Using 200 million remaining in his defense grant Bill completes work on file.BCA (Batmobile compression algorithm) allowing the military to deploy ten times the Batmobiles than they are currently capable of.
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Using 200 million remaining in his defense grant Bill completes work on file.BCA (Batmobile compression algorithm) allowing the military to deploy ten times the Batmobiles than they are currently capable of.
“…….the size of their toys”
Russian nesting batmobiles …
or “it’s batmobiles … all the way down”
Mitt Romney’s facebook profile after he loses the elections.
Holy shrinking Batmobile! POW!!
Infographic: space exploration budget 1967 – 2012 scaled by batmobiles (inflation adjusted)
Good one!
Never mind the Batmobiles Robin….check out my awesomer than cool purple poke-a-dot socks
Shrinking? We have THE car for YOU!
Guess what ? I’m Gay !
Lives with Mom.
Jerry was proudest of his three dimensional proof of the dichotomy paradox.
Demonstrating there is no justice in the Universe, as Little Donnie made more and more money, his devotion to his batmobile never changed.
Evolution of the order autochiroptera.
Holy fractal Batman!
He caught em all!
This is sad on so many levels.
Batman and false perspective.
The seated man in the above image proves that the image was not entirely made from a single recursively-drawn algorithm.
This guy is bat-shit crazy!
Batman downsized.
Mitt Romney and his car collection.
When one size doesn’t fit all…
Holy oil leak Bat Man! Pow! Bam!….Zonk.
It’s a bunch of batmobile replicas with a nerdy white guy in my drive way.
It’s a fractal!
You can’t fool me, it’s Batmobiles all the way down.
To the Virgin Cave!
It’s Batmobiles all the way down…
is that mitt romney sitting there?