Executive Producers: Sir Geir
Associate Executive Producers: Dame Carrie Schön, Monica Lansing, Gene Naftulyev, Sir Peet Sneekes, Sir Kent O’Rourke
Art By: Brad Connell
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Sites to consider: No Agenda Nation, No Agenda Films, No Agenda Records
I fell asleep during the show… I was dreaming that I was in a third world country ran by the US government. They stole my money and passport, brown people all over the place. What a bad dream… bad!
Now I need to listen to the show again and see what you guys were spouting about.
I see Adam is on TWIT right now. He’s not giving any ground to them. He been talking about the No Agenda Show. He’s pissed Robbert Scoble a few times. He just pulled out this gun!!! “TWIT staring Adam Curry.” You go Adam!!! A must see show…
Licked her nippulars & claviculars
her plantars, vulvars & pelviculars
What’s Jesse doing with his left hand?
Hawk’s nest live webcam:
One time at Boy Scout camp in 1967 (?) a hen was purchased & brought to our campsite & its head was chopped off with an axe & it ran around headless—or more accurate to say it hopped like a rabbit. Both legs scooted it along in unison.
As a food item, the carcass had to be gutted prior to roasting over a campfire. One witnessed the aftermath of the disemboweling / evisceration.
There was a tube laid out on the table. It had branches on it & every branch had a yellow egg on the end of it. The eggs were of various sizes.
The end.
Taxed Enough Already Dude says:
“Given 53,0000 dead voters were expunged from Florida’s voter rolls…”
Sure, that sounds like a good thing, but ask the hundred-and-who-knows-how-many living Jim Smiths, Bill Millers and Bob Joneses who now find themselves unable to vote what they think of it.
This is the first known public use of the cheeseburger code by Obama.