Executive Producers: Sir Robert Goshko, Philip Meason
Associate Executive Producers: Dame Janice Kang, Sir Dirk Madrow
Art By: Thijs Brouwers

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  1. ivan says:

    Adam, you know the guy who owns x-art.

  2. Glenn E. says:

    The Mary Kennedy suicide didn’t get as much coverage, on Tv news, as Donna Summer’s death, after all. I suspect that the Kennedy clan had the news stifled, as much as possible.

    The G-8 are meeting at Camp David, which I believe is a first, for that many heads of state meeting at this very secretive place. Let alone, a meeting about economic issues, rather than war. Why such a meeting there? Because of all the riots happening in the rest of the world, the G-8 didn’t feel safe meeting anywhere public? Not even in the US? Can’t say that I blame them. But it’s their own fault, the mess they’ve made. So scared were they, that they flew into the camp by Chinook helicopters, straight from Dulles Airport. And there’s a 30 miles diameter No-Fly zone around the camp. What should really bother us all, is that it’s costing the taxpayers a small fortune to cater to these party goers’ paranoia or sense of guilt., to wine, dine, and protect them. And what’s being agreed on there, that won’t be at the Detroit meet up? Why two meeting places?

    Naturally the national news is more about the Facebook IPO. What timing eh? Is it being used as part of a diversion, to water down the G-8 coverage? Because they knew both would be happening the same time. And in case that wasn’t enough, they trotted out more trivia about the Trayvon Martin case, again! Yeah, nothing happens Monday thru Thursday, that’s news worthy. But Friday it all hits the fan at once. Coincidence?

    • Glenn E. says:

      Did I say Detroit? I meant Chicago. And apparently the G-8 meeting was originally suppose to take place there. But Obama changed it to Camp David. Probably because the protesters were already on route to the windy city. They can’t get anywhere near to secluded forest retreat. But what kind of a productive meeting can you have, at a place known for cabins and a sauna? Are they all joining to climb into one big hot tub and debate economics? Or huddle around some large fireplace, normal ablaze during the winter months.

      Speaking of fire. I recall NEVER ever hearing of Camp David being threatened by a forest fire. Even though the local news keeps warning us of how prevalent fire conditions are right now. The Appalachian Mountains appear to be very well protected. Wonder why? In fact the only thing I could find about a fire threat to the Camp, was a fictional game proposing just such a condition for school age children to escape from. Camp David?!
      It’s called Wildfire Run. What the propaganda value of this is, I can’t say. But there must be some.

    • deowll says:

      To the young people of today the Kennedy’s are ancient history and most of them aren’t that good at history. In other words neither she nor her husband were celebrities.

  3. Food deserts? Do they exist because poor people can’t afford healthy food, or because inner city crime has driven the grocery chains out?

    I’m willing to bet the latter is more likely.

    • Glenn E. says:

      I think it depends on your definition of “food”. Perhaps there is a processed food desert. Or a big box discount store, that also sells food, desert. But there could still be smaller “Mom & Pop” grocers, that just don’t “count” in the grand scheme of mass food distribution. And if there really are such total food deserts or slums. Then it’s the fault of local law enforcement and local government, for not protecting small commerce, expect for some convenient stores that sell coffee and donuts, and KFC. If these citizens want more fresh food markets. They need to mandate a ratio of liquor stores to green grocers, in their cities. With tax incentives for the latter, rather than the former.

      • ± says:

        Wow. It really seems that it is impossible for you to conceive that the people living there are the reason that there are no good food stores there.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    I think I figured out why exactly Obama and the G-8 are meeting in the Appalachian mountians this weekend. It allows them to watch and bet on the Preakness races. And we already know the group are major monetary gamblers. So it’s fitting. What can they bet on in Chicago? Oprah’s waist size? The Cubbies?! Boring.

  5. MR. Boolez says:

    Decent show, but if Adam wants to make actual money doing p0rn, I’m afraid that it’s his better half that will have to be making it. -Bz

  6. Schleprock says:

    What’s really funny is that people think that Camp David is some top-secret mystery place. It’s just in Thurmont MD. It’s like going to any National Park in MD or WV. Well, the squirrels are really robotic cameras and the bears are really Secret Service agents in fur coats.
    In over his head? That’s funny. If you remember, the POTUS met with congressional Republicans early on and kicked their butts. They whined about him being a bully, and then started reciting the ” he’s not a strong leader” rhethoric Much like Clinton, he is usually the smartest person in the room, and like Clinton, his enemies are very desperate. If you’re not a kid or senile, you might remember the predictions that Clinton would be considered the worst president ever.


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