1. jealousmonk says:

    I’ve been using this process for my afternoon and evening dessert coffee for about six months. It is awesome. My advice, get the largest one you can.

  2. cheese says:

    …bloody ding ding dong…

  3. theweerdough says:

    I’ve been using an AeroPress with an Able stainless steel filter to make my own version of this ever since I first had a Vietnamese coffee at a local Vietnamese restaurant about 6 months ago. Instead of pressing the coffee, I let the it drip brew through the filter over sweetened condensed milk like a Vietnamese style coffee. Works pretty good I think, and I already had the equipment. Very strong and great with ice too.

  4. Cat2 says:

    Paid advertisement!
    Normally it’s not an issue; just free commerce and I’m fine with it.

    Unfortunately, don’t buy the advertised coffee (Trung Nguyen), or any coffee produced from VN nowadays! They have now spiked the process with quinine (to increase bitterness since the condensed milk is very sweet), gelatin produced in China (!), caramel, and many other chemicals into the mix! It’s horrible and not good for you.
    I don’t trust the Vietnamese FDA (or its equivalent – and Chinese too for that matter). Our FDA and USDA are hardly perfect, but we have check-and-balances and it’s more transparent, if not completely trustworthy. I wouldn’t buy food products from any country ruled by a totalitarian regime, period!

    • Andre says:

      Thanks for the piece of advice. Is it true with quinine? So Trung Nguyen coffee is in fact not the real coffee or rather not any kind of blend coffee out there? Where did you get that information so i can read & learn more? FDA? Why they’re still around chinatown market’s shelves? Some of my friends are addicted to Trung Nguyen really & they do recommend its instant coffee packets over others.

  5. McCullough says:

    I use a French Roast from New Orleans with Chicory, but I can’t do the condensed milk, its waaaaay too sweet.

    But it’s still better than anything you can get from Starbucks.

  6. bobbo, the gourmand gourmet and galloping extremist says:

    I roast my own green beans and make my own croissants to go with my morning, afternoon, and evening cappuccino. Coffee and its variants comes in at #3 on my list behind water, then beer. Wine is #4. ymmv.

    True gormets say if you put sugar or cream or anything else into coffee then you don’t actually like coffee. Fine. But I really do like espresso with milk. Taste is what it is, to be fully embraced with all its individualism. Never let a blow hard tell you what is good or bad……you might listen…..for an alternative to expand your horizons, but never a substituted opinion. Coffee is like politics in that regard.

    condensed sweetened milk is not milk with added sugar. That would be sweetened milk. No, condensed has the water removed. Changes the taste and chemistry of the product.

    I also make my own Bailey’s Irish Cream knock off. Can’t be made with milk and sugar. Whipping Cream and sugar comes close, but condensed milk is the key.


    • John E. Quantum says:

      I thought you were going to say that you don’t always drink beer, but that when you do…..

    • hmeyers says:

      Bobbo is living the high life as a 1%er!

      Who knew!

      • bobbo, the gourmand gourmet and galloping extremist says:

        If I had a couple of hot young babes looking at me the way those models do in those commercials – – I wouldn’t be wasting my time drinking beer.

        My friends…..I am always thirsty.

  7. Interesting, but the music and singing caused me to jam both ears with sharpened pencils.

  8. bobbo, the gourmand gourmet and galloping extremist says:

    Egon–thanks for the idea.


    I think my high tolerance for coffee is in fact swamped by the volume of the double espresso’s I drink. I’ve been meaning to switch back to my French Press for a more consistent brew.

    Will be fun to experiment with amount of grounds with how much egg, yolk vs whites. My stomach does get a bit upset by the end of the day and I switch to hot tea.

    The future is so bright, I gotta wear shades.

  9. Zybch says:

    Aeropress for me, with the regular filters. The metal ones just don’t filter out the small grinds.

    The music in this video was dreadful, and whoever though that using white subtitles over a predominantly white video is a damn moran. I know I missed a couple of them but there is no way I’m going to rewatch it thanks to the ‘music’. Its like cats screwing!

    • bobbo, the gourmand gourmet and galloping extremist says:

      You should consider upgrading your computer to one that has a volume knob on the speakers? Its supposed to be standard on Win 8–but the aftermarket is full of them. I saw one know with minus 3 on it. I think that is to pop your ears when you are stuffy.

      • deowll says:

        Most external speakers have volume controls. Of course the little speaker icon in the lower right normally put there as the default works as a slide volume control or you can just check or uncheck mute. If this was turned off for some reason go to the control panel and turn it back on.

        Course my keyboard has a volume control…

        • bobbo, the gourmand gourmet and galloping extremist says:

          So, you’ve got an advanced triple threat control on that volume control issue huh? I can’t afford such advanced systems.

          I’d look into going to Radio Shack and finding a rheostat to solder into the outgoing speaker cables. Its a kludge, but it could work. Or maybe an on/off switch? Shows the benefit of having modular equipment though, you could just unplug the speakers if they weren’t hard wired in?

          Why has technology failed us so?

          • Zybch says:

            I have a volume control of course, but that doesn’t in any way excuse the jerk who did the video and his ferrets-in-a-blender soundtrack!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Get a Toddy Coffee system. It’s very similar to the method in this video but requires no sweetener (like that concentrated condensed evaporated milk), uses a lot more coffee and brews with cold water. And it’s American!

    What you end up with is a concentrated liquid form of coffee where all you do is add a very small amount to a hot cup of water. Toddy coffee has about 65% less acid for those with sensitive stomachs too. It’s probably the best cup of coffee you’ll ever have that would easily beat out this Vietnamese method in just about any taste test.


  11. bobbo, the gourmand gourmet and galloping extremist says:

    Anon–I remember years ago reading about cold brew coffee but I never even tried it. I’m making my first batch right now and will report back–in 24 hours.

    Yes, different temps and pressures dissolve different elements from a coffee bean, but I had never thought of hot coffee as “coffee on demand.” When you read about espresso, all they talk about is the required (hot) temp and pressure to produce the “crema” that is the goal of espresso. I make my espresso as much the same as I can every time but I would say I only get a GREAT espresso 10% of the time. Grind, tamp, temp, pressure, time==all those variables producing different tastes and sweetnesses.

    It will crack me up if cold brew does deliver twice the good taste elements without the acid. Stay tuned.


    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Well – its coffee … but I guess I’ve grown used to the bitter kick of a hot process? I made the brew with 1/2 cup grounds and 2 cups water per the link above but I drank the result straight with no further dilution except a bit of milk.

      Seemed to be a bit like slightly watered down coffee just showing how corrupted my own taste buds have become.

      I could see drinking the stuff though if there was no alternative, or if I got used to it, or if all 5 of my machines broke? And that might be it….drink espresso until all my machines break, then while “shopping” for a replacement, drink the cool press.

      I never notice a caffeine jolt or withdrawal, I’m not addicted–its just the way it is.

  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Yeah, but is it made from real Vietnamese?

  13. t0llyb0ng says:

    The irritating music was in F-minor.  My tuney fork told me so.

  14. If it tastes good says:

    You have to approach a new drink from a food history perspective and think of what is typically eaten with it. Drinks are adapted over time along with food. In this case, the sweet, strong coffee drink is enjoyed after a meal which typically is not too high in fat and quite often spicy. Follow up a lunch of spicy pho noodles or a banh mi sandwich on crusty French bread with this coffee, and you may enjoy it more. I would think any good French roast should be great. It’s just a strong drip brew coffee using a single-serve metal filter. The sweetened condensed milk is what makes it what it is.


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