Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. We discuss housing numbers and FACEBOOK!
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Is anybody surprised?
I thought Facebook would last a decade. Now I wonder if it might become “Groupon” within a year or so.
The health of a social networking site greatly depends on public perception.
I wonder what the no-ethics people at Zygna are thinking … does that company have a future if Facebook becomes “uncool”?
Mark Zuckerberg (or however you spell it) is the next Bernie Madoff!
Mark my words!
The fb logo (twitter’s too) and brand shows up during most prime-time tv shows and in virtually all of the national ads. As long is this presence is kept at this level I think they will do fine.
I don’t watch much tv but, since Google has went public I don’t hear the work google used interchangeably for search nearly as often there. And not as many defend them as not being evil as before their IPO. The Wall Street brand isn’t doing well either, even after Zuck rang their bell. Going public isn’t a great PR move imo. I think it’s just to wring out more cash from a company in, or soon to be in decline.
oooh, long on Dell. Hope you procrastinated on that one.
oop, jumped the gun on long on Dell… Short on Dell, wise decision!
So Horowitz made a nice piece of change when Face Book stocks fell? Good going. I admit that I’m pretty much unlearned on stocks but I did get that the earnings were no where near justifying the asking price and was happy to stay away. Waiting to see if the shares hit $10 or $15 where they might be a reasonable buy.
I’m not sure what to make of Face Book in part because I’m sure that a lot of accounts aren’t being used while others are being used as dummy accounts with maybe one person or group running several. It’s a little hard to guess at value when the only thing of value a company owns is traffic. That can change real fast.
I have noticed that people that do business with Zuck have a habit of getting burnt.
I also noticed that someone who is supposed to be a smart business man did this stock sale in CA rather than NA or some other state that would have saved him 10% of his net worth then got married immediately there after in a state in which he just gave her half of everything he owns.
He’ll still be vastly richer than I can ever hope to be after CA and his beloved get through taking him to the cleaners for 60% of his net worth but he won’t stay that way if he keeps running through his money at those rates.
Your instincts are right on!
Who in their right mind would bet on a company that PRODUCES NOTHING?!
This is nothing more than gambling.
Great show as always, but did John just admit to smoking something when he was in Amsterdam? I confess to be a little in shock.
Come on everybody – let’s PANIC!!!