Executive Producers: Sir Geir
Associate Executive Producers: Dame Carrie Schön, Monica Lansing, Gene Naftulyev, Sir Peet Sneekes, Sir Kent O’Rourke
Art By: Brad Connell

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  1. dave m brewer says:

    I fell asleep during the show… I was dreaming that I was in a third world country ran by the US government. They stole my money and passport, brown people all over the place. What a bad dream… bad!

    Now I need to listen to the show again and see what you guys were spouting about.

    I see Adam is on TWIT right now. He’s not giving any ground to them. He been talking about the No Agenda Show. He’s pissed Robbert Scoble a few times. He just pulled out this gun!!! “TWIT staring Adam Curry.” You go Adam!!! A must see show…

  2. t0llyb0ng says:

    Licked her nippulars & claviculars
    her plantars, vulvars & pelviculars

  3. observer says:

    What’s Jesse doing with his left hand?

  4. t0llyb0ng says:

    One time at Boy Scout camp in 1967 (?) a hen was purchased & brought to our campsite & its head was chopped off with an axe & it ran around headless—or more accurate to say it hopped like a rabbit. Both legs scooted it along in unison.

    As a food item, the carcass had to be gutted prior to roasting over a campfire. One witnessed the aftermath of the disemboweling / evisceration.

    There was a tube laid out on the table. It had branches on it & every branch had a yellow egg on the end of it. The eggs were of various sizes.

    The end.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    Taxed Enough Already Dude says:

    “Given 53,0000 dead voters were expunged from Florida’s voter rolls…”

    Sure, that sounds like a good thing, but ask the hundred-and-who-knows-how-many living Jim Smiths, Bill Millers and Bob Joneses who now find themselves unable to vote what they think of it.

  6. Pre59Cuban says:

    This is the first known public use of the cheeseburger code by Obama.



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