Click to enlarge

Thanks, Ursarodina

  1. McLaren F1 says:

    What, only 2 digits?

  2. jim g says:

    Fast enough for the Delorean to do s time jump….

  3. Skeptic says:

    I’m surprised they can spell.


  4. Glenn E. says:

    Is this just a warning? Or are there citations involved?

    You can’t tell me that these thing don’t mess up. Like if one car passes another faster, who gets to ticket if they’re photo’d beside each other. And what if some moron is swinging a metal bat, in the camera’s field of view, as a car shows up? And what about weather? Will hail effect it? Don’t expect a court to decide, because they’ve gone automatic fine, with these things.

    • Skeptic says:

      If the moron was swinging a bat to cancel out the car’s speed, he would have to be: a) standing in traffic and, b) swinging a millisecond before the car ran over him.

      T’would make a good YouTube.

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      the radar measures the object that reflects the most radar signals back to the radar gun. unless the car was stealth, it would reflect much more than the bat.

      • What? says:

        Not if the bat was closer / had a corner reflector attached. I assume this thing measures doppler in RF. Just put up a stationary, grounded, metal screen door, and this thing is blind as a bat.

        • So what says:

          And of course no body would notice that!

          • Skeptic says:

            The batter should wear a screen door.

            C’mon Youtubers. An idea like this doesn’t come along every day.

  5. Skeptic says:

    The sign art is an indication of their spatial judgement.

    “High” hastily takes up 2/3 of the horizontal available space, then [he] ends up crushing “SCORE” into a heap of twisted letters against the side of the poster.

  6. NewfornatSux says:

    Left wing activist hunting down bloggers who mention his criminal past. Prosecutors look the other way.

  7. msbpodcast says:

    Real Gamers Never Rest

    But they sometimes skid, crash, roll over and over, catch fire and die.

    You too can look like a pile of broken bloody Q-Tips™.

  8. dusanmal says:

    Real gamers aside – who gave Government the right to irradiate us on the street 24/7 by these devices. Civil liberties groups sue over every cross they see but where is a lawsuit against a permanent radar in your own street? Police with a radar gun, OK. Permanent installation NOT OK.
    I have been pissed off by such device installed in my street last year and would say that my prayers were acknowledged soon after: Radar was not in place a full month when hurricane Irene came and both flooded it and dropped a tree on it. Police and the city fiddled with it for more than 6 months and finally gave up. Sign is still there but the radar never again went operational.

  9. Alan says:

    I like the subtle “Back To The Future” reference.

  10. orchidcup says:

    I consider those signs to be suggested speed limits.

    • msbpodcast says:

      I tried that line years ago on a cop who gave me my ticket in between Montréal and Ottawa.

      He laughed and suggested that I pay it, or I was going to be walking to the bus stop.

      • So what says:

        Hey at least he laughed and didn’t tase you, or tase you and laugh.

  11. AdmFubar says:

    reminds me of the time i got pulled over.. I told the cop that the sign back a ways on the road read 77, cop paused a bit and said, “Man I’m glad I got you before you got onto I480”

  12. B. Dog says:

    Thanks for the post. It is very funny.

  13. chris says:

    I just drive in the opposite lane at night. Do like you’re passing somebody. The sensor will still get you, but the cameras are fixed on the right lane. Yeah!!!

    Best variation on this is:

  14. Circuitsmith says:

    @AdmFubar, that’s a variation on an old Moms Mabley joke:

    She was pulled over on Route 66 and was glad she wasn’t on 95.

  15. I have a 34 years old car. it is designed for 91 m/h. My personal record is 103))


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