ambitious goal: to invent technology that will let police more readily eavesdrop on Internet and wireless communications.

The establishment of the Quantico, Va.-based unit, which is also staffed by agents from the U.S. Marshals Service and the Drug Enforcement Agency, is a response to technological developments that FBI officials believe outpace law enforcement’s ability to listen in on private communications.

While the FBI has been tight-lipped about the creation of its Domestic Communications Assistance Center, or DCAC — it declined to respond to requests made two days ago about who’s running it, for instance — CNET has pieced together information about its operations through interviews and a review of internal government documents.

  1. deowll says:

    I’m sure we can trust the FBI, DHS, and fearless leader to always use this tech in the right way…well there was that case where they tried to frame the guy who found a bomb at the Atlanta Olympics with having set the bomb but hey, how likely is that to happen again before the next time?

    Have they been able to figure out who authorized fast and furious yet?

  2. Anonymous says:

    This sounds like a great idea! Why not let the Secret Service in on the party too? We all know how well that government law-enforcement agency is run. Right?

    (If you agree, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale…)

  3. msbpodcast says:


    Like fuck it would!

    Systemantically the first thing it does is require you go give up all rights to your private information before asking you for all of that information … and then giving it away for somebody else to sell.

    <sheep bleeting>

  4. ac/dc says:

    Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! Music to my ears.

  5. jasontheodd says:

    I am more than a little concerned that my government is unable to find ways to eavesdrop on my newfangled communications while half the teenage hackers on the planet have been writing tutorials on how to do it on the web….The only thing that really prevents eavesdropping is encryption. So is that what this is really about, preventing encryption or forcing companies to leave back doors in their algorithms???

    • msbpodcast says:

      The only thing that really prevents eavesdropping is encryption.

      Nope, it doesn’t, but it does prevent the eavesdropper from making any sense of what they’ve overheard.

  6. NewfornatSux says:

    They already intercept telephone communications with a warrant.

    • Generationofswine says:

      I’m more PO’ed that they’re talking about redeveloping what the NSA has already done with tax dollars. Why not just make a phone call.

  7. GregAllen says:

    1) No, I don’t trust the FBI.

    2) Yes, the FBI needs to follow crimminals using modern technology.

  8. JimD, Boston, MA says:

    I like the picture ! The “Security Cam” looking at your laptop …
    But the real security cam will be IN THE LAPTOP – LOOKING AT YOU !!! And remotely controlled by the SECRET SECURITY STATE – WITH HELP FROM INTEL AND MICROSOFT OF COURSE !!!


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