This is an interesting video from late last year that I missed somehow. The woman is supposedly insane and made up the whole story. The Wikipedia has an interesting entry on her here. It’s hard to tell, but her anecdotes are quite interesting. Curiously her tale makes a lot of sense.

  1. Somebody_Else says:

    She sounds like a typical No Agenda listener. Batshit crazy.

  2. DanC says:

    My millionaire friends in the Nigerian government assure me she is completely legititmate.

    • The Monster's Lawyer says:

      Have you heard from them lately. I haven’t heard anything from those guys since I sent them $1000.00 so they could buy back their inheritance papers. If you’re talking with them, ask them where my money is. Could you?

      • orchidcup says:

        Your money was safely deposited in the Bank of Nigeria. And subsequently spent.

      • DanC says:

        Sorry, but you have been taken. But luckily, I am first cousin to the attorney general, and if you wire me $50,000, I can get all your money back, AND the millions you are owed, too!

        • The Monster's Lawyer says:

          I’m not sure about this. You say you are Eric Holder’s first cousin. Funny you don’t look african american. And only $50,000? The law firm of Howard, Howard and Fine said they couldn’t do it for less than $120,000. Hmmm…. Well, you seem like a nice young man so I’m going to send you half and give you the other half when I get my $5 million.

  3. Buzz Mega says:

    What is it about YouTube that makes some items run irregularly, pausing, freezing and such on playback?

    It can’t be my download speed. That checks out through SpeakEasy at 23+ mb.

    The reason I ask here is because this feed is one of those that show the disruptive behavior.

  4. orchidcup says:

    It is possible that she is delusional, or possibly seeking attention because of a narcissistic personality disorder.

    On the other hand, I have read the 9/11 Commission Report, and a couple of critiques of the same report, and I have reached the conclusion that there are many unanswered questions that remain baffling.

    That is not to say I am a 9/11 Truther, or a conspiracy theorist, but there is much about the events of 9/11, and the events leading up to the tragedy, that do not add up.

    The investigation, if you could call it that, and other circumstances surrounding 9/11 leave a lot of things open to conjecture and theory.

    I wish I could say that I believe the government’s narrative.

  5. Grandpa says:

    I believe the US government knew something was up.
    I believe two planes crashed into the towers.
    I believe the behaviors that caused the towers to be brought down are still present.

  6. orchidcup says:

    Daniel Ellsberg was called insane and discredited by the Nixon administration when he leaked the Pentagon Papers.

    The New York Times was sued by the government to suppress the publication of the papers, but Ellsberg released the papers to many other newspapers in response.

    The right of the press to publish the papers was upheld in New York Times Co. v. United States. The Supreme Court ruling has been called one of the “modern pillars” of First Amendment rights with respect to freedom of the press.

    Later, Ellsberg said the documents “demonstrated unconstitutional behavior by a succession of presidents, the violation of their oath and the violation of the oath of every one of their subordinates”.

    He added that he leaked the Papers to end what he perceived to be “a wrongful war.”

  7. ± says:

    Building 7 was definitely demolished. [see

    I say this because I can see that it was from the visual evidence just as anyone can. I never new what to think about WHY it was demolished, just that it was. The woman explains WHY it was demolished.

    • orchidcup says:

      You must be batshit crazy. Just because a building appears to fall into its own footprint at the rate of terminal velocity does not mean that it was demolished by controlled demolition.

      There must be some other explanation.

      • ± says:

        Besides the building dropping in freefall, the vertical line of charges going off all at once along the entire height of the building is perfectly obvious.

        So of course anyone who draws the conclusion from what they’ve seen with their own eyes must be batshit crazy.

        • orchidcup says:

          The “vertical line of charges” going off all at once at the location where the support columns would be according to the blueprints of Building 7 were actually windows that were blown out by the air compression created by the collapse of the building.

          Your eyes are deceiving you.

        • MST3000 says:

          Controlled demolition? Go look at a youtube video of a controlled demolition and you will see that the collapse of building 7 looks nothing like it. Like orchidcup said, simply windows blowing out from the air compression.

  8. ugly, constipated, and mean says:

    Hasn’t the CIA’s traditional response to whistleblowers and other loose cannons always been to accuse them of being insane, and sometimes locking them up. (Whereupon a few have defenestrated themselves under mysterious ordinary explainable circumstances.

    • orchidcup says:

      This lady is so batshit crazy she will probably fall out of a helicopter or crash into a telephone pole in a one-car accident.

      Or she will trip and fall down a long flight of stairs.

    • DanC says:

      People saying you are crazy is not proof that you are sane.
      She makes extraordinary claims, which, to be believed, require extraordinary proof.
      “I talked to someone who saw the vans of the thermite (plus sulphur?) bombers who were replacing the janitors who were being followed home at 3AM by the FBI” … is not really proof, agreed?

      • orchidcup says:


        However, many of the other points she makes are supported by the 9/11 Commision Report, which is the “official” government narrative.

        On the other hand, many of the facts she mentions have been discussed by conspiracy theorists for many years.

        She has had many years to construct a story, or a delusion, from the many theories that have floated for the past decade.

        She is also selling a book, and I imagine she gets paid to speak at these gatherings.

        On the third hand, none of the circumstances I have mentioned rule out the possibility that she is credible.

    • So what says:

      The CIA motto, you don’t have to be crazy to work here, but it helps.

    • This isn’t just a CIA thing, all agencies try this and it does tend to work. But it doesn’t work on everyone, just most everyone.

      At some point the truth does come out. If the trick works out correctly by then nobody cares. The ones who were skeptical found better things to do and the ones who were suckered into buying the government line don’t pay attention. A genius mechanism.

      It does require a dullard public.

  9. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

    Bread and Circus. We now put the insane on video for our amusement? Same as it ever was.

    You can tell a real whistleblower: they don’t smile. They aren’t happy. They aren’t listening to the angelic harps just off stage.

    911 Truthers? Ha, hal. Who is more crazy? (Them or us?)

    “The behavior” of buildings falling. When considering this issue do we use years of training/study in Physics, Engineering, and laboratory testing–or just read a blog or two?

    How do you know what you know, and how do you change your mind? When thinking, do you hear music?

    When was the last time your changed your mind from first impressions?


  10. dave m brewer says:

    Please post videos less than two minutes long…

    • orchidcup says:

      ADHD is a bitch, I understand.

      Not everything can be squeezed into a two-minute infomercial.

      The devil is in the details.

  11. Jim says:

    Thanks for posting this John. A very interesting woman.

    • orchidcup says:

      She claims that the airplane that crashed in Pennsylvania was actually shot down and the pilot of the fighter plane was imprisoned in Florida.

      A number of the claims she makes can be researched and possibly confirmed by someone who has the time and resources to do some fact-checking.

      The lady is interesting for a number of reasons.

      If she is delusional, she has managed to construct a rather detailed delusion that includes certain facts that are supported by the government narrative as well as details that have emerged over the years after the 9/11 Commission Report.

      I find it interesting that she doesn’t appear to pause after a direct question to formulate an answer, which would indicate she is making up a story on the fly.

      She must have a well-rehearsed, detailed, and deeply embedded delusion if she is indeed delusional.

      Or she could be telling the truth as best as she knows how. The truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction.

      The jury is still out on this one.

      • So what says:

        Or she could be telling the truth as she believes it because she is delusional. Sometimes fiction is just fiction.

      • ugly, constipated, and mean says:

        I remember on the morning of 9/11 I was listening to NPR as events unfolded. Not much editing being done, and they were broadcasting a few live phone calls here and there. One of the live phone calls was from a woman who said she had been talking to her son who was aboard flight 93 over Pennsylvania, and that as she was speaking with him there was a loud noise and her son told her that he believed they had just been hit by a missile. She lost contact with him almost immediately after that. There was a lot of interesting info available that day that has been unavailable since. Most of it was probably hysteria, some of it probably wasn’t.

      • Brian says:

        she reminds me of a kind of amalgam of two of my aunts.
        and there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that she was ever a “CIA asset.”
        the whole thing was TL;DR(watch), but I skipped through it up to a point when she was describing “thermade, er, thermite”…”an extraordinary heat-reducing bomb” (don’t know what that means, exactly, but thermite is vigorously exothermic)….”a government grade weapon that could in no way be made in your garage”

        spoken with the…expertise of someone who was impressed for the first time by and about thermite as a result of seeing the forensic information that pervaded the major news outlets afterward OR all the crap that has been churned up in the meantime

  12. Cheers says:

    Dog’s Playing Cards. A classic piece of art that still makes me laugh!.

  13. orchidcup says:

    In 2005 she was incarcerated in Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth, Texas, for psychological evaluation then moved to the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan.

    In 2006, she was released from prison after Michael B. Mukasey ruled that Lindauer was unfit to stand trial and could not be forced to take antipsychotic medication to make her competent to stand trial.

    In 2008, Loretta A. Preska of the Federal District Court in New York City reaffirmed that Lindauer was mentally unfit to stand trial.

    On January 16, 2009, the government decided to not go ahead with the prosecution saying “prosecuting Lindauer would no longer be in the interests of justice.”

    Wow. Usually psychosis is a complete break from reality where the subject is likely to be a harm to themselves or to somebody else.

    Two judges ruled that she was unfit to stand trial but she could not be forced to take medication.

    Then the government suddenly drops the case.

    Unless she is now taking antipsychotic medication, I find it hard to believe that she is unfit to stand trial.

    • Jim says:

      This was her response to an Amazon reviewer,

      “You’re a troll. I hope others notice this is not an Amazon verified purchase.

      Americans of any political stripe, who appreciate truth, should be excited about Extreme Prejudice!

      If you’re curious, the first Judge, Michael Mukasey wanted to get my case out of his courtroom. He was concurrently hearing the financial insurance claims from the 9/11 attack– and was afraid that revelations of our team’s advance warnings would confound Larry Silverstein’s billion dollar awards.

      The husband of the second Judge, Loretta Preska, worked at a law firm that handled Daddy Bush’s legal affairs. She got a promotion to the Appellate Court six days before she declared me incompetent— over the objection of my attorney, the opinions of 6 psychiatrists, and two supremely credible colleagues who testified in Court that it was garbage. Two months after my indictment was dismissed, to pay legal debts, I helped my attorney file a brief to the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of another client, who was fully aware of my circumstances.

      It was a major legal fraud. As for the NY Times, if you read Extreme Prejudice, you will discover they had 4 confirmations about our 9/11 warnings– 6 months before the 9/11 commission issued its report. They chose to attack my reputation, rather than inform readers in NY City about the real facts. Interesting, no?

      Extreme Prejudice debunks White House propaganda about the Republican performance on national security– which paints a target on my back in this silly campaign season.
      Most surprisingly, it was not substantiated by psychiatrists themselves. It’s a frightening history lesson about the Patriot Act, and how the Courts are violating the most basic rights of due process in order to protect politicians in Washington, who are pushing a political agenda in the name of national security.”

      • orchidcup says:

        I have detested the so-called Patriot Act since its inception.

        We now know that the so-called Patriot Act was passed without anybody actually taking the time to read it and understand the ramifications of its provisions.

        The so-called Patriot Act is a sham and a farce.

        I would be curious to know the testimony of the mental health professionals that convinced the judges that this lady was incompetent to withstand a trial, or that she was diagnosed as psychotic.

        If she is psychotic, then half the women in the world are psychotic.

        Wait a minute, I may be on to something…

  14. orchidcup says:

    “The husband of the second Judge, Loretta Preska, worked at a law firm that handled Daddy Bush’s legal affairs. She got a promotion to the Appellate Court six days before she declared me incompetent— over the objection of my attorney, the opinions of 6 psychiatrists, and two supremely credible colleagues who testified in Court that it was garbage.

    I wonder if the 6 psychiatrists were called to testify by the government or the defendant.

    Also, 6 psychiatrists? Really? That seems like overkill for a competency hearing. Were there 3 psychiatrists on each side?

    Did any of the psychiatrists find a diagnosis of psychosis? If not, then why would the judge rule for incompetency?

    Still too many questions, not enough answers.

  15. Ryan says:

    How you know she is actually not telling the truth… her pronunciation of ‘Iraq’…

  16. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Jr Culture Critic says:

    Say Orchi==don’t be so shy. What specifically did she say did you find credible?

    I remember Rosie ODonnel talking about 911. Her proof for it being an inside job was that “Steel doesn’t burn.” Quite a specific claim than an idiot might find credible? I just tested my crowbar and lit a match under it. Sure enough==it didn’t burn.

    So, Orchi, what do you find attractive in this Siren’s call? BTW–again for your studies, being psychotic is a very different condition from being incompetent to stand trial.

    Orchi–your basic language skills are lacking on a number of fronts. I detect you could cure that with some reading but you could help yourself out by not assuming words mean whatever you want them to?

    Call me crazy.

  17. Mark says:

    Nutters got to nut.

  18. Adam Curry says:

    I read her book. Consistent with what she says here, and although poorly edited, extremely believable.

  19. hmeyers says:

    Stopped listening when she said she believes there was both a hijacking and a controlled demolition scenario.

    The tell-tale in most goofy stories is that they are too complex and involve too many people.

    Any stories that would require hijackers to die, several hundred first hand witnesses to be silenced/killed/bribed PLUS the implicit planning of tons of government officials and “men in black” is pure fanatasy.

    Hell, Nixon was torpedoed by just one guy “Deep Throat”.

    The Bush administration had plenty of Clinton-era hold-overs.

    I typed far too much for how unworthy this was of my attention, yet I do have to say the first 10 minutes or so were more polished than I expected.

    It isn’t that real life conspiracies couldn’t happen — no doubt some do — but fakery/imaginary stories shift to human drama/innuendo with movie elements rather than Woodward/Bernstein “smoking guns”.

    Still, hats off to this lady if she can sell books or make $$$ in this economy.

    • ugly, constipated, and mean says:

      myers, can you point me to any tell-all memoirs by members of mossad?

      How about any first-hand accounts of events at groom lake / area 51 / paradise ranch? No?

      I guess somebody can keep secrets.

  20. I repeat. 911 was a MOSSAD JOB….


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